i've been thinking about kids a lot lately. they're not as scary as i thought they were. just little people.
little gullible people. i like that. coz there's nothing kids like more than lies/stories. it's not just that they like lies - they like lies that are told with conviction, with intricate detail and backstory.
my dad taught me that. he's still a big fat... Read More
i have a confession to make. i've been in korea for a few weeks now, and i even went to tokyo. during that time, i had lots and lots of "local" food that i'd never had before, soaked up a lot of culture, all of that good touristy stuff. but i also spent a disturbing amount of time sucking up frappucinos.
Wow. I just looked through your last few journals. Looks and sounds like you had a great trip. I would love to go to Japan and Korea. I've always been fond of both cultures and I have a friend who I miss very much who recently moved to Japan.
Anyways, awesome pics. Looks like you had a fabulous time.
still in korea, still taking lots of photos. had a bit of an adventure today, actually. my host had to work, so i struck out on my own on a bus, intending to visit Pagoda Park and the Insadong District (old style area, great shopping), but i missed the stop. i assumed that the bus route would loop back around, so i stayed on. until... Read More
I do a sort of guerrilla photography. SoM used to laugh at me when we'd go on road trips and I'd just point the camera out the window and shoot (takes a high shutter speed). the pics often turn out to be my faves, though.
so night court went pretty well. i got up in front of the judge, he asked me if i was guilty of speeding, i said "yes", he told me how much i would have to pay, i paid it, and i was done. pretty easy.
i'm currently in korea, typing this from a very small apartment in the old part of Seoul. i left los... Read More