I have two curses.
First ... I over analyze ... everything. If I get into a conversation with someone and they start out "Nice weather. Think it'll rain today?" I'll be fine until the conversation is over ... then I'll be wondering "Nice weather? What the hell did they mean by that?" Not necessarily in a negative way, mind you ... just honestly wondering if...
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First ... I over analyze ... everything. If I get into a conversation with someone and they start out "Nice weather. Think it'll rain today?" I'll be fine until the conversation is over ... then I'll be wondering "Nice weather? What the hell did they mean by that?" Not necessarily in a negative way, mind you ... just honestly wondering if...
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thanks for the thought - I think I'm gonna join the SG group in a bit. Still tryin' to find some sort of style and get used to the keys.

y syes.. thers only one way to paddle boat.. and thats paddleing to the DEATH!!!

egad, I hope other people don't find me as boring as I find myself right now ...
egad, I hope other people don't find me as boring as I find myself right now ...

I was gonna say something to contradict your comment about yourself in catiedid's journal, but after seeing this, I'm not so sure
Na, I'm goin' with it anyway - after reading your stuff in any number of people's journals we have in common, I'm certain you're not someone that has low intelligence
Silly? well, that's another story, but being silly myself more often than not, I'd say that's a good thing

Na, I'm goin' with it anyway - after reading your stuff in any number of people's journals we have in common, I'm certain you're not someone that has low intelligence

Silly? well, that's another story, but being silly myself more often than not, I'd say that's a good thing

Ahhhh.... I see - I do that more often than not - it's best not to think about things most of the time
I'm starting on Microsoft Certification so they'll promise my current and future employers I know what I'm talking about
. I've passed the first test of 5 so I'm actually certified, but only just barely

I'm starting on Microsoft Certification so they'll promise my current and future employers I know what I'm talking about

I have decided I am going to be getting a tattoo before I take my leave of Portland at the end of this contract (I'm sure I'll be back). I have brief glimmerings of what I want, but nothing defined in its entirety just yet. I'm wanting tribal ... I'm leaning towards something with a bear track ... but I've not yet seen anything on...
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i thought ninjas were not suppose to be seen? so, I saw you, doesn't that obligate you to grant three wishes????
or am I confusing my mythoses? (is that a word? i dunno)

or am I confusing my mythoses? (is that a word? i dunno)
Okay, it was buggin me, so I had to go look it up. OED says this:
"In classical Latin the word is only attested in the ablative plural mths; in post-classical Latin the nominative singular form mythos is recorded (5th cent.). "
so, somebody with more knowledge of Latin than I, please let me know what the nominative plural form is.
"In classical Latin the word is only attested in the ablative plural mths; in post-classical Latin the nominative singular form mythos is recorded (5th cent.). "
so, somebody with more knowledge of Latin than I, please let me know what the nominative plural form is.
If I ever leave this world alive
I'll thank for all the things you did in my life
If I ever leave this world alive
I'll come back down and sit beside your
feet tonight
Wherever I am you'll always be
More than just a memory
If I ever leave this world alive
If I ever leave this world alive
I'll take on all the...
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it's not a really big collection, but i hope to continue growing it.

Group hug? Those are the best, but after 30 people or so, you have to work so they don't get impersonal!!!
I'll give you a big ol' dog pile next time i see ya, you lug!!!
As far as making friends, I tend to have many of them. Ask taoshen, he has some funny stories. I have many friends, but few close ones. Taoshen, I consider you to be one of my closest.
until we sojourn again
I'll give you a big ol' dog pile next time i see ya, you lug!!!
As far as making friends, I tend to have many of them. Ask taoshen, he has some funny stories. I have many friends, but few close ones. Taoshen, I consider you to be one of my closest.
until we sojourn again
Went to see Flogging Molly last night, and got to meet a few of the SG AR crowd.
You'll find a pictorial update in the "Journal de Catiedid". I got to meet Remyx and GUINNESSMAN, and saw Sue_Vicious, but I don't know that we actually met per se.
A great time was had by all....
You'll find a pictorial update in the "Journal de Catiedid". I got to meet Remyx and GUINNESSMAN, and saw Sue_Vicious, but I don't know that we actually met per se.
A great time was had by all....
Stewie, so whre have I heard that name before...
Man, I need to recharge soo bad.
It was great meeting you. If you don;t move to Portland too soon, you'll have to hang out again. We'll give the Oregon group something to live up to
Man, I need to recharge soo bad.

