Welp. IT HAS BEEN YEARS. That's a thing.

Did you draw all of those? If so, well done. What determines the amount of coloring that is applied?
Indeed, I did. And thanks. (I'm rather 'meh' as an artist....I can copy other people's stuff, but as for my own....notsomuch. But. If I could actually draw what I see in my head...) They're quite old...1993-1995 as I recall. I got frustrated with hands and left them off in several cases, and that probably applies to coloring, too. I can remember what most of them were supposed to look like when they were finished, (that's because this story never, ever leaves my head) but I just never got to that point. Ah, procrastination.
Ooh, I just noticed new kitty pics. It's too bad black kitty faces are hard to see with dark backgrounds. The other kitty is noticeably cuter.
And new naked pics. Yay! Cool set. You are very beautiful. Naked or not. But I am partial to your IBTs.
Kitties! I really need to find good pictures of my black kitty. The only decent one I can find is panoramic, and I need to scan it. He died a few years ago, and I miss him so hard. Grabby's cute....but she's a bitch.
And thanks x50000. Seriously. I don't feel beautiful, especially lately, but it's nice to hear. Being a recluse and all, it's not very often compliment season....that and I'm notsogood at just taking them. I really loved that set, and was sad to not see it go anywhere....it had so many little layers, private jokes and references, that it felt much more personal than my first one. Maybe I'll make my next set to do with the novel. It's a thought. I'm almost to the point where I'm okay with my teeny boobs. Heh. Almost.