So Bristol was awesome, despite the amazing expense that it turned out to be. I wasnt too bad with the actual convention spending this time around, but the train ticket and accomodation killed my wallet. Next time I'll be a bit more organised so it's cheaper.
Arrived into Bristol after a somewhat annoying train journey. It went without a hitch for the most part,...
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Arrived into Bristol after a somewhat annoying train journey. It went without a hitch for the most part,...
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Ok, so it didnt take long for me to fall completely out of routine with this thing.
Things I has learned recently
Iron Man 2, while slightly less action-packed than the adverts and trailers might suggest, is stupidly entertaining. I loved the hell out of everyone's performances, especially Sam Rockwell, and almost surprised myself in how little I caught myself thinking "Blow something up, already!"...
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Things I has learned recently
Iron Man 2, while slightly less action-packed than the adverts and trailers might suggest, is stupidly entertaining. I loved the hell out of everyone's performances, especially Sam Rockwell, and almost surprised myself in how little I caught myself thinking "Blow something up, already!"...
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Depends. Do you think it's a good thing you don't know who you'll dressed as on our wedding night? 

I saw Iron Man 2 this weekend - super amazing!!!!! sadly, from your gif I knew what the brief case was gonna do
Hope you are having an ace time at the comic convention - can't wait to the pictures of the sketches you and leo got.

Hope you are having an ace time at the comic convention - can't wait to the pictures of the sketches you and leo got.
I see cucumber...what's the other filling?
Also, good job!
Also, good job!
now I want sushi for breakfast.
now I want sushi for breakfast.
Those of you who know me especially well in real life will know that this next section is very similar to something somebody we know has posted on Facebook in his blogs. These include nonsense like "cool person of the week" and baffling comments about how womankind is just plain evil. I might make this some kind of regular thing, perhaps as a footnote on...
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Sadly some f***ers are just too tight to pay for the cloakroom.... *sighs*
As well as all of that, those stupid bags take a good 5 - 10 minutes to be searched by the door staff.
First they have to open the bloody thing which will undoubtedly have a dodgy zip which keeps getting caught, then they have to pull out the massive over-sized hoodie with a band name printed on the front that no one recognises, then they have to go through the shrapnel of keys, deoderant, cash, pens, scraps of paper, tangled headphone cables and anything else which lurks at the bottom of the bag, then they have to confiscate the half full bottle of water tucked in the side pocket as they want the scummy bag carrier to only drink liquids that they've purchased at the venue, then... THEN they let everyone else in.
Make the twat stand at the side and wait, instead of making the rest of us wait outside in the pissing rain!
First they have to open the bloody thing which will undoubtedly have a dodgy zip which keeps getting caught, then they have to pull out the massive over-sized hoodie with a band name printed on the front that no one recognises, then they have to go through the shrapnel of keys, deoderant, cash, pens, scraps of paper, tangled headphone cables and anything else which lurks at the bottom of the bag, then they have to confiscate the half full bottle of water tucked in the side pocket as they want the scummy bag carrier to only drink liquids that they've purchased at the venue, then... THEN they let everyone else in.
Make the twat stand at the side and wait, instead of making the rest of us wait outside in the pissing rain!
Christ that was a ridiculous week. I fell out of routine pretty fucking quickly as soon as I had something better to do, it seems. I'm a fickle bastard really.
Went to Manchester to see Strung Out. Foolishly had just a t-shirt knowing I'd probably sweat to death inside the venue so the trip from car to club was especially cold. I'm a fairy...
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Went to Manchester to see Strung Out. Foolishly had just a t-shirt knowing I'd probably sweat to death inside the venue so the trip from car to club was especially cold. I'm a fairy...
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a belated happy birthday, sir.
hope this week isn't as bad as feared.
hope this week isn't as bad as feared.
Happy day before yesterbirthday!
I've managed to confuse myself greatly with how much I loved "How To Train Your Dragon"
Dreamworks don't have a fantastic track record when it comes to CGI animation. Although I quite like Shrek and Kung-Fu Panda, I can't help but be cynical about Shark Tale or Madagascar, the latter of which was basically "Small animals sing Reel 2 Reel" The fact that theyre horrendously...
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Dreamworks don't have a fantastic track record when it comes to CGI animation. Although I quite like Shrek and Kung-Fu Panda, I can't help but be cynical about Shark Tale or Madagascar, the latter of which was basically "Small animals sing Reel 2 Reel" The fact that theyre horrendously...
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People keep teling me this is really good! Think I might just have to see it!
I like to pretend that Shark Tale and Madagascar were never made by them.
I've been a massively lazy shit lately. Middle of last year I was actually putting a bit of effort into trying to keep at least vaguely healthy. I still ate shit because of my sweet tooth and love of all foods yummy but fatty, but at the very least I was getting exercise.
Then eventually my 3 visits to the gym every week turned into...
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Then eventually my 3 visits to the gym every week turned into...
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Kickboxing is like one of the best workouts I've had anyway so if you're doing that a couple of times a week I think you'll notice a huge difference in your fitness!
Hope it goes well, I usually stick with exercise for about a week before giving up, so console yourself with the fact that you're doing better than this fat git.
I am getting a punchbag soon though. Exercise + stress relief! Again, for about a week, probably.
I am getting a punchbag soon though. Exercise + stress relief! Again, for about a week, probably.
I think i may have missed the point slightly with Eddie Izzard's ridiculously impressive feat of running 43 marathons in 51 days. BBC3 showed something earlier on and what started off as something just on in the background became something I was quite engrossed in.
Obviously the show needed a bit of drama, so there was constant narration about how Eddie just might not manage...
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Obviously the show needed a bit of drama, so there was constant narration about how Eddie just might not manage...
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He's completly mad, but you have to admire him for doing what he did.
This makes me less inclined to winge about walking home from work.
This video drove me up the fucking wall earlier on. It's weird that despite all the idiocy I know is out there, my usual exposure to the public forum is in Question Time, where most people tend to have at least similar views to myself. At worst you end up with somebody who says something ridiculously offensive about immigrants, then its all better when you...
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AT is a complete tard!!!!, all three are ,made me mad in the first minute and Im not even into video games that much, people will continue to point the finger as no one wants to admit its parents shit parenting is the problem
I did a discussion on this for my criminology module last year.
The whole thing irratated me - we found info on crazy people that played games and went around killing people afterwards. Although - no one could prove it was the games or movies that they watched that made them like that. Random studies on people playing wii games and wanting more hot suace?!! I personally think they were a little crazy to start with and couldn't tell the difference between fantasy and reality. I do feel kids are desensitiesed to thing now. But thats just the culture we live in rather than video games making us evil!
The guy from CVG did really well - and he is right. Things come with age ratings!! I am sure I even saw 50 cent on cribs not allow his kid to play one of the violent games due to the blood and the swearing!
The whole thing irratated me - we found info on crazy people that played games and went around killing people afterwards. Although - no one could prove it was the games or movies that they watched that made them like that. Random studies on people playing wii games and wanting more hot suace?!! I personally think they were a little crazy to start with and couldn't tell the difference between fantasy and reality. I do feel kids are desensitiesed to thing now. But thats just the culture we live in rather than video games making us evil!
The guy from CVG did really well - and he is right. Things come with age ratings!! I am sure I even saw 50 cent on cribs not allow his kid to play one of the violent games due to the blood and the swearing!
Sometimes I amaze myself with just how little I can do in a given night. I've got more than enough hobbies and interests, but I still find myself sat around watching shite on BBC3 like "Undercover Princesses" The kicker is that tomorrow when I'm in work I'll probably regret wasting my life, and there's times when I tell myself I should get more regular guitar...
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Assassins Creed 2 was very good. I was surprised at how much I enjoyed it. Every game should do climbing the same way as AC2 it was so much fun.
What in the blue hell is undercover princesses?!?
I've never been to IKEA before today. The nearest one is over an hour away, and means braving Kerry Katona's hometown. I don't think I've been remiss in avoiding it like the plague. Still, Louisa needed some new bed slats and with me visiting Sweden later this year I have a newfound affinity with these people, I stopped making her watch ridiculously vicious hockey hits...
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I have nerd envy for your display case 

Chicken soup cures all.
And you didn't even mention the ball pool that I just know you had a cheeky dive into.
And you didn't even mention the ball pool that I just know you had a cheeky dive into.
OK so I missed yesterday. Although thats far from the end of the world, It sucks that I failed within the first 2 weeks of my stupid endeavour. My excuse is that I got home from my guitar lesson feeling like complete shit. Either I was just stupidly tired from a week of ill-advised post-work geekery, or I was ill. I maintain that I was...
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other than all day saturday, that is...
and at least I warned you that Churchill took forever, right?
so, Brum in october & Leeds in november?