I hate bragging. I think it is a nasty habit, and strongly feel that one's actions should speak for themselves. That being said, I sometimes can't help it. My own sheer awesomeness overwhelms me, and it is just too much of a burden for one mortal man to bear alone. So indulge me for a moment. Because:

SPOILERS! (Click to view)
I made the fuckin'...
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way to go dude. I just love those "fuck you , I did it," moments.
1st glass of red wine w/ lunch - CHECK
2nd glass of red wine in middle of afternoon - CHECK
Generous whisky prior to dinner - CHECK

My mom needs to leave town soon so I can stop drinking. She pours healthy portions, and then I have to make out like I am more sober than I am...you know, 'cause she looks up to me...
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wow, awesome place.

also, my mom is always pouring booze down my throat too. what is it with moms?
No, she actually said, "Right now I think I'm just upset at you for being a guy." I try to leave gender out of it as much as I can. Asshole. (Why is there no asshole emoticon?)
Apparently in the midst of drinking too much champagne (is there such a thing?) at my friends holiday party last night, I agreed to take part in some sort of steam punk performance art in Oakland next spring. I am to play some sort of Commissar of a group of devotees of Nikola Tesla. Of course, being a steam punk fair, this puts me in...
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well i saw you a few times!

I agree though, it definitely wasnt enough.
law school + med stuff = horrible friendship.
Well, finals have been over for a couple of days now, and my last one went really, really well. It is always nice to end the semester on a positive note. A lot going on this week, with X-mas shopping for my little cousins, my mom returning from her month in India, and a couple of holiday parties. Not to mention all of the housing...
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Congrats on the house and the well-going of the finals smile

Yeah, I'm still around. I read relatively often... just don't post. Lots of stuff going on here, and I've been trying to spend more of my free time working on art instead of blogging or being on the computer. I'll probably swing back to the computer again a little more soon, but I generally do most of my blogging on myspace or LJ. Let me know if you're on one of those and I'll add you.
3 down, 1 to go. But I have a week to study for it, so I feel pretty confident about passing. The last three days have been intense. I am super tired today, and probably not going to do much more than some basic outlining, if that much.

In unrelated news, I get the keys to my new house today....super stoked.
Yeah, it only gets truly ridiculous at that point.

Wes Studi rocks.
I said defying, not denying. Big difference.

And I didn't learn about it from xkcd. I used to study science, remember? (I actually remember the day I learned about it in high school chemistry.)
god my brain hurts...I have finished my first two rough outlines for finals and am now going to try to condense them into something more manageable. One is 142pgs, and the other is 102pgs. I am hoping that by this time tomorrow they will be about 60 and 45 pages respectively.

Coming up to Humboldt to hole up and get studying done was definitely the...
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A little snippet from a recent facebook message I received:


I was wondering actually when have you read Fup? Long ago or not?....

I really, truly, love the way non-native speakers speak English. It is one of those few traits that is simultaneously cute/endearing/sexