So I talked with Esquire when I was in New York to promote the Newcastle scotch ale, and the interviewer asked me about board games.

Here's five games that I love, that I think you will also love, but before you read the article, I want to address two things in it.

1. The spelling is messed up in a lot of places. I mention...
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Interesting... I imagine that to a lot of their readers we do look like some new unique demographic to be tapped. It seems only natural for them to try to associate their social structure to any unknown entity in an attempt to identify and bring it into their comfort zone. 
I agree that the author probably didn't intend to be malicious, but rather intended to sound plugged into the "nerd culture." I can't speak for Esquire, but I did work as an editor at an online publication (a much bigger one than Esquire in terms of traffic) and it damn near killed me... and a couple other co-workers. We tirelessly worked to make the articles as grammatically correct as possible, as well as coming up with interesting content and tracking the metrics, but the pace at which we were expected to work was mind-blowing; at one point I was editing 20-25 articles a day, each ranging from 400-1,600 words. That's insane when you consider that the accepted word count on a manuscript page is 250. The bullying we received from our editor in chief (and I know this wasn't a figment of my imagination because the whole editorial team felt it) is a completely different story. One of my former co-workers from that time is currently writing a book about it... names changed, of course. Rant over... sorry.
love this album

First, Tabletop season three premieres today!

Newcastle hired me to make a pair of videos to tell you about their new Scotch Ale collaboration with Caledonian.

I worked on an indie video game earlier this year, and I'm intensely proud of it. It's called There Came An Echo, and the story trailer dropped today.

@endersonly I'm about to do two short stories and a book. Titles haven't been announced, but they'll be out next month sometime, I believe.
that's great, I've been a huge fan since Ready Player One which btw HAS to be made into a movie some day!

Last night, we wrapped production on the third season of Tabletop. It was bittersweet for me, as always, because I’m so wiped out and teetering on exhaustion, the idea of sleeping until I don’t need to sleep is very appealing … but I’m also sad, because I love the crew so much, and they are such a joy to work with. We truly have become...
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Looks like a great list, I'm eager to see how more games you guys will make me want to buy.  :)

This is my intro for Dead of Winter. I thought it may spark an interesting discussion about what I call Peak Zombie:

I think I was a freshman or sophomore in high school the first time I saw Dawn of the Dead. It hit me the way certain things can only hit a child’s fragile, eggshell mind: it was gory, and disturbing, and pretty...
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still watching most things zombie but not with as much anticipation and hunger so to speak
The genre has gotten a bit overcooked, but I don't want it go away completely.  I think there are still ways to keep it somewhat fresh.
Personally, this is still my favorite Tool song.

When we were in Portland this weekend, we Powell's, so I could pick up a couple of books that I need (yes, need.) Because I just finished Prisoner of Azkaban, I got Goblet of Fire, and I also picked up Broken Monsters, based on this review at NPR.

We didn't have as much time as I wanted while we were in Powell's (we never do),...
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I adore Powell's!  Powell's satiates my need for vintage library material.  Last time I was there I purchased nearly every book on Dewey classification and library science published before the 70's.  And please don't get me started on books on books!
I love bookstores and libraries that way, too.  Started in fifth grade.  Dad made me play sports, and I would tell coaches I had to leave early because I had a lot of homework; which gave me the chance to dive in to the small branch of the county library. I'd sneak 4 or 5 books under my mattress, then at bedtime I'd make a tent out of the covers and read 'til my muscles ached on one side, then the other.  No one in my family ever knew that about me.

While looking for something in my documents folder, I came across this in an old drafts folder. It looks like it was written in winter about five years ago, and I’m not sure if it was ever published, but even if it was, I like it enough to repost it today.

I stayed up until almost one this morning, reading comic books.
I know, it’s...
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that was amazing, Wil. i wish i could of seen what you saw. plus it sounds like you don't have to deal with much light pollution where you are, I'm jealous. 

A massive hurricane is currently tearing up the ocean just off the coast of Mexico, and the surf here in Southern California is huge. Waves between fifteen and twenty feet have been common, and on Wednesday, Anne and I went down to the beach to see them for ourselves, and take a long walk along the sand.

School has just started, so there weren’t many...
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I must say you're handling this with more maturity that I probably would have.  Well, I can't wait to see what you do next, sir :)
I heard good things about the show but haven't seen it.  Unfortunately the $20+ extra per month my cable provider charges to get SyFy just isn't worth it for how little TV I watch now.  :(  Sorry to hear that all those people who did get in on the laughs are going to miss out this season though.