Why is MySpace so annoying?
Hi, it's almost 3, I have to wake up at 5, why am I flying to a place I could drive to in 7 hours at a very panic-y time for airports? I'm nervous, and worst of all I have to take a stupid shuttle there (which takes forever) and then wait 2 hours to make sure I get though security on time. Not to mention having to check my tiny tiny bag for only 6 days because I want to take perfume and contact lens solution (GASP!)
Ok ok, I know, I want things to be secure and whatnot, I'm glad no one died the other day, I'm just nervous that's all.
Speaking of being annoyed! There's a "unpredicted backorder" of my AC unit! It won't be available till Sept. 2nd! Guhh, I should just cancel I don't need an AC in September. Prob won't even get here then, prob won't get here till November 2 days before the first snow or something. I hate hassle.
I'm still getting my rats! I'll just have to be extra careful to keep them cool with ice in their water and fan's and a shady area of the house, the pet getting is not getting pushed back any further!
Oh back to the myspace thing, recently I've been looking up everyone I can think of up on MySpace whenever SG is down (which seems like has been a lot, especially today.) This thing is seriously amazing, I can secretly look into like every friggin person's life I've ever known. It kinda makes me afraid because some people really don't know what kind of info they are giving out, but I'm not going to warn them because I'd rather pretend like I don't give a shit about their lives. I already went through all the Armenian girls, it's funny because most of them don't even have pages, but I see their pics/hear their stories through the other girls pages haha. Isn't that rediculous?
Anyway! What I originally wanted to say was, I hate how some girls on there have like a little cult, now there's like a rate my picture option on there? I mean if I had over 30 something comments about each picture saying how hot I was I'd get it, I'd know I'm hot and I'd be sick of hearing it. I would think that to be the normal reaction but some girls who I've always thought were hot, don't seem to be like that and it annoys me. I mean everyone likes to hear that they are hot, especially if they don't hear it that often, but seriously with 50 pictures (mostly taken of yourself with the same expression and a few by a professional with 30 comments each?) Also, people I've always thought, "Hey, they look cool." I'll look them up, they have like 3 fav movies listed and they all suck ass. What a let down.
I don't know I think I'm mostly annoyed that people feel like if they say "OH MY GAWD YOU ARE SO GORGEOUS AND CUTE AND FUNNY I LOVE YOU" enough times, in responce to every single picture, that girl is going to suddenly be like "ok I'll give you a blow job" or something. Negative.
Ok here's a rundown...
1) I'm annoyed that the hot girls always are never as cool as they seem.
2) People (guys and girls although for diff reasons) give hot girls SO much attention even though they are not that cool.
3) People treat hot girls badly because the only thing they can find to compliment is their looks and they are ok with that being the only thing they like about the person.
4) Hot girls always end up choosing a shallow "hot" guys in the end that used the "YOUR SEXY" approach to get them. Why do they do this even after being burnt like 10 times by that same type? Nothing is going to change if you give into the same thing every time.
Basically girls have the right to try to look good, to post hot pictures, to flirt with lots of guys, but choose someone who dosen't do the same thing everyone else does for once and try that out? Like they say if you dress slutty you'll attract the wrong type of guys? You don't have to choose those you attract though, you can flirt with them have fun, and then choose the guy that's not hitting on you. Is that impossible? Maybe I'm being idealistic here, best of both worlds sorta thing. Who knows.
This is vauge, it's not about any one in particular, I'm putting the very small amount of knowledge I learned about this one girl into a steriotype of girls and talking about that.
There are way too many !!!'s in this update, it's too long, and kinda skatterbrained but it's late and I'm really hyper and nervous and.. I need to relax now. I thought this would do it, but then I just ended up getting all riled up about something else! Operation get tired going onto Plan B.
P.S. I'm not running this through a spell/grammar check so deal with it!
Ok I just thought of something else! You know how I said that I found pictures/stories about people from other people's profiles? The internet, is just like Tv now. (Bare with me.)
Before TV was just for stars, people with talent, took a lot to get on TV. The internet also was kind of like that, you paid for a domain, you designed the page, wrote on it, whatever, or at least had a team of people to do it. Now reality TV is all huge, regular people go on tv and become stars of shows right? Even if you're not the one on the show, you may be talked about, shown pictures of, even come visit your friend or whatever on TV! This is what's happening to the internet. All over people are signing up for free shit where they write/post/do whatever they want! Everyone now can become an internet celebrity, a lot of people were "discovered" on MySpace, just like a lot of reality TV people turn into real performers! Seriously, LJ, blog websites, MySpace, Facebook even SG! (Although it's not free to be here, it's free to see peoples profiles and you can still become "famous" within the community!)
Ok this might not be as WHOAH! as I thought when I first thought of the connection, you can argue me on it if you wish, I just thought that was kinda weird/cool?/interesting.
Dammit I have to wait 6 days now to see if anyone responds to this long ass (the longest ever I think) update. Shit.
