I wanna see Pirates of the Caribbean.
I feel spaced out but more comfortable with myself. Lost in strange memories that have little to do with people and more to do with a sense of something. Or smells and sights long gone. I don't know
Forgiveness is granted (by none other than myself) and in the end, I'm always okay.
Someone I dearly adore put...
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I feel spaced out but more comfortable with myself. Lost in strange memories that have little to do with people and more to do with a sense of something. Or smells and sights long gone. I don't know

Forgiveness is granted (by none other than myself) and in the end, I'm always okay.
Someone I dearly adore put...
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It's so funny, to me, how quickly people lose interest in things. Not that I'm much of an exception to the rule. But then again, maybe I'm just feeling icky depressed from a combination of the weather and my sickiness (which I think is almost over because I actually slept through the night instead of waking up 10million times). It's all rainy and gray here...
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i have seen people live for hella long and not have any complications.
so you never truly know whats gonna happen. mmmmm--djarums...mmmmmm
oh, reread the blog..just for you.
and thanks for the additions.
youre as cool as a penguins nipples!!
even more so with the wild thing tattoos. much more so.
so you never truly know whats gonna happen. mmmmm--djarums...mmmmmm
oh, reread the blog..just for you.
and thanks for the additions.
youre as cool as a penguins nipples!!
even more so with the wild thing tattoos. much more so.
stop...youre gonna make me
but im happy i made your night.
i try not to allow crappy evenings, so if youre having one, let me know, and ill do what i can.

but im happy i made your night.
i try not to allow crappy evenings, so if youre having one, let me know, and ill do what i can.
Uhg. I've been sick. Nasty icky sick. It began as the sore throat Miss Laura gave me and then I got better...or so I thought. HA. That was not to be. I went to hang out with a good friend (and ex boss) early Saturday and I suppose it was all the freezing bloody wind cutting into me that did it. My ears started hurting...
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hooray for the bloody chunks. that was too much fun to read. i like the nastier parts of being sick, and believe that part of the fun of being sick is sharing that info with others.
fuck yeah we are inherintly cooler. especially when it comes to fosters (ill be sure to show you directly when i get them. i cant find anyone better than eduardo and bloo)...and its nice to see another fan.
"pfft! secret doors, who needs them? What do i care about secret doors?... and the unparalleled delights they keep hidden from the world!"
fuck yeah we are inherintly cooler. especially when it comes to fosters (ill be sure to show you directly when i get them. i cant find anyone better than eduardo and bloo)...and its nice to see another fan.
"pfft! secret doors, who needs them? What do i care about secret doors?... and the unparalleled delights they keep hidden from the world!"
Yuck. Feel better soon!
*pouts* Seriously. I want it now! I know exactly what I want and where I want it. I even know who I'm going to have do it. I just have to get the money together. It's big so it'll be a considerable amount of monies. It'll be gorgeous though and worth every minute. I can't wait...or rather, I can cause...
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*pouts* Seriously. I want it now! I know exactly what I want and where I want it. I even know who I'm going to have do it. I just have to get the money together. It's big so it'll be a considerable amount of monies. It'll be gorgeous though and worth every minute. I can't wait...or rather, I can cause...
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glad to hear you are in a good mood! im debating about going to go buy s computer right now. i can get it for 45 a month, not bad at all. hmmmmmmmmm
hooray for tattoo pictures.
not to make you feel worse, i just dont know anyone else that can appreciate these new tattoo's to come:
blooregard q kazoo and eduardo.
ive thought about cherry too, just to offset bloo.
hope that your tattoo comes to you soon. dont rob a bank, starbucks would be way more fun!!
not to make you feel worse, i just dont know anyone else that can appreciate these new tattoo's to come:
blooregard q kazoo and eduardo.
ive thought about cherry too, just to offset bloo.
hope that your tattoo comes to you soon. dont rob a bank, starbucks would be way more fun!!
I have monies and beer and new pens and a new cd (that I meant to buy a long time ago and just forgot) and I have lots of cigarettes (vanilla cloves, there is nothing else) and I'm marginally happy.
So I sat and wrote down story ideas in a notebook (thanks for the suggestion, Mr. DeceptiviewFilm) and then I somehow managed to cut...
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So I sat and wrote down story ideas in a notebook (thanks for the suggestion, Mr. DeceptiviewFilm) and then I somehow managed to cut...
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howdy new friend. ATL reprezent! hee hee.... duluth huh? i'm a kennesaw boy.
So, I'm going away for a while. I'll be back when I actually have money
or when I become an SG, whichever comes first, eh? I forever look on the bright side of things.
That said, thanks to everyone who applied to be my muse, you guys are all fantabulously amazing and I'll talk to you when I get back. Until then, my contact...
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So, I'm going away for a while. I'll be back when I actually have money