It was great meeting you. If you don;t move to Portland too soon, you'll have to hang out again. We'll give the Oregon group something to live up to

stop with all the compliments
i am undeserving.
what did you think of the pics? looks like we all had a great time

what did you think of the pics? looks like we all had a great time

"The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes." - Marcel Proust (1871 - 1922)
How many times do you drive the same path to work? To school? To the store? To the thousands of common places you go during the day? And how often have you actually paid attention to what's truly there?
My job has me...
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How many times do you drive the same path to work? To school? To the store? To the thousands of common places you go during the day? And how often have you actually paid attention to what's truly there?
My job has me...
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i will be spending lots and lots of time in the gym in the hopes of a potential trip that seems just out of reach...
i don't know of anyone else who would be interested in the ticket, but if I find someone I will let you know.
yes, 6ish is the goal

i don't know of anyone else who would be interested in the ticket, but if I find someone I will let you know.
yes, 6ish is the goal
it was so great meeting you last night!!!! i'll be posting more pics later today.
"Never dim your light, so others may shine. When you do, the entire world becomes darker."
Not sure where I heard that. Probably some feel good movie. Either way, it's stuck with me. I think I used to do that. Hell, I think I still do. I think most people I know do. It sounds a little selfish on the surface. But ... I wonder....
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Not sure where I heard that. Probably some feel good movie. Either way, it's stuck with me. I think I used to do that. Hell, I think I still do. I think most people I know do. It sounds a little selfish on the surface. But ... I wonder....
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That quotation sounds familiar, but I can't place it. Perhaps it's just one of those lines that just seems that way, if it is or if it isn't.
I don't think anything inspires me, actually. Inspires me to live my life? Perhaps life itself, and all the experiences, good and not so necessarily so, that it allows you to have. I was never good with these types of questions.
I don't think anything inspires me, actually. Inspires me to live my life? Perhaps life itself, and all the experiences, good and not so necessarily so, that it allows you to have. I was never good with these types of questions.

it's amazing how simple the concept of living in the moment is but how hard it is to actually accomplish. my awakening took time but once i understood, it changed me forever.
I must say, I do so love teh room service.
While I enjoy my grilled chicken club and french fries, chew on this
It's always in the last place you look ...

While I enjoy my grilled chicken club and french fries, chew on this
It's always in the last place you look ...
Now that you are in Portland - don't you wish they would open a roast rodent stand!!
Does it come on a stick? Yummmmm
Thanks for stopping by and saying hi!
Have a great rest of your weekend! I love room service too. I was at a hotel in Florida that served elephant ears, like you get at the fair...I loved it, but my 4-basic food groups are elephant ears, cotton candy, carmel apples, and crystal light. *giggle*

Thanks for stopping by and saying hi!

The moon was new ... darkness shrouded the compound. Thus, the dark figure went unnoticed as they slipped from shadow to shadow, working ever closer to the objective.
You never know they are there until it is too late. If you are allowed a glimpse of them, count yourself blessed, for they have deemed you worthy.
They are ninja. What kind of ninja are...
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You never know they are there until it is too late. If you are allowed a glimpse of them, count yourself blessed, for they have deemed you worthy.
They are ninja. What kind of ninja are...
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thanks, i'll remember that

Jsut so you know, brother, I am a good ninja. Apparently, I have bad tendencies, though!
Um ... yeah
Wow. That's seriously the last thing I'd ever imagine being rented. Before this I'd have almost consider cake.

As loathe as I am to post about this, I feel I must.
It seems Mr. Culkin has denied charges against Mr. Jackson.
NOW ... I am not here to say Mr. Jackson is guilty or innocent. Not my place, and I am certainly not here to influence you.
HOWEVER, I felt compelled to click up on the link above when I saw it fly...
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It seems Mr. Culkin has denied charges against Mr. Jackson.
NOW ... I am not here to say Mr. Jackson is guilty or innocent. Not my place, and I am certainly not here to influence you.
HOWEVER, I felt compelled to click up on the link above when I saw it fly...
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Its funny. It's DAMN funny
LOL!! You are witty sir, so very witty

Again, no, I will be absent for the latest get-together...Ren's girls will be here this weekend, so it is family time...
Until then, I will have to live vicariously through everyone else's pics and accounts of such...
And now my answers are there to read as well.