you know whats funny? I think that when I get seven comments on my blog posts, that it's alot of comments! haha, how pathetic is that? Thanks for everyone saying nice things to try to cheer me up and for those who are lovin my set. I really hope it gets up. I saw that Riae went up on FP and I remember when that set came out in MR. But anyway, I still hope my set gets up there, it still bums me out sometimes. I do blog and comment on other girls sets and stuff so Im not just sitting here like wtf for nothing! I might do a set here soon, but I dont know yet. We'll see 
Thanksgiving is coming up here! I really dont do much for thanksgiving, do any of you? This year Ill just be going to my boyfriends for dinner with his family. And then there is black friday. Now who goes out for that? I know Ill be working at Macy's in SantaLand, but thats all. If I work the early shift, Macys is open at 4 and since its downtown Mpls, no one goes there, so I might go do some shopping for my mom or my boss, we'll see. My shift will start at 7 or 8, I dont know. I hear the weather is going to SUCK this week though! Hope its not toooo bad!
And now I leave you with some things that are funny
Katy Perry not allowed on Sesame Street haha I love her!
I love Paramore
hope the video works, its taking forever
and i love this commercial
Ok time for bed!

Thanksgiving is coming up here! I really dont do much for thanksgiving, do any of you? This year Ill just be going to my boyfriends for dinner with his family. And then there is black friday. Now who goes out for that? I know Ill be working at Macy's in SantaLand, but thats all. If I work the early shift, Macys is open at 4 and since its downtown Mpls, no one goes there, so I might go do some shopping for my mom or my boss, we'll see. My shift will start at 7 or 8, I dont know. I hear the weather is going to SUCK this week though! Hope its not toooo bad!
And now I leave you with some things that are funny

Katy Perry not allowed on Sesame Street haha I love her!
I love Paramore

and i love this commercial
Ok time for bed!

I'm sure you do ...
Good luck tomorrow at Macys! Yikes. I work at a huge booze shop, yesterday was insane, Im off today as well. Thanks for sharing some very sexy photos.