Pronunciation: 'pa-l&m(p)-"sest, p&-'lim(p)-
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin palimpsestus, from Greek palimpsEstos scraped again, from palin + psEn to rub, scrape; akin to Sanskrit psAti, babhasti he chews
1 : writing material (as a parchment or tablet) used one or more times after earlier writing has been erased
2 : something having usually diverse layers or aspects apparent beneath the surface
Pronunciation: fyu-'nam-by&-"li-z&m
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these words are wonderful (I like dharmabox's choice too) - I'll have to dig into this
some startling vivid pictures of the rugged Oregon Coast and of architecture - two of my favorite things
as per art exchange - I have some functional artlike stuff that I make ...
such as an old Maine folk design for a chair - if you like I can make one for you - I'll send pictures along when I get them
i liked getting to see pictures of you and the boy that is pretty cool. you're going to have to post more of you guys together!
btw glad to have you friended there too!