I'm beat! I had a busy weekend doing slave labor for my mom. Then I took off yesterday to get some work done around here. But that didn't happen. Instead I went to look at new cars! biggrin I got sooo close to getting a brand new truck. But I need a cosignor. What kinda crap is that?!?! whatever I've been at my job for 2 years....
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Yes, actually, in a weird way.

What kind of truck are you looking at?
Too bad about the truck!
frown It's raining again. What happened to nice sunny weather? But atleast fall is on it's way. And soon, Halloween!! skull I really wanna go to the SG Pitt party but I don't know how the hell I'm gonna get there. It would be great to finally meet some of you guys! It be even better if I could find some way to get to Cali and...
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Much appreciated! Cheers.
RAIN!!! RAIN!!!! WHY??????
Just when I'm getting things done it has to rain. I sit around and veg, sunshine. I get up off my lazy arse, RAIN!!!!!!!! blackeyed blackeyed blackeyed puke puke puke puke

I did fix a real cool lamp my mum gave me. And did some other odds and ends. But I wanted to go take pictures. Now I can just go jump in mud puddles.
all of the forest fires in the mountains have created an immense high pressure system over us, so we have had maybe one day of rain in the last two months... it is hot, hazy, and i love it.

its starting to get colder now though... i'll give it maybe a week or two before the leaves fall off the trees. damn canada frown
I just hope you took your ass to Walmart today....

Ok, so I was alittle lax in updating my journal! shocked My week was pretty boring. I'm afraid my weekend is gonna be even more boring. I have tons of things I can do. But none of it's fun. And none of it's worth telling anyone here about that's for sure. Who wants to read about how I have to get my stuff out of storage...
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During my late night last night, I looked for you numerous times in chat and on Yahoo Messenger, but you were never there. frown Hopefully we can chat soon.

Thanks for the advice...I actually saw two vets who both said the problems were anxiety/stress related. What's left to do but either isolate her into a room of her own for the rest of her life and clean up after her daily or put her down? Feliaway is a joke with my cat. The meds don't work well either. I just wish there was a miracle pill, you know?

And that's the long story. Sorry for the book.
I made it through Monday!!!!!!! biggrin biggrin biggrin
I had a decent weekend. Got free tickets to go to an indy car race at Nazareth speedway. So that's what I did Sunday. Got just a wee bit messed up Saturday night. But it was totally worth it!
Hi. How's tricks? I'm sorry. I kinda disappeared there for a while. The internet in general was getting to me. Sounds like you've been out and having fun. Must be nice. Fun, fun.

I hope you're well. Take care,

Hmm. You don't post much in your journal, Mister! tongue


[Edited on Aug 28, 2003]
Have you ever sat back and looked at how you've changed from the past? And wonder what you're gonna be in the coming? I always do that. I do it so much that I can watch myself grow. Even sometimes see where I'm gonna go wrong and avoid it. Well, that doesn't happen often. But I get lucky sometimes and can make myself change in...
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Friday! Finally! Too bad they're gonna make me work till 4am. I hate lazy bastards! ARRR!!! I think I'll break shit so they have to work the weekend!
friday is seriously sucking :{
sorry about the chat thing..Im all tired and I kept quitting out of the chat by mistake...time for sleep.
Ok, two days later and I'm still alive! Guess I'll be alright. I don't feel anything weird or what not. Just hope it doesn't happen again! smile
I swallowed my friggen barbell tonight. frown I was eating a bag of chips and next thing you know......Oh shit! Where's my barbell!?! I tried to, uhh... you know.... puke Right away. But it didn't work. Did anyone else ever do that before? I'm just worried that I'll end up havin to go to the hospital and let em cut me open. eeek eeek eeek I've had my tongue pierced...
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thanks. i really sincerely hope you are right.
it just rarely seems to be true...
well if ir hasnt left through your other end by now you should go to the hospital just to check if everything will be ok.. better safe than sorry right?.. well as to how to walk my dogs i cant tie them together i have 3 cocker spaniels each from about 3 years to a year old and my new 8 month old lab.. so i now have to take turns walking them ...lol.. figures.. well hope everything goes well with your barbell..
I just love it when my mom comes over and says she's taking me shopping! biggrin Nothing beats free stuff for no reason. I don't understand what she actually wanted though. Usually when she does something like that it's because she wants me to do something. But not this time I guess maybe she just wanted someone to go do something with.

I saw the weirdest...
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i love when my mom buys me new shoes. shoes are too expensive. last time she bought me a really snazzy pair of red pumas. smile yay for free stuff!
Well, its an art school, so its bound to have loads of interesting things to study....biggrin
Okay. Anyone here no anything about dream symbolism? I had the weirdest dream the other bught. There was me and a horse and tons of snakes. I was just picking them up and carrying them around in my hand. There were all kinds of snakes. Poisonous, non poisonous, big ones, little ones. I even got bit a few times. But why snakes? Or atleast why...
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well i dont know much about dream symbolism but horses are always symbols of strenght and Freud said that dreaming of snakes is some sort of male sexual innuendo... i probably didn't help much did i?
Im a bad dream interpreter- I cant even explain my own.wink

Thank you for signing the petition- Im so happy that so many people have, I know Im nave but something has to be done and thats at least a start....crosses claws for luck.

Ok, I have like a week and a half worth of vacation to take from work. But I have nothing to do and no one to do it with. How the heck am I going to use up all that time in 3 months if I have nowhere to go? Anybody have any suggestions? I'll probably just end up taking it a day here and...
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Go somewhere! Just go... driving, or something. Or take the time off to rest. Or even just save it, and have the vacation cashed out at the end of the year on your paycheck. smile Last year, our store director cashed our untaken vacation out for us... twice, by accident. No one told him...
Join an SG group if they plan a trip go! smile