Remember Alf? He's back! In POG form!
(this journal entry [including the title] is cross-posted with another journal elsewhere)
Because (and I know you're not supposed to begin sentences with "because") everyone already knows what's going on in my life lately, I'm going to ask all of you some questions, since I like interactive journaly thingies. I can answer them myself too, just cos that... Read More
Tax balance due = $1,575
Professional fees = $167 $142
Coupon for first time customer = -$25
I'm so fucking poor. I can't even afford generic ramen...I get to pay the IRS $150 every month until the balance is paid completely. This means my health problems are once again set back, as I won't be able to get them taken care of any time soon... Read More
It didn't hit me before the way it's hitting me now - how weird it is that she's 18. I mean..I was just 18! (I know, I'm turning 23 this year actually, but it feeeeeels like I'm still 18. Funny, I'm the one who still feels younger than that, and my older sister is... Read More
The boys wanna fight
But the girls are happy to dance all night
It's raining out, so I didn't get to ride my bike to work. Again. It's not that I can't steer or anything while riding in the rain, it's just that I don't want to trail in a wet, dirty mess when I bring my bike into the office or the apartment. Plus,... Read More
awesome! happy you like the page. i doubt people will be interested in writings about obsessing over music, but its better than a coke habit i suppose.
the reason why i asked if you have seen Huckabees is because of your bike. you will understand when you see it. it is one of my favorite movies right now.
I'm no Barbie doll
I'm not your baby girl
I've done ugly things
I have made mistakes
And I am not as pretty as those girls in magazines
I am rotten to the core if they're to be believed
So what if I'm no baby bird hanging
On your every word
Nothing ever smells of roses that rises out of mud
People are even less willing to come to Torrance than Long Beach.
Someone once made the comparison that the group is the red-headed stepchild of the southern CA groups.I honestly don't even think SGLBC is going to make it to its first birthday...or not too long after that, anyway.
The glass is near empty.
EDIT: I suppose maybe I made this a bigger issue than... Read More
I am sorry sweets! I try to go to events to help the group out when I can, like the potluck and me and Nofiradio even posted that one event... BUT yeah it seems to me that people will go if someone they want to see is going, I say that because people have told me that if they knew I was going then they would have, and I do not get that when most people are pretty tight as it is! I do that sometimes BUT only when it is out of town and I do not know the people...
So on Friday night, me and my friend Tiffany went to Vons because I stupidly forgot my cigarettes at work. We walked in and almost immediately turned around and left because the prices were like woah. Then as soon as we're leaving, this guy comes out of the back and says, "Wait, you're not leaving now, are you? I just came out of... Read More
nope still just sitting here...too lazy ..
$500 ... its yours ... camera & lens ..all the software still sealed i think ... all the cables... took really nice care of it... i got a little lens hood too for it ...
Friday night Sioban and I were waiting for a train at Powell station and we saw some guy rip our Suicide Girls sticker off the phone book and put it on a bag of his. She and I put that sticker on there two weeks ago. What are the chances that we'd... Read More
i actually quite like it...
oh i dont think i have any index cards...
what shoud i do??!?