I made Finn, Jake, Princess Bubblegum and Beemo (BMO) dolls.
Up next-- Marcelene and Lady Rainicorn.
Fun fact: I had to tape Finn to the wall for the photos; he has wobbly legs.
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I made Finn, Jake, Princess Bubblegum and Beemo (BMO) dolls.
Up next-- Marcelene and Lady Rainicorn.
Fun fact: I had to tape Finn to the wall for the photos; he has wobbly legs.
Is this enough green?
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There once lived 3 dinos
couldn't fit into chinos
so one said "what the hey!"
"those pants suck anyway!"
So they wore only vests
(To show off their green chests)
and little green top hats
for luck on ol' St. Pat's.
(I used no specific form just rhyming AA BB CC and so forth.)
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Why do you blog?
Is it to share,
to inspire,
to vent,
to connect,
to sort through your thoughts,
to feel less alone,
to make friends?
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This is probably the most active I've been on this site-- journaling almost every couple or every few days, and I'm struggling with WHY I am doing it. Why bother? Is there really a point? For
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Tacocat has undergone eye surgery to replace his two-hole button eyes with four-hole button eyes.
This was a suggestion from @bepps who said that my cat is and I quote "not atrocious" but would be much improved with four-hole buttons.
And the before pic: (from yesterday)
There's not much difference.
This will be the last tacocat entry. Promise!
"Nobody but you" -- Charles
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It's a taco, it's a cat. It's a tacocat.
I'm pretty happy with how my new palindrome cat turned out. I used leftover yarn from previous projects, so I didn't have to purchase any supplies!
The face-off. Who would you put your $$$ on?
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J says my tacocat looks like the taco bell dog. :-(
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Made a new cheekini for my friend, Socks. Face down, ass up, yo.
Notice the ample cheeks, the grace, the fine form.
Truly exquisite structure.
Jesus rides Falcor.
Jesus rides a unicorn.
Jesus rides an armadillo. So does D. Vader.
Jesus rides a giraffe.
Jesus rides a dinosaur.
Jesus rides a stag.
Jesus rides a scooter.
Jesus rides a little kid bike.
ps Jesus gets tattooed.
New kitty tights. So this is my first time doing one of those days-of-the-week photos. Is there a "meow-meow Monday?" Maybe? [I missed Caturday.] There's a mani[a]c, morose, mournful, miserable, motherfuck Monday, I think. :-)
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There's this part in James Franco's Actors Anonymous I'd like to share with you.
"If everything is performance, maybe the most real performance is pornography.
Two actors...
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Which nerd are you?
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And thank you for your patience as I work through this current obsession with the diarrhea song. I somehow missed on this rite of passage as a child. ;-)
Here's one I wrote on sci-fi writers. I haven't thought of a title yet. Ideas?
When you're traveling with Verne
And you feel your ass burn:
Diarrhea. Diarrhea.
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Inspiration is a funny thing. When you least expect it, there it is. Yesterday I stumbled upon a little song in The McSweeney's Joke Book of Book Jokes. A diarrhea song.
Did you sing (a variant of) the diarrhea song when you were a little kid? (Apparently, there are MANY different versions of the diarrhea song, and kids love to come up with new...
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