- on all0nblack's page
I've read both sides of the story and this is my conclusion.
This place is fucking lame. I was one of the first 100 people to join this site, and I've been kicked out of here once. I'll gladly go a second time. Too bad no one will see this because I don't doubt Sean will be making all kinds of fun threats to the...
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This place is fucking lame. I was one of the first 100 people to join this site, and I've been kicked out of here once. I'll gladly go a second time. Too bad no one will see this because I don't doubt Sean will be making all kinds of fun threats to the...
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Download Knife in the Water's song "Some Summer"
That pretty much sums it up.
Life can be so fucking wacky, beautiful, trying, manic, depressing, and all of the sudden it's summer.
Then catfish are falling from the sky and you can't help but smile.
Some summer day.... Things will change and you won't know what, the fuck... happened.
That pretty much sums it up.
Life can be so fucking wacky, beautiful, trying, manic, depressing, and all of the sudden it's summer.
Then catfish are falling from the sky and you can't help but smile.
Some summer day.... Things will change and you won't know what, the fuck... happened.
Too true, too true... Hey dude! It's vajra's pal Marisa! I'm finally here (or should I say, I have returned! It's a long story...) Let's be friends, eh wot?
Almost forgot: Did you go look at the house today? Whattaya think??
[Edited on Jun 05, 2005 11:16PM]

Almost forgot: Did you go look at the house today? Whattaya think??
[Edited on Jun 05, 2005 11:16PM]
i think i may have had 2 or 3 sets....
i dunno where you were ther are still some decent pics in my pics folders thoug.. and how often do you actually get into your own pants? are you trying to make me jealous?
i dunno where you were ther are still some decent pics in my pics folders thoug.. and how often do you actually get into your own pants? are you trying to make me jealous?
is that you? god, i totally don't remember you looking that way. i mean, i only saw you once and it was like three years ago but that picture looks totally different than any conception of what i thought you looked like in my brain. weird.
i think i thought you were some other subway customer i gave a sandwhich to. he. he had shaggy hair and i told him he reminded me of my old roomate.
Wow, you're fucking hot!
I really wanted to sign up for an auto class again at the community college here again this summer so I could work on her there, but they only offer evening classes and I just can't go in the evenings. I'm so bummed about that. I might just try to find a sitter still though.
I did get a shitload of handy tools for Christmas though so I can probably do a lot here myself. I just really wanted to work on her somewhere where there's someone around that, like, actually knows about fixing car shit, ya know? Fuck it. I'll figure it out. or die trying!
Bea Arthur was at the Casino nearish here tuesday. I wanted to go SO BAD! I mean, what does she do? comedy? She's not really even funny, is she?
I did get a shitload of handy tools for Christmas though so I can probably do a lot here myself. I just really wanted to work on her somewhere where there's someone around that, like, actually knows about fixing car shit, ya know? Fuck it. I'll figure it out. or die trying!
Bea Arthur was at the Casino nearish here tuesday. I wanted to go SO BAD! I mean, what does she do? comedy? She's not really even funny, is she?
(by the way, you are a smartass!)
i dig it.
i dig it.
I accidentally bought unsalted tortilla chips. They lose.
i have been there. but not in the regular. it's been a while.
my cats are so bad-when i lived with my brother for a while they would take on his 100lb. pit bull. and i was worried about them!
my cats are so bad-when i lived with my brother for a while they would take on his 100lb. pit bull. and i was worried about them!
I'm still around, just busy as hell working and commuting 11 hours a day without much to tell for it other than retail horror stories that could potentially get me fired if I share them on a public forum.
I'm always on the fence when it comes to leaving the site. When I have time for it, its nice. Right now though, my involvement is mostly a weekend thing.
I'm always on the fence when it comes to leaving the site. When I have time for it, its nice. Right now though, my involvement is mostly a weekend thing.
Myspace is habit forming.
I think before the end of the year, every girl on the planet earth ages 18-30, that has a tattoo, a piercing, or dyed hair, will be on SG. Every single fucking one.
The hair is a tricky issue. I usually get it cut down to about an inch and a half on the top and 1/4" on the sides, but because I get it cut about 20 miles of bad road past the boonies, I let it grow out until it starts looking shabby. Heat has never really effected my hairstyle much. I was one of those guys that would shave his head in winter and grow it out in summer.
Sometimes, not always, but sometimes a nap just isn't worth it. Especially with kitties and puppies around.
you know, I dont think I've ever been mad driving Sue. Nervous, maybe. like, please please pleasssssse just get me 2000 miles home sorta nervous. Or please don't let anyone pull out in front of me driving this fast because you have to fucking mash these brakes! nervous. But that's about it.
naps usually just screw me up, but sometimes I have no choice.
naps usually just screw me up, but sometimes I have no choice.
I just noticed there is an "Old School" SG group. What the fuck is this about? What if you were like, one of the first 100 members but you forget your password to an account you let lapse? Then can I come play in your club? Jeeeesus what some people need.
Can't stop listening to Sigur Ros today. It was a perfect spring day filled...
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Can't stop listening to Sigur Ros today. It was a perfect spring day filled...
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I'm finally going to add some new pictures of me. These are the first since 02 or so.
I seem to be the one lucky guy that stopped drinking and gained weight. How does that work exactly?
I found out that I am about an inch and a half taller than I thought I was. I thought I was like 6'4" and a half or...
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I seem to be the one lucky guy that stopped drinking and gained weight. How does that work exactly?
I found out that I am about an inch and a half taller than I thought I was. I thought I was like 6'4" and a half or...
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i want your dog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh man now i miss my rott
oh man now i miss my rott

KRS-One is a fucking idiot.
And where the fuck is Beth?