Recently StrongMad had a list of quotes in his journal, one of which was something like the person that cares the least in relationship holds the most power. That quote popped into my mind this weekend. I have to say with it swirling through my head I did learn two things:
ONE: I care DEEPLY about my computer. I cant explain how utterly lost I felt without it and how desperate I am to have it in my life.
TWO: My computer doesnt give a fuck about me.
SO given this imbalance of emotions and power, I spent the weekend re-installing its operating system, all my drivers, all soft ware, re-setting my settings you get the idea- all the usual groveling that is needed to bring a relationship back to life while it made absolutely no effort or any show of anything remotely resembling gratitude. But what can I do? I need my computer, no matter how weak that sounds.
And you know, now everything is a good as it was before, different yes, but still good. But the worst part is that even though we are again an item and most of the things that made us special have been found, I will never trust it again not just to up and walk out on me
ONE: I care DEEPLY about my computer. I cant explain how utterly lost I felt without it and how desperate I am to have it in my life.
TWO: My computer doesnt give a fuck about me.
SO given this imbalance of emotions and power, I spent the weekend re-installing its operating system, all my drivers, all soft ware, re-setting my settings you get the idea- all the usual groveling that is needed to bring a relationship back to life while it made absolutely no effort or any show of anything remotely resembling gratitude. But what can I do? I need my computer, no matter how weak that sounds.
And you know, now everything is a good as it was before, different yes, but still good. But the worst part is that even though we are again an item and most of the things that made us special have been found, I will never trust it again not just to up and walk out on me
You and me both... definitely no pearls this december... I wonder about the new year, yet remain hopeful

Computers are just pigs by nature. And really, pretty damn stupid, too.