That said, thanks to everyone who applied to be my muse, you guys are all fantabulously amazing and I'll talk to you when I get back. Until then, my contact...
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I couldn't just let you drift off into the sunset, you're the only person that's ever left me a testicalmonial. You have to spread the word that i am not evil, and actually a nice person.
P.S. Hope that didn't piss off the old man.......it wasn't intended like that
P.S. Hope that didn't piss off the old man.......it wasn't intended like that
cool, cool. He was actually one of my first friends.
I'm tired of being tired.
I'm not sleepy. I'm just tired. It's getting old. No, scratch that, it's gotten old already.
That's all.
I'm not sleepy. I'm just tired. It's getting old. No, scratch that, it's gotten old already.
That's all.
I totally feel you....I'm so damn tired and I know it's bc I'm getting old. My roomate just turned 25 and we started hanging out when she turned 21. That was the moment in the night when we were like....damn.....4 fucking years. why the hell are we both still here!!
Sorry you're tired and sleepy, me too. You are not old though you just need to find something to wake you up. You are so beautiful!
Holy crapola. Today was ridiculous. Yet another day of pretty much nothing (that said, I did get some cleaning done, woo!). I need a hobby or something. Gonna pick back up on the sewing bit and make some more creepy/strange/mind-boggling/freakish/random stuffed animals. Cause, let's face it. I need a hobby or something. I'm hoping concentrating on something else will lift my writer's block. I'm contemplating...
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Basically I agree with you, I mean I tried retail and only a few months into it I was already kinda different. So upon realizing that I made an effort to remind myself that if I let myself turn into a boring soul-less yuppie with tons of shit i dont care about I'd have to punch myself in the face. =)
I think certain people belong in retail tho, they just happen to be the type of people who arent really alive inside is all
ps, needless to say I want a job that means something to me but have yet to find one
I think certain people belong in retail tho, they just happen to be the type of people who arent really alive inside is all

ps, needless to say I want a job that means something to me but have yet to find one
best billboard ever.
the one where they all go to the beach and leave bloo at home is my favorite..
"its hot in to-peeeee-kaaaaah"
writers block, i wish that i had a cure. been trying to write for a professor for years now. luckily she keeps having children and postponing book. but i need to get on that.
im interested in a "creepy/strange/mind-boggling/freakish/random" stuffed aminal. i like aminals. btu not as much as bloody snot stories. which reminds me of the grossness that was inside of my nose and stuck on septum, but that is another story for another time!!!
"First of all, why did you bring him home with you? Secondly," He rolled his eyes and gazed imploringly at the ceiling, "dare I ask? What did he do to make you turn him into a dog?Last, but not least" Vincent said, opening the freezer and pulling out a bottle of whiskey, "Why are you drinking that watery shit when you have this?"
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well if only you were a local beauty, such wants could be accomidated
Well.. ive been there a time or 4, and i must say, there aren't many like you and i wandering around. You are a diamond in the rough.
I think I would be having a better day if my computer were working. Well, obviously it's working now but ten minutes ago I was ready to go Office Space on the stoopid thing.
I have writer's block and I hate it. Stoopid stinking writer's block.
I feel like I'm doing the right thing taking my time with shooting a set for SG. Seems to...
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I have writer's block and I hate it. Stoopid stinking writer's block.
I feel like I'm doing the right thing taking my time with shooting a set for SG. Seems to...
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well hola,
now come on $1.00 to hold a hand on a park bench, it would be sweet, there is to much lonelyness in the world... and weell i'm a bit of a sap 2... in love... with the idea... of love... the curse of a libra....
now come on $1.00 to hold a hand on a park bench, it would be sweet, there is to much lonelyness in the world... and weell i'm a bit of a sap 2... in love... with the idea... of love... the curse of a libra....
oh ya more LIGHT!!! contact MISSY, see if there is something she can do for ya... she started it all...she might help...
my tattoos, yay!
Well, it's been a long time since I've had a membership (I couldn't tell you what my member name was to save my soul) but I have returned as an SG hopeful in need of answers. Mostly, I want a chance to look at the current sets in preparation for shooting mine and a chance to pick up any photography tips and tricks I can....
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Cool!! Welcome back and Good Luck with your set

You should definitely join the Rejected Sets from SGs group, too. I've seen some great ones not make the cut in the last couple of months. Good luck.
if that's the case INSANITY RULES!
i enjoy a corona with lots of lime in it
bud light
miller high life
whatever someone else brings over