Hey guys in still alive and well but dying and not dead, well flittering around limbo haha. Well it's exam week already and the exams aren't gonna end till Saturday. Sorry that I haven't been able to comment and or read your blogs videos and sets, as I have come to realize revision is totally taking up heaps of my time.
So anyways I've decided...
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Hey beautiful people! Just want let you guys know that I won't be on here for the next two weeks cause I'll be mugging for my exams but I'll be back every now and then to check on the beautiful sets that will be up, to see how friends are doing, videos and my mail as well. So do drop me a msg to let...
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Tis the season to be jolly falalalalala... Humbug! It's Valentines Day again! Ugh!!! How obnoxious can this day get?! Says the guy who doesn't have a valentine lol
Anyways hey awesome people it's the day of loving and to single lonely hearts out there, yay it's coming to an end! ^^ So Valentines Day is meant to be the day of loving but sadly I...
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And by the way, I'd say to focus on relationship with your notes for now. Love will come when it comes, and there's little you can do about it. Live your life, follow your path, and she'll jump out the bushes somewhere along the way. Damn, I'm romantic.
Now to answer your question.
1. I have a scar on my forehead from plastic surgery. I got burnt when I was little, and had to have the op. In fact, I almost died and doctors said I'll never have hair on the right side of my head. They were very wrong. Very few people notice the scar, even though it's pretty big. It must be my boobs they're looking at. ;)
2.The only food I don't like is beetroot in any form & way.
3. I'm terrified of spiders.
4. When I was little I used to "rescue" mice my cats caught and hide them in shoe boxes under my bed.
5. I enjoy reading silly love stories with vampires and other supernatural beings.
Look what he made me for breakfast
Ham, eggs and lettuce! And some times I get bacon :D and yes I'm in class :P
That is all...
1) These stunning ladies are so beautiful that I can't stop looking at the beautiful pictures and in peace on my phone, when commuting, without having some guy perv over my shoulder or some lady look at the screen with disgust! Mind your own business assholes!
2) I can't fully express my feelings here using just the keyboard! Like my recent comment on @pomorum's, @flowerbomb's...
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Salutations good looking people! (How's this opening? Haha) so I would like to bring your attention to a few things that I find interesting something old and something new ^^
First is this charity that @rainbowfour is having, it is for a cancer research campaign and he will shave his hair when the funds reach the target, which he has been keeping for a very...
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Hey lovely people! (I need a new opening haha) as you all know of the homework that @missy and @rambo gave us? So here is my take on my favorite body part.
Some of you might say but it's Sunday! It's a new week! Well my week only starts on Monday cause Monday is so depressing already and if my week starts on Sunday wow...
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IMPORTANT Guys sorry if you have seen this before but I have edited the blog due to a fraud case which have been pointed out by @midnightrider454 in his blog I recommend you guys to READ THIS
Hey lovely people! So today I'm feeling inspired and happy...
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Hey lovely people! Don't have much to say but a few things that I want to let you guys know that a few things that I have found really interesting on the internet :D
So first off my cousin showed me this really bad ass RPG game on kickstarter, they do still need some funding so check out the video and the site. If you...
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