were to begin witht his one?!?
i've been a complete stress monkey
and totally broke
so when i had 2 club regulars/ who i thought were friends
say.."you really need a break
can we buy you dinner....."
i thought...hmmm
i've been livin' on top ramen
they seem harmless
and they're firemen
so they should be nice...
well....i arrive in Sausalito...
at a really pretty...
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were to begin witht his one?!?
i've been a complete stress monkey
and totally broke
so when i had 2 club regulars/ who i thought were friends
say.."you really need a break
can we buy you dinner....."
i thought...hmmm
i've been livin' on top ramen
they seem harmless
and they're firemen
so they should be nice...
well....i arrive in Sausalito...
at a really pretty...
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thank you for the well wishes for my brother..
my day actually went pretty darn good today...
i woke up hungover
in bed with a beautiful lady
(with clothes on~
my cute vixen friend Sedusa and i went out the nite before
we dressed liked twin debutantes...
i work a blk...1950's strapless dress, lng scarf, ponytail, and skull necklace w/ slingbacks...
she wore a...
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Go spell casting -- seriously. You know you want too. 

I hate the double post!
[Edited on Apr 18, 2005 7:46PM]

[Edited on Apr 18, 2005 7:46PM]
i'm doin' better...
though i was bummed bout my brother earlier..
he sounds like he's recoverin' more..
that tis good...
i've been so busy...f/t school/ & f/t work..
i'll be callin' him again this eve...
other than that...
nothin' too excitin'...
i fell off my diet last nite...
my mom gave me a box of chocolate
and i passed out nekid with wrappers all over...
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though i was bummed bout my brother earlier..
he sounds like he's recoverin' more..
that tis good...
i've been so busy...f/t school/ & f/t work..
i'll be callin' him again this eve...
other than that...
nothin' too excitin'...
i fell off my diet last nite...
my mom gave me a box of chocolate
and i passed out nekid with wrappers all over...
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glad to hear your brother's doing better. 

I'm glad your bro sounds a bit better...
...and crikey woman - streaks in your hair! Miaow!
...and crikey woman - streaks in your hair! Miaow!

aw..thank y'all for the well wishes back...
i'm back now...
i'll be workin' and doin' the school thing a responses..
may be sporatic...*sorry*
sort of bummed right now
sorry if my entry is kinda weird...
just got off the phone w/ my brother
he just got out of surgery yesterday
for prostate cancer & they found that he had suffered a mild heartattack.....
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i'm back now...
i'll be workin' and doin' the school thing a responses..
may be sporatic...*sorry*
sort of bummed right now

sorry if my entry is kinda weird...
just got off the phone w/ my brother
he just got out of surgery yesterday
for prostate cancer & they found that he had suffered a mild heartattack.....
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Don't feel down, you're soo not being a bad sister at all. If you were a bad sister you wouldn't even feel the way that you do. 

As usual, i agree with him ^^^^^^
Don't stress, duder. And keep in touch if you can.
Don't stress, duder. And keep in touch if you can.

i'm back now from amsterdam...hehe
it was so incredibly fun...i will have to tell you all more later bout the lovely adventures there..
but my bank account is laughin' at me..doh!
so i'll be workin' my ass off again....literally!
but aw...i so miss y'all at the chez paree
i'll be back in next few days...for sure!
but hurtin' from stillettos...and workin' off my...
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i'm back now from amsterdam...hehe

it was so incredibly fun...i will have to tell you all more later bout the lovely adventures there..
but my bank account is laughin' at me..doh!
so i'll be workin' my ass off again....literally!
but aw...i so miss y'all at the chez paree
i'll be back in next few days...for sure!
but hurtin' from stillettos...and workin' off my...
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so will we be seeing you at the Chez this week? I will be there just about everday ftom tonight through next wed i think...
welcome back!
and as for the airport security issues, all i can say is that it might have been surprising before Bush was re-elected, but now nothing shocks me anymore.

and as for the airport security issues, all i can say is that it might have been surprising before Bush was re-elected, but now nothing shocks me anymore.

*waves* from Amsterdam!
i'm sooooo incredibly bad
i missed my flight back due to...
gettin' too sauced at an irish pub...
pre flight...some irish guy bought jeremy and i sooo many drinks...
then when i went to get my stuff from the hotel...
my um of fell off somehow
so i sooo missed the flight!
now i am sooo broke...but has been worth it...
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i'm sooooo incredibly bad
i missed my flight back due to...
gettin' too sauced at an irish pub...
pre flight...some irish guy bought jeremy and i sooo many drinks...
then when i went to get my stuff from the hotel...
my um of fell off somehow

so i sooo missed the flight!
now i am sooo broke...but has been worth it...
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Hi Beautiful

serendipidity is what that is called - though we at the Chex Paree miss yuo bunches
glad you are having fun - we'll you soon

Amsterdam bound!
i fly out tomorrow mornin' hella early...
runnin' round like crazy....
will miss y'all
the timin' couldn't be more awesome either...
my psycho ex..
(the one that shoved me & stole my purse later...nitemare!)
has come back to SF
and emailin' etc to hang out...
thank god for amsterdam!
aw ..thanks for the awesome dj set last nite at the Chez...
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i fly out tomorrow mornin' hella early...
runnin' round like crazy....
will miss y'all

the timin' couldn't be more awesome either...
my psycho ex..
(the one that shoved me & stole my purse later...nitemare!)
has come back to SF
and emailin' etc to hang out...
thank god for amsterdam!
aw ..thanks for the awesome dj set last nite at the Chez...
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have fun in amsterdam--i miss the chez, dammit! or at least i'd rather be there than stuck in l.a. would've loved to have seen you before you go.
but i know you'll have a superfun time. wooohoo! heineken factory! and foxyboy!
but i know you'll have a superfun time. wooohoo! heineken factory! and foxyboy!
So are you flying over my head right now?
Have a great time. Don't get too stoned!
And i'll catch up with you when ya get back.
Have a great time. Don't get too stoned!
And i'll catch up with you when ya get back.

