So my visit to Santa Cruz basically makes me want to say "FUCK YOU" to high school (not that I didn't before...). I think we're returning next week for Monday night through Wednesday morning.. and I'm going to try to make it to the Queer Fashion Show next Saturday because I hear it's a blast.

I've pretty much decided on Porter as my college of...
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You'll love Porter. . . you'll love Santa Cruz in general. It's so much fun. I'm studying abroad, and I miss it like crazy. . . welcome to the Marin relocation program (aka Santa Cruz)
florida suru da. watashi wa sugu chiba ni ikuru,ne!

my friend is from Santa Cruz, actually. cheeeers.
Pretty late for a "school night."

Got back from Maui a couple hours ago.. did I mention I got my left incisor tooth knocked out the first day of surfing? It's okay, I got it replaced... my little sister's board smacked me in the face when she let it fly (grr!), but I kept on surfing after I lost that tooth... and then went and...
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Sounds like an eventful trip to Maui. I'm so jealous that you get to travel so much (japan too?!).

If you're too broke for a $250 ticket you should try and apply for a "low income" ticket for $145. There is an application process that you can find on the ticket info page. They claim there are still tickets available at this level. . .

I hope your trip to santa cruz is a blast. Go romp in the redwoods for me biggrin and don't forget to check out Kresge. (and skip colleges 8 and above!!)
Hope you had fun in Maui.
So, I'm in Maui, fo'sho The sun is all bright, and I can't really see the screen on my laptop. It's such a cute little laptop.. white and Apple-y.

Anyway, back to me being in Maui. I've been surfing for the past 3 days, and yesterdayI took a Windsurfing lesson... damn, that's one of those sports where you'd have to be forced into doing it...
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oh yeah and on tuesday i'm free from 4-7.
You should give kite surfing a try too, it started in Maui I think, so you'd learn from the best.
...just watched 2 hours of Pride and Prejudice, the BBC version. Colin Firth is sex. Bahahah. The Jennifer Ehle, who plays Elizabeth, is very pretty too.. she reminds me of my friend Tessa... except not asian.

I woke up at 5:30am today to finish a late essay on Invisible Man... let this year be over, dear god, please. My motivation has been defenestrated.

I just...
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You didn't miss much with the HHH show. It was super crowded and it really isn't the same when they play acoustic versions of their songs. Plus they only played for about 15 minutes. The last free show I saw at amoeba was when Pretty Girls Make Graves played there smile

Did you like Sin City?

PS- teknokitty and I camp together at BRC. As she said, if you're there this year you should totally stop by and have a beer smile
kawaii desu yo, sugoi... ja.
So, I'm resigned to UCSC. I'm going to let myself get excited about it, starting... now? There's a "Queer geeks" group which seems pretty cool. I'm thinking about joining Stevenson College because they seem to have the most interesting core class. Weefuns. Also, all my friends from high school are going to Porter, and I really don't want to be with them...
Porter is actually a really cool college. There are plenty of unique individuals and lots of art kids that live there. I'm a kresge kid at heart but that's because I wanted to live in an apartment freshman year instead of the stuffy dorms (and stay away from the dorm food puke ). Kresge rocked!
I would recommend Kresge. I was a Kresge kid and not only does it rock to have your own kitchen, but the people are awesome! Porter is also really cool. Stay away from College 8. smile That's my advice. Good luck!
I finally got around to getting my driver's license. Watch out, suckas. This does not mean I won't still mooch rides off of all my friends.. because I will.

I might get an internship at the SFMOMA for the summer. That would be dandy.
the internship would be really cool...they had a really nice photography show last time i went... good luck... biggrin
Finally worked out the bugs to renew my account smile It was about time, too. I'd try to renew and it said my account didn't exist; I'd try to make a new account of the same name and it said it was taken. Help desk got around to me and I'm back in.

Last week was good.. interviewed Minipop Wednesday night and got to see them...
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It's you! Caloo! Callay!
I'm very sorry. frown I hope that things work out for you in the long run... both of my sisters went to SC and had a great time, although one of the rasons I was able to go to this school was that my sister backed me financially, in part because a few of her good friends were unable to go here due to finances... ach. So it goes. Good luck, darling.
(oooh! I'm your friend! Shake it shake it shake it!)