by Michael Palmer
Write this. We have burned all their villages
Write this. We have burned all the villages and the people in them
Write this. We have adopted their customs and their manner of dress
Write this. A word may be shaped like a bed, a basket of tears or an X
In the notebook it says, It is the time of mutations,...
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by Michael Palmer
Write this. We have burned all their villages
Write this. We have burned all the villages and the people in them
Write this. We have adopted their customs and their manner of dress
Write this. A word may be shaped like a bed, a basket of tears or an X
In the notebook it says, It is the time of mutations,...
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Words fell out of her mouth like bad teeth and when they scattered on the floor the message they sent rattling was not the same stuff which was written in the stars, my friends.
I tell you it is waiting for time, like you.
This is a substitute,
this the thing you are
This is the varnished picture,
or else an accepted response
This is the door
and this the word for door
This is a reflex caused by falling
and this a prisoner with an orange
This is a name you know
and this is the poison to...
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This is a substitute,
this the thing you are
This is the varnished picture,
or else an accepted response
This is the door
and this the word for door
This is a reflex caused by falling
and this a prisoner with an orange
This is a name you know
and this is the poison to...
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Okay Folks, an update. Not doing so well this week. That is all.
Hoping things improve for you.
Best wishes

Best wishes

My students had a fantastic opening last night! I love the student art show...everyone is so excited to see their work out of the studio. You can see the gears turning in their little heads as they realize that this may be their future. Times like these are why I love being a teacher.
Yeah... I knew that feeling once.......
RE: Fractal desktop
Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner....
This I did some time ago. If you let me know your favourite pic, it will be great to do a new one based on that
Click to view and download at required resolution.
Have a great day.

[Edited on May 09, 2005 12:43AM]
RE: Fractal desktop
Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner....
This I did some time ago. If you let me know your favourite pic, it will be great to do a new one based on that

Click to view and download at required resolution.
Have a great day.

[Edited on May 09, 2005 12:43AM]
I appreciate the advice. I am pretty much done with the basics. Just want to get a portfolio put together so I can get into a better school, hopefully on a scholarship.
Stress stress stress...nothing but stress this week. I need two months in the studio without distractions. Anything to get me centered and back in my right mind.
I found this little piece in the back of a wonderful book by Michael Palmer
Fractal Song
I do not know where I will be in July
Sam said or said Sam
The sound so measured has...
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I found this little piece in the back of a wonderful book by Michael Palmer
Fractal Song
I do not know where I will be in July
Sam said or said Sam
The sound so measured has...
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Mmm.... Fractal... yum!! Want a Fractal desktop, from one artist to another kinda like?
Have a great day, my friend

Have a great day, my friend with my long lost love from high school today. She is still truly beautiful...I feel very old.
It's probably the caffeine
Hope you are having a great day

Hope you are having a great day

Good to have you back

I told myself I would no longer sit at my computer with a credit card...yet here I am again. Good to be back.
Welcome back

no, i appreciate the help
and thanks on the GR page
and thanks on the GR page
I am not sure of things tonight. Why are we, as a culture, so bent upon elevating romantic love to such esteemed heights? The impulse is now almost entirely internal to the individual, as though it were the function of a new organ. So much for loves lost, loves misplaced and loves deliberately destroyed. I raise a toast to all of them. I miss you....
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I happen to be paired off this year, but haven't always been (two years ago, SonOfMorrissey dumped me a few days before V-day and asked me to come get my shit out of his house on the actual day...
). Usually, I'm just glad for any love I have in my life. From a pet, from my family, from my friends, all love is valuable. Happy Valentine's!

You know what I love? Movies without a love story. Not because I'm anti-interpersonal passion just because it isn't always necessary for the plot. I wonder about the obsession, too.
I am not sure of things tonight. Why are we, as a culture, so bent upon elevating romantic love to such esteemed heights? The impulse is now almost entirely internal to the individual, as though it were the function of a new organ. So much for loves lost, loves misplaced and loves deliberately destroyed. I raise a toast to all of them. I miss you....
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I am not sure of things tonight. Why are we, as a culture, so bent upon elevating romantic love to such esteemed heights? The impulse is now almost entirely internal to the individual, like another organ. So much for loves lost, loves misplaced and loves deliberately destroyed. I raise a toast to all of them. I miss you. Cheers.