86'ld ...
oh my!
personally...i just think it's kinda funny....
as of this moment..i'm prbly literally banned from about 8 out of 11 strip clubs..
i um....sorta haulked a woogie..on the general manager of the deja vu clubs ... embarassin'...
i basically show up to work at the malibu barbie club..
first of all...
they have me check out a "box"
where i...
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oh my!
personally...i just think it's kinda funny....
as of this moment..i'm prbly literally banned from about 8 out of 11 strip clubs..
i um....sorta haulked a woogie..on the general manager of the deja vu clubs ... embarassin'...
i basically show up to work at the malibu barbie club..
first of all...
they have me check out a "box"
where i...
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yay at least i will see you back at the Chez - though i am taking this weekend off...but i think your actions were not only appropriate but commendable. have fun in Amsterdam if i do not see you before then
ha! awesome!

i woke up this morning...
and realized that i have a very weird life indeed
yesterday consisted of
drivin' down to Santa Cruz to do another photo shoot with Andrew
we shot commando style that day
and my first outdoor shoot since like high school...
as it was startin' to get dark...
we raced to a cove/cliff
andrew wants to catch the sunset in...
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and realized that i have a very weird life indeed
yesterday consisted of
drivin' down to Santa Cruz to do another photo shoot with Andrew
we shot commando style that day
and my first outdoor shoot since like high school...
as it was startin' to get dark...
we raced to a cove/cliff
andrew wants to catch the sunset in...
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Just think, if your life wasn't weird you wouldn't have any fun stories like that to share.

i've been so busy..
sorry folks!
what i really need to do is to start repostin' or copying my myspace blogs here...
they're very entertainin'...
i'm Nickelodeon on myspace..
i'm such a myspace junkie/troll
i've been runnin' round different strip clubs tryin' to muster up money..i leave for Amsterdam on Monday!
they all pretty much suck
tomorrow i will be workin' up on...
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i've been so busy..
sorry folks!
what i really need to do is to start repostin' or copying my myspace blogs here...
they're very entertainin'...
i'm Nickelodeon on myspace..
i'm such a myspace junkie/troll
i've been runnin' round different strip clubs tryin' to muster up money..i leave for Amsterdam on Monday!
they all pretty much suck
tomorrow i will be workin' up on...
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ha! you always have the most awesomest stories. you show those Malibu Stacy strippers who's boss!
Anywho, i just sent you a friend request on My Space, and it'd be oh so groovy if you accepted me.
Anywho, i just sent you a friend request on My Space, and it'd be oh so groovy if you accepted me.
'...but somehow they hired me'
Yeh, they aint blind, honey!
Yeh, they aint blind, honey! guys are way to funny...
here's a synopsis of last nite...
Well last nite was interesting...
I arrive there around 11pm...
was runnin' a bit late...
and the looks i got at the ATM & Gas Station were priceless
i was runnin' super late and had to pump gas in a tight vinyl corset dress w/ fishnets and 6 in complete fetish clothes...
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here's a synopsis of last nite...
Well last nite was interesting...
I arrive there around 11pm...
was runnin' a bit late...
and the looks i got at the ATM & Gas Station were priceless
i was runnin' super late and had to pump gas in a tight vinyl corset dress w/ fishnets and 6 in complete fetish clothes...
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Last night I sat alone in my room and practiced on my toy keyboard.
The only things I see when going to the ATM or gas station are homeless people urinating. I wish I had been getting gas at that moment you pulled up....
I love the story about your night -- it sounds like an excerpt out of some deleted scene out of Eyes Wide Shut

I love the story about your night -- it sounds like an excerpt out of some deleted scene out of Eyes Wide Shut

i'm soooo hungover...
i drank so much last nite..
but got to hang out with "the crew"
aw i love these guys
such sweethearts
& i get to drink & be one of the guys with no hassle
i'm such a tom girl
and it is great...i feel like i have all these newly adopted brothers
lookin' at the clock...
"no sleep for Brooklin"...
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i'm soooo hungover...
i drank so much last nite..

but got to hang out with "the crew"
aw i love these guys
such sweethearts
& i get to drink & be one of the guys with no hassle
i'm such a tom girl
and it is great...i feel like i have all these newly adopted brothers

lookin' at the clock...
"no sleep for Brooklin"...
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You at fetish club nite = HOTT!
- illstabyou (not sleeping in Brooklyn after hearing that)

- illstabyou (not sleeping in Brooklyn after hearing that)
I'll second that!
- TheReverend (suddenly wide-eyed in the UK after hearing that)
- TheReverend (suddenly wide-eyed in the UK after hearing that)