I went to sleep unusually early last night, which means I woke up unusually early this morning. I grab my laptop, log on to SG, and the first thing I see is a comment from Venice..."how's this snow for you?" I furrow my brow and then look outside my window. It's fucking snowing!
you know it does sound like a good idea to get out of the house and play in the snow. ...but how? and i could eat definitely, because all i have at my house is mac and cheese. wanna try to make a plan, maybe for like 6?
I think I officially became old a couple weeks ago. It happened innocently enough, I was looking into some tax stuff since I have both 10-99s and W2s to fill out this year in two states, one of which has a seperate state income tax. And I somehow slipped into reading about tax deferments and thought seriously about opening a Roth IRA. That's right, a... Read More
Yeah, even those of us who love football couldn't understand why they just didn't keep going during the World Cup or started the series earlier. Top Gear > Highlights of Switzerland vs. Ukraine, aka the dullest quarter final in history. They even made the penalty shootout look dull.
The British public got by. Well timed Christmas releases such as this and this but certainly not this may have helped. Ah, the Christmas market. Gotta love it.
The problem with crazy old journal entries is that every time you want to update you realize that you have to explain what the hell's been going on during the craziest four months of your life, so you get discouraged and instead write journal-sized entries on the boards, in groups, and as comments in other friends' journals. It's a vicious cycle.
It's only about 80 here..But that's a bit too much for me. I don't take heat too easily. 102 would surely kill me, or render me useless that day atleast. I think the 77-79 range is more or less pefect.
Flying across the country on July 4th provides you with a few notables:
- You get to see a lot of fireworks from an interesting perspective
- If your plane takes off at sunset, you'll continue to see the sun set for 8 hours
- It's probably the absolute worst time to try and maneuver 150 lbs of boxes by yourself in public transportation full... Read More
Today I was informed that it was my last day at work. They would pay me for an extra week, but I didn't have to come in, just answer questions over the phone about whatever they needed. It was kind of like getting fired, except I had already quit. Very odd.
For a while now I felt like they didn't know what to do with... Read More
oddly though, this guy was playing dark step live. interesting and unusual.
Black market? I only know of a few folks to ask, and Judy isn't putting out.