Hi, it's almost 3, I have to wake up at 5, why am I flying to a place I could drive to in 7 hours at a very panic-y time for airports? I'm nervous, and worst of all I have to take a stupid shuttle there (which takes forever) and then wait 2 hours to make sure I get though security on time. Not to mention having to check my tiny tiny bag for only 6 days because I want to take perfume and contact lens solution (GASP!)
Ok ok, I know, I want things to be secure and whatnot, I'm glad no one died the other day, I'm just nervous that's all.
Speaking of being annoyed! There's a "unpredicted backorder" of my AC unit! It won't be available till Sept. 2nd! Guhh, I should just cancel I don't need an AC in September. Prob won't even get here then, prob won't get here till November 2 days before the first snow or something. I hate hassle.
I'm still getting my rats! I'll just have to be extra careful to keep them cool with ice in their water and fan's and a shady area of the house, the pet getting is not getting pushed back any further!
Oh back to the myspace thing, recently I've been looking up everyone I can think of up on MySpace whenever SG is down (which seems like has been a lot, especially today.) This thing is seriously amazing, I can secretly look into like every friggin person's life I've ever known. It kinda makes me afraid because some people really don't know what kind of info they are giving out, but I'm not going to warn them because I'd rather pretend like I don't give a shit about their lives. I already went through all the Armenian girls, it's funny because most of them don't even have pages, but I see their pics/hear their stories through the other girls pages haha. Isn't that rediculous?
Anyway! What I originally wanted to say was, I hate how some girls on there have like a little cult, now there's like a rate my picture option on there? I mean if I had over 30 something comments about each picture saying how hot I was I'd get it, I'd know I'm hot and I'd be sick of hearing it. I would think that to be the normal reaction but some girls who I've always thought were hot, don't seem to be like that and it annoys me. I mean everyone likes to hear that they are hot, especially if they don't hear it that often, but seriously with 50 pictures (mostly taken of yourself with the same expression and a few by a professional with 30 comments each?) Also, people I've always thought, "Hey, they look cool." I'll look them up, they have like 3 fav movies listed and they all suck ass. What a let down.
I don't know I think I'm mostly annoyed that people feel like if they say "OH MY GAWD YOU ARE SO GORGEOUS AND CUTE AND FUNNY I LOVE YOU" enough times, in responce to every single picture, that girl is going to suddenly be like "ok I'll give you a blow job" or something. Negative.
Ok here's a rundown...
1) I'm annoyed that the hot girls always are never as cool as they seem.
2) People (guys and girls although for diff reasons) give hot girls SO much attention even though they are not that cool.
3) People treat hot girls badly because the only thing they can find to compliment is their looks and they are ok with that being the only thing they like about the person.
4) Hot girls always end up choosing a shallow "hot" guys in the end that used the "YOUR SEXY" approach to get them. Why do they do this even after being burnt like 10 times by that same type? Nothing is going to change if you give into the same thing every time.
Basically girls have the right to try to look good, to post hot pictures, to flirt with lots of guys, but choose someone who dosen't do the same thing everyone else does for once and try that out? Like they say if you dress slutty you'll attract the wrong type of guys? You don't have to choose those you attract though, you can flirt with them have fun, and then choose the guy that's not hitting on you. Is that impossible? Maybe I'm being idealistic here, best of both worlds sorta thing. Who knows.
This is vauge, it's not about any one in particular, I'm putting the very small amount of knowledge I learned about this one girl into a steriotype of girls and talking about that.
There are way too many !!!'s in this update, it's too long, and kinda skatterbrained but it's late and I'm really hyper and nervous and.. I need to relax now. I thought this would do it, but then I just ended up getting all riled up about something else! Operation get tired going onto Plan B.
P.S. I'm not running this through a spell/grammar check so deal with it!

Ok I just thought of something else! You know how I said that I found pictures/stories about people from other people's profiles? The internet, is just like Tv now. (Bare with me.)
Before TV was just for stars, people with talent, took a lot to get on TV. The internet also was kind of like that, you paid for a domain, you designed the page, wrote on it, whatever, or at least had a team of people to do it. Now reality TV is all huge, regular people go on tv and become stars of shows right? Even if you're not the one on the show, you may be talked about, shown pictures of, even come visit your friend or whatever on TV! This is what's happening to the internet. All over people are signing up for free shit where they write/post/do whatever they want! Everyone now can become an internet celebrity, a lot of people were "discovered" on MySpace, just like a lot of reality TV people turn into real performers! Seriously, LJ, blog websites, MySpace, Facebook even SG! (Although it's not free to be here, it's free to see peoples profiles and you can still become "famous" within the community!)
Ok this might not be as WHOAH! as I thought when I first thought of the connection, you can argue me on it if you wish, I just thought that was kinda weird/cool?/interesting.
Dammit I have to wait 6 days now to see if anyone responds to this long ass (the longest ever I think) update. Shit.

Okay, I guess I've got a new beginning, at least in my head. Maybe I'll start writing a little later today.