So, it's funny, after being out of work for nine months, Monday I start a cool new job AND I'm having a meeting. Yes, those kind of meetings you have in Hollywood...or hope to have...where you go meet with people with money and power who profess to like your work and want to discuss options and scenarios. Of course both events woke me out of...
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Gratz on the job. And good luck with the meetings today! Well they might be over but good luck all the same!

So, this past weekend was pretty darn good as previously noted.
Saturday I picked trixel up from the airport. That night was the premiere of the 'Radioactive Chickenheads' video I worked on. The Chickenheads played and are a blast live and otherwise. Check out the video here: I looked Into the Mirror - Radioactive Chickenheads
Sunday was my friend Mike's Oscar party. He had it...
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Saturday I picked trixel up from the airport. That night was the premiere of the 'Radioactive Chickenheads' video I worked on. The Chickenheads played and are a blast live and otherwise. Check out the video here: I looked Into the Mirror - Radioactive Chickenheads
Sunday was my friend Mike's Oscar party. He had it...
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omg that video is so cool. very imaginative and quirky and totally fun. and so is the song. good job.
what did you do on the video?
eep. was your party part of the reality show? cause i've seen that show and i am not so much a fan of that very angry dude.
but if the food was good then i guess it all worked out. stories are fun.
an oscar is an oscar. that is too cool.
has any actor ever dropped one on their toe when receiving it...because i bet that sucker could really break a toe. especially through an open toed strappy shoe.
what's amoeba?
well again, glad you had a lovely time with your sweetie

what did you do on the video?
eep. was your party part of the reality show? cause i've seen that show and i am not so much a fan of that very angry dude.
but if the food was good then i guess it all worked out. stories are fun.
an oscar is an oscar. that is too cool.
has any actor ever dropped one on their toe when receiving it...because i bet that sucker could really break a toe. especially through an open toed strappy shoe.

what's amoeba?
well again, glad you had a lovely time with your sweetie

ha ha. well i bet it was an interesting party. sadly i won't be able to see it because due to the time warner cable stranglehold on my apt complex the only channels i can get without cable are ABC and CBS. so i watch way too much csi when i want my law and order sooooooooo bad. i can't even get PBS. it's insane. but i'm too poor to foot the $45 a month for cable.
oh man i want some Amoeba. who doesn't like music?
maybe someday i'll make it out california way. though i think the lack of snow and preponderence of plastic surgery might keep me away. but i have a feeling san fran might be my kinda town.

ha ha. well i bet it was an interesting party. sadly i won't be able to see it because due to the time warner cable stranglehold on my apt complex the only channels i can get without cable are ABC and CBS. so i watch way too much csi when i want my law and order sooooooooo bad. i can't even get PBS. it's insane. but i'm too poor to foot the $45 a month for cable.
oh man i want some Amoeba. who doesn't like music?
maybe someday i'll make it out california way. though i think the lack of snow and preponderence of plastic surgery might keep me away. but i have a feeling san fran might be my kinda town.

So, just put Trixel on a plane back home. She'll be here permanently in just 2 1/2 too long months. In the meantime her birthday events were quite fun and will be detailed later. Needless to say, we're both tired, sore, hungover and we broke my Ikea bed. Yes, doing that. So, a good time was had by all.
And yes, that's a real Oscar....
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And yes, that's a real Oscar....
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so who's oscar was it?
ooooo... to who do you owe the pleasure of being able to hold that ocsar?

So, the last few weeks have been spent reacquainting myself with World of Warcraft... only to discover it's still the same guilt-plauged, anti-social time suck it was the last time I played. So, I quit and uninstalled it. And now I'm back playing Freecell.
But I did get a job. Even though it doesn't start for a few weeks. It's a good job if everything...
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But I did get a job. Even though it doesn't start for a few weeks. It's a good job if everything...
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woo, congratulations on the job
I've never got into world of Warcraft, and sometimes it makes me feel sad, though mostly I feel as if I've had a lucky escape when I see how time consuming it seems to be, but when I need to just switch off I'm a spider maniac rather than freecell.
Have a fun weekend

I've never got into world of Warcraft, and sometimes it makes me feel sad, though mostly I feel as if I've had a lucky escape when I see how time consuming it seems to be, but when I need to just switch off I'm a spider maniac rather than freecell.
Have a fun weekend

Real fun with real people is overrated.....except that the Trixel girl seems pretty fun, i mean every body else.....except me....and my girl....and animals.
So, trixel will be here in 2 1/2 weeks. It'll be her birthday weekend and she's got a slate of things she'd like to do.
. We'll be doing them in that order.
In other news, one or two things are perchance afoot, but I shan't jinx them here.

In other news, one or two things are perchance afoot, but I shan't jinx them here.
Hola. Cinco de Mayo!
So, there's this thing goin down Saturday at my place. It's kind of like a party, but with liquor and food and probably no single women. I know it sounds fun... you'll be there, right?
So, there's this thing goin down Saturday at my place. It's kind of like a party, but with liquor and food and probably no single women. I know it sounds fun... you'll be there, right?
now I'm curious
So, my eyes are still doing well. Using expensive drops to keep them all moist and stuff. My mum has gone back home. It was a good visit all in all and she helped me clean up my place a bit and chuck a lot of crap.
My sister came over the weekend to buy me a pair of sunglasses. I chose some nice black...
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My sister came over the weekend to buy me a pair of sunglasses. I chose some nice black...
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I need to chuck some shit.
re: sunglasses:
I find that Smith makes sunglasses that fit my ginormous cranium. It seems the baseline human Oakley designs for has a pea sized head.
re: sunglasses:
I find that Smith makes sunglasses that fit my ginormous cranium. It seems the baseline human Oakley designs for has a pea sized head.
Hey, if that's the worst thing you've got going on you're doing AOK.

So, it appears my eyes are healing and seeing better than the doctors expected. This is fine news. In other news, I have to rewrite one script and finish writing another because I have some professional doors open, ready and waiting. This is also fine news. This is the best Monday I've had all year...and probably all of last year too.
Congratulations!!! Sounds like a lot of good things are coming your way! Glad your eyes are getting better too

my joke when people ask how my eye surgery went is that now if i blink twice in rapid succession, my eyes turn to infared settings. you can use that if you want.
congrats and good luck on the scripts.
congrats and good luck on the scripts.
So...yesterday's LASIK went well and my new peepers are not quite 24 hours old and, like a newborn, they are currently blurry, uncoordinated and kind of gross. However, the surreal nature of waking up and glancing at the alarm clock...and realizing I can see the damn thing without fumbling for glasses is just sinking in. More surrealness to come I'm sure.
Also, 'uncomfortable' is relative....
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Also, 'uncomfortable' is relative....
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I envy you, sir.
Congratulations! I just found out I need reading glasses, so we're polar opposites! The new shades (yes, I said "shades") are awesome.
Also - I take it I should run out and get the Veronica Mars set?
Also - I take it I should run out and get the Veronica Mars set?
So, it looks like Monday I get my eyeballs lasered. My mom's coming over to take care of me. I'm anxious, worried and I need a haircut. Blarg.
Will a shark with a laser be doing it?
Good luck I am not a good cantidate for the surgery or I'd do it too.

Good luck I am not a good cantidate for the surgery or I'd do it too.
my eyes are fine, but I'm tempted!
It's difficult to retain personal enthusiasm. Particularly if the year changes, but circumstance does not. It's easier to try to uplift others. And I do try. And sometimes--most times--you wish the world would spontaneously reciprocate. But alas, such is not the way things work. Most assuredly.
Hey there was some *reciprocation* going on last night, if you know what I mean.

Never mind.
Short and to the point... I'm feeling ya.
Remember YOU ARE A SCRIBE!!!! damn it all man... (see now you've gone and made me curse) You are in one of the oldest professions in the world - no not that one..... it's sort of like "the other white meat" ..... so scribe away!

Yeah...Double that, I just noticed that you have finally found that 'perfect' word to say "Yes, I am very cool, Thank You...and Yes, I AM laughing at you!"
So...How was that Horrorday shite? Nonetheless, your greetings are always welcome in my part of this world. Especially now that you have joined the ranks of many Egyptian Gods...shit, you may already be growing an Ibis head!
Well...It would certainly be something that would take your mind off things..(get it? growing an Ibis head...taking your MIND off??? BWAHAHAHA!!
So you are the furry in your prof pic?
(I always liked Eyore..he must be like, the emo furry, and I bet he gets all the bunnies and squirrels!!)
(you do know what a 'furry' is, cause if not? THAT is something a scribe needs to know and definately write somethin down about it for posterity, shit...I am shocked no gal has tried it here yet)
Keep your tail pinned on...
So...How was that Horrorday shite? Nonetheless, your greetings are always welcome in my part of this world. Especially now that you have joined the ranks of many Egyptian Gods...shit, you may already be growing an Ibis head!
Well...It would certainly be something that would take your mind off things..(get it? growing an Ibis head...taking your MIND off??? BWAHAHAHA!!
So you are the furry in your prof pic?
(I always liked Eyore..he must be like, the emo furry, and I bet he gets all the bunnies and squirrels!!)
(you do know what a 'furry' is, cause if not? THAT is something a scribe needs to know and definately write somethin down about it for posterity, shit...I am shocked no gal has tried it here yet)
Keep your tail pinned on...

So, baby new year. How 'bout we go about making 2007 not suck?
Happy New Year, one and all.
Happy New Year, one and all.

A late happy new year to you and yes, Godzilla is the shit

after dragging my life into a dumpster for 20 years i gave that schtick up a few years back. it is much better this way! i love living in the light.
after dragging my life into a dumpster for 20 years i gave that schtick up a few years back. it is much better this way! i love living in the light.