i think shekinah may be onto something
if you love the person and it makes you feel close to them, then yes there is no bad sex even if some of the ingredients are missing
i've been with my guy for so long, sometimes i forget there are other ways
i watched john waters Female Trouble the other night. I wasnt expecting much. I was wrong. it was awesome. so ahead of its time. its fun just to see the costumes form 1974. the bad film, the bad sound, the flat acting, amazing. i recommend it (but have low expectations)
i was sitting in lecture the other day and it was about cardiac trouble, we were learning what to teach patients post heart attack specifically about sex.
not after a big meal
minimize activity (make your partner do the work)
with a familiar partner
does this mean sex with someone unfamiliar is hotter?
have you been listening to the news?
they are having trouble executing someone. a judge in that state has ordered that a medical professional has to administer the lethal injection.....
and they cant find a medical professional that will do it. at least 3 people have said its unethical.
is this the beginning of the end for capital punishment?
probably not, but this little hitch is a good thing, imo.
I think we overuse the word "hot". I definitely overuse it...so and so is hot, and so is this or that. But I don't know if sex with someone unfamiliar is hotter than being with someone you have been with for years. It think it might be more exciting only because our bodies are flooded with those hormones that come with doing anything that is out of the ordinary, new or forbidden.
I certainly hope that it is the beginning of the end for capital punishment. Isn't the oath physicians take the antithesis of capital punishment?