1. Im back from a whole heap a frolics. Went to the Highland Festival at Bundanoon. Completely awesome. Pipe bands, haggis and caber tossing - whats not to love?
2. Ironfest was similarly funky - blacksmiths, metalworkers, jewellers and other incredible craftspeople combined with actual-real-live-jousting-with-metal-tipped-lances. Crazy good. Medieval type crazy good. Even though it poured with rain me and the boys were in good spirits.
3. ANZAC day last weekend (if youre an Aussie, or just particularly up on your history youll know what Im talkin bout) was great. Two-up at my local pub was just as fun and addictive as Id always suspected. You could have cut the mateship with a knife. Next year Im going to the dawn service.
4. Speaking of two-up, my man and I watched Wake in Fright recently and throughly enjoyed it.
5. Im trying to step up the healthy eating, but was recently derailed by some awesome squiggly-toffee-desert decorations I made (Im blaming masterchef).
6. I had a huge house clean-up recently. If I hadnt used/worn/liked it in over a year (and it wasnt some precious family heirloom) off to charity it went. So much more space! I want to do MORE cleanups! Id also like to get my work stuff in some serious order so I can feel like an organised professional, as opposed to a squirrel.
7. There are some things in life you cant control. Right now, Im focusing on the ones I can. Time is scarce, but Im working on being organised in order to make time for the things that are important to me.
Fitness has been temporarily on hold to to injury. I miss being fit. Tattoo plans are on hold due to a pyschotic immune system.
8. I have some indigo seedlings ready to plant. Any tips on growing indigo? Im not sure how it will fare in the Australian climate, especially as were coming into winter...

Sounds like you've had a great time