Tonight: dishes, laundry, and brush the cat.
what about the cheewowah in the picture, doesn't he get a brush too?
I think you're lying...poor fucking kitty.

Yeah, a cutting is...a cutting. Hence the blood. It's on my sternum.
I've decided to start experimenting with spices. Right now I'm working on salt. Once I have that mastered I will move on to either pepper or garlic.

I'm starting to think that an academic knowledge of faith is an affront to the real thing.

I got a DVD of Mr. Show. I've never seen it before and I like it because they make fun of...
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kosher salt is the secret.
Yesterday I met a little dog. Little as in maybe a foot long from nose to tail (no, not the dog in my profile pic...). He was so cute. He licked my face and nibbled on my ear and I giggled like a schoolgirl.

Last night I sniffed my neighbor's garbage. It smelled delicious! Like spicy pepperoni.

I wonder what I'll do today.
You should come to Long Beach. Lots of pigeons to kick...
in mt. rainier state park i got two wild ground squirels to climb all over me and eat out of my hands. i'll post pics. and i might be moving to portland in a couple of years, if you can wait that long . . .
Nobody knows where I am. I live alone, I'm single, and, unless I'm at work or with friends, literally, nobody knows where I am. It's quite often that I'll just hop in the car and disappear out into the world. One of these days I'm going to get on an airplane and fly to some random place for the weekend. Chicago maybe. Or perhaps Milwaukee....
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Portland has the nicest homeless people anywhere. Even when you say "sorry" when they ask for spare change, they still say "thank you." Another thing I noticed was that very few people wear sunglasses. I think we Californians are addicted to our shades. I hate meeting people when they're wearing sunglasses. I like to see eyes. Oh, and people can actually sit around outside, in...
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Had an awesome ti me in Portland! I'd share a story or two, but it's off to bed. Maybe tomorrow...
that is such a good fantasy. also your cat is SO FUCKING CUTE.
"Genitum, non factum."

What the hell's the significance of that?

Oh, and I may not be checking in for a while as I'm spending the next week in Portland. Blarg!
Bob Saget wasn't on the America's Funniest Home Videos: Uncensored DVD. frown Overall it was moderately funny. Lots of animals pooping, and more than one clip of people catching poop in the act so as to keep it off nice carpet. Kids swearing, ugly people naked, and pets humping inanimate objects pretty much fills in the description of the DVD. As I said, moderately funny.

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catching poop


Yesterday I went onto the Netflix website to cancel my subscription because I haven't watched a DVD for almost two months. Before I did though, I did a quick search on, you guessed it, Bob Saget! I discovered a DVD titled "America's Funniest Home Videos: Uncensored," added it to my queue and it arrived today!! Hoooraaaay! I've been staring at it, torturing myself, making myself...
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A How-To Guide for the Enjoyment of Monster-Free Wilderness Experiences.


In this guide the avoidance of several monsters is covered. Particular attention is paid to the techniques required to prevent encounters with Sasquatch type monsters, but the guidelines presented herein can be effectively applied to the avoidance of many of the most common wilderness and campground monsters, including: bears, giant bugs, space aliens, hippies,...
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how cute!!!

and yes the "toy" came in the "original packaging" and it's worth a lot to me at least wink
It's nearly Summer and the skull picture has gone into hibernation. Please welcome Mister Puffy Cat. She's the cutest, sweetest kitty ever! In the three years we've know each other we've managed to refine a mutually beneficial relationship: I keep her apartment clean and pay the rent, and she lets me live here. We tried making a rule requiring all kitties to stay off the...
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I keep the binoculars in my nightstand because she's actually across from my bedroom window. As soon as I get a digital photo of that, poor old Jimmy's gonna have to move...
The question is, Does caring require action, or is intention alone enough? Just what is the extent of our obligation?

I will think on this all day. The Hindus say intention IS action, so this complicates things, ideologically for me... I got your email, and yes I would LOVE to talk more about all that... I've been a bit tight on time, trying to get to work, the 72 hour hell shift. I will write back very soon, as soon as I can.