I know I bitch about school a lot, but some days, I just love it. I must have talked to like 20 people today, it's so funny how some days I can go a whole day completely detatched and not talking to anyone, and somedays I meet a bunch of new people as well as have actual good convo's with some others I hardly know. Also my religion class is like changing my life. I've never been religious but I'm learning so much, and it's really making me ask the big questions and try to seek out some answers. Feels like it adds a new dimension to my life that maybe I was lacking and didn't even know it. I'm not like picking a religion or something, but the purpose of religion is to keep in mind the ultimate questions and I'm starting to do that, and it feels good to try to find answers for myself, and take things I like from eastern and western religions and just see what happens when they are part of my life. Also in that class we're doing a little experimental "lesson" in warm heartedness, where we reflect on it, talk about the good things that it brings about and tell stories of instances of warm heartedness, and it's just making me so happy to impliment some of the stuff we talk about. If you think about, a smile from a stranger goes such a long way and I feel like the more positive energy I put out into the world the more I get back, and even if I don't get some back, putting it out there makes me feel good. Also learning to detatch from emotions, like ok you annoy me, I'm going to embrace it, feel it, and then let it go. I'm starting to actually not let things eat me up all day and even in some cases things that have been bothering me for years are starting to matter less and less. I feel like I'm going through a soul cleansing or something, just letting go of pent up emotions from the past and not letting new stuff build. I'm really happy about where I am in life right now.
Also yes classes are getting harder, but everything is getting way more interesting. Compared to everything I just talked about this sounds kinda lame, I know some people have read this in highschool but I just read The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, and wow. It was one of the scariest short stories I've ever read. Maybe it was just the fact that it was late and that I was alone but it gave me creepers all over. I coulden't even analyze it for like an hour cause it was too creepy to think about. Once I did analyze it though, it got even better. Now I want to read it again. It's like 5 pages everyone should read it. And then tell me what you're interpretation was.
I'm so happy it's friday, I might go see Employee of the Month tonight, looks stupid but funny, and I love Dane so what can I do? I'd rather see The Departed, hopefully I'll see that soon too.
Anyway, what a wide range of topics, hope everyone has a good weekend. Be sure to let me know if you have or do read that story!

Also yes classes are getting harder, but everything is getting way more interesting. Compared to everything I just talked about this sounds kinda lame, I know some people have read this in highschool but I just read The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, and wow. It was one of the scariest short stories I've ever read. Maybe it was just the fact that it was late and that I was alone but it gave me creepers all over. I coulden't even analyze it for like an hour cause it was too creepy to think about. Once I did analyze it though, it got even better. Now I want to read it again. It's like 5 pages everyone should read it. And then tell me what you're interpretation was.
I'm so happy it's friday, I might go see Employee of the Month tonight, looks stupid but funny, and I love Dane so what can I do? I'd rather see The Departed, hopefully I'll see that soon too.
Anyway, what a wide range of topics, hope everyone has a good weekend. Be sure to let me know if you have or do read that story!

i'm bored
i like boobies and vulva
my nipple itches