I ran across some shots of the best food in the whole world.
This is at Nuevo Leon, a restaurant in a neighborhood of Chicago called Pilsen, which is (was) overwhelmingly mexican/american.
Well it WAS.
Even when we started going there when I was in high school in the early 80's (

Well that's fine.
It was cheap, if a bit rough, and it made for a really promising mix of cultures.
BUT, as always happens, rich yuppie pretentious air-head parasitic white couples started saying to each other-
"Hey honey - let's move to this vibrant lively edgy soon to be hip neighborhood and drive up property values and rents and drive the people who originally made this place cool out!!!"
"Gee, that's sounds great, dear! But let's send the kids to private school. They don't need to be exposed to the unsavory elements who still live around here."
"Yes, it's nice that it's hip and edgy, but there's no need to actually get ourselves dirty. Besides, if enough of US move in, it'll soon be safer when the mexicans get forced out."
"AND we can make a nice profit on the building we buy so cheaply when we sell it and move back to the wealthy northern suburbs in 5 years."
Can I ever post without ranting anymore???
Actually I only meant to post these pics of my favorite food at my favorite restaurant.
These are their famous nachos.
Each homemade tortilla chip has, from bottom to top, melted cheese, refried beans, guacomole, a jalapeno slice, and sour cream.
I can fit a whole one in my mouth!

I have ALWAYS ordered the "combinacion" plate.
From day one when I was 14.
Here you see (clockwise from left) a tamale, beef tostada, cheese enchilada, beef taco:

At some point they started adding cilantro (

Here's Anaxarete enjoying her combinacion plate:

That's sour cream on her lip - she doesn't have a buck tooth!
So here's what 10 more of you should do with your lives:
Bombshellfairy: Own your own pet grooming empire
BonnieBlu: Philisophical sociologist
Brandy77:Spinster old maid
Brixton: Start a punk rock community based women's wellness center
Bully: Dog trainer
Charm: Violin playing professor of literature
CheriAnna: Get a permanent boyfriend
Clio: Music writer
Clytie: Settle down and love yourself - don't search so hard
Columbia: Find the remaining Plasmatics and bring the band back to life
1) Who do you love most (besides me)?
2) If you could only wear one pair of your shoes for the rest of your life (assuming they wouldn't wear out) what would they be?
3) Have you ever huffed?
4) When was the last time you shaved?
5) Do you ever have "make -up sex"? Is it a myth?
And you are the only person who's EVER made that comment/reference/assumption about the tattoo.
And now, if you're done cheapening the meaning of my tattoo, I'll thank you to leave it the hell alone.
we are getting kicked out of our building in may for that exact reason. no more cheap rent for poor us! most of the artists in the Fort Point district will be evicted in the next three years. a fancy architectural firm bought our building. phet.
regarding the Alone...
i think you are right in a more existential way... the bigger we. i was just sort of feeling sorry for myself
but really- i do think that in a smaller, more personal way we are all alone with our thoughts at the end of the day. that seems like im assuming we are more than just very fancy vehicles for DNA...blah blah im really tired.