SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARGH I am so pissed off, the goddamn windshield wiper on the driver side of my ride is busted. and it aint gettin fixed til monday!! I am so pissed. i have to drive tonight to pickup my roommate too. il be leanin like a homie, damnit.

Decided to put up a new pic, what do you all think? girlrobottook it for me.
I wish age was just a mentality, but my aching lower back and my knees would tend to disagree. I'm not bothered by my years: I've earned every single one of them. But age definitely has the physical, inevitable end to it.

I love teaching. I love the discussion, the interaction, the exchange of ideas and information. I think I'm good at it, too. Otherwise, my business wouldn't send me out to do it over and over again.

What do you do, anyway?

I like to think I would be a good parent.

Surviving Cali was nothing. Surviving Mississippi and Missouri was the real chore
Well!! Yay its the weekend, and holyshit i am not on call, what am i gonna do? I am not really sure, aside from go party like a lush on newyears!

The week was good bad, and ugly. Work was awesome, had a good time with everyone. The cases i scrubbed in on were both challenging and fun, so professionally i was very contented.

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I know, I'm awesome.

atleast I'm not cut off. I'd be pissed.
Psh..... Work work work.... PHAWK I need a way out of this whole work thing.

I drank a bunch of bookers last night, it was tasty. Than i totally harassed the hell out of my not exactly sane ex-gf that i live with, HAHA. finished the night by goiung shopping, and cooking a roast.

Gonna go eat and drink and get busy now.

xxx-ooo love...
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son of bitch...roast sounds fucking good.
So now as the hour of closing approaches I ready myself to say goodbye sweet weekend, your time is passing and although you were generous in your hours your burdens were quite taxing.
Done am I with the sufferage of call. Well atleast for the next 2 months anyways. And i must say That I am more than thrilled at the prospect of not carrying...
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i hate not having any clean clothes, lol. gotta do laundry

don't you mean I need to do your laundry?

and yeah I totally help drink your booze. I just can't drink that disgusting bourbon shit.

P.S. you need more gin. I drank it all.

When work seems like home and home seems like some place you stop by now and than and just hang out for a little while yoiu know you are working to much,lol. Thank god i love my job.

so i had my little mini vacation last weekend and all the good it did seems to be washed away in one day. i have again worked...
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Wow. You have a job where you help people and make money. RAWK.

You have a really awesome list of vices. Good luck in the new year.

I miss Iron Chef.

"Is that Fresh Cream?! I was hoping for a sweet desert."

"Yes. It is squid fried in onion droppings with carrots."
Wow it is strange what a mood change people can go through if they get just a little of what they want. Not that i ever really like giving in on anything, infact if a pillar is stuck in its place , than it is often like a reed compared how intractable i can be. maybe it is a characterflaw, or a character strength, depends...
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How about Friday...I will bring gregarious.....and you bring girlrobot....we can figure out someplace where she can party with us.....Call me biggrin
Seems things are going better! YAY! kiss
So, the day of newyears eve was interesting. Where shal i start?

Ok i have an ex girlfriend who i have had recurrent dreams about. we finally got in touch, she is married. so that solves that problem.

Than my ex-gf/roommate bacame a huge pain in the ass, emotional nut job. well some of that is myfault, but only a small ammount. so i ended...
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Thanks for the birthday wishes hun!
All I really wanted from my friend was a phone call, on her own accord, to see how I was doing. I was just so disappointed that I had to call her. And then she didn't ask me how I was at all. She wanted me to go out with her and her boyfriend. I was blind-sided by her apathy. To me ten years is a long time to have a friendship. She has only known the guy for two months. On the same note, it is true that I did role-reversal. Although, a good friend should be able to receive support and give support. I am just not going to put so much energy into our relationship. It obviously has less worth to her than I thought. At least that's how I feel.

Despite the above post, I actually feel much happier today! YAY! tongue
ok so its official newyears is ruined for me, gonna be on call from 11 pm tonight until 7 am monday.

so in the year 2004 let me see how many holidays i worked.

4th of july, Memorial day, Labour Day, Christmas, and Newyears. Wow i actually had Thanksgiving off, amazing. Hm.. why is it i never have fun? i think i ned a new...
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First of all, no one knows the actual cause of endometriosis. The vegetarian diet is because meat helps produce estrogen and there are higher levels of estrogen in women with endo. At least that is how I understand it. I am not supposed to eat dairy either. Or refined sugars, alcohol, or anything with caffeine. I don't drink. I stopped drink soda in high school and never drink coffee. I try not to eat refined sugars anyway. Meat has never been something I care much about so, eh that can go. I am have a hard time with dairy though... I'll do it, I have a really strong will. It's all just a theory that it can help. I read about it a lot, so I figured it is worth a shot. I would do anything to keep it from getting as bad as it was. Yoga is supposed to help too...exercise in general also, but I have done yoga in the past and I believe it can help heal. I had this surgery at Willamette Falls. My first surgery (they removed a tumor first) I had at Good Samaritan. Ugh, I don't know if I answered all you questions... smile Hm... Let me know. And ask me more questions!!! And thanks! kiss
Well lets see, hm.... Where to start??

The holidays...were good and bad, shit and happiness. Mostly however they were totally exausting.
Thursday, 23rd i was on vacation, went shopping and had alot of fun. Than that night had a little roommate christmas dinner. it was cool...kinda. I have 2 roommates, and they are both at odds with eachother and i am the center of the...
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Hey, I need a drinking buddy....can you and robotgirl get out on Wed......need not be a place she has to be 21 to get in to.....I will provide the entertainment....
Here's my number 360-281-5132 I get off around 6 tonight....so if you call, just leave me a message... biggrin
ok well not a whole lot to discuss. holidays are coming up. my parentys really pissed me off, so now i have decided to work on the 24th 25th and 26th, so as to have an excuse not to spend time with them.

Hopefully they will send me a truck full of cash and i can retire and moock off a trustfund. nope forgot they...
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Have a Happy Christmas and Merry New Year!! biggrin biggrin
well things are a little better today, had a good talk with one roommate, and the other one isnt here, so yay, its pretty cool today!

think i will go out tonight and see a movie with the roomie i like spending time with.

be back later to tell yall how it was.

I saw Team America tonight at McMenamen's. Fucking great!! Have a good week!

bb ARRR!!!
What happened with the roommate????
Shit, I cant sleep. I need sleep. Lastnight was a fuckall situation. I am pissed on so many levels. but why am i angry? dissappointment in self. A lack of trust in others. Like Ceasar, the closest people are those who should be trusted least, ah but those are honorable people right? Hm, i wonder sometimes. I am loosing faith in something and i dont...
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Well, good luck with that.
