I am not sure of things tonight. Why are we, as a culture, so bent upon elevating romantic love to such esteemed heights? The impulse is now almost entirely internal to the individual, as though it were the function of a new organ. So much for loves lost, loves misplaced and loves deliberately destroyed. I raise a toast to all of them. I miss you. Cheers.

I happen to be paired off this year, but haven't always been (two years ago, SonOfMorrissey dumped me a few days before V-day and asked me to come get my shit out of his house on the actual day...
). Usually, I'm just glad for any love I have in my life. From a pet, from my family, from my friends, all love is valuable. Happy Valentine's!

You know what I love? Movies without a love story. Not because I'm anti-interpersonal passion just because it isn't always necessary for the plot. I wonder about the obsession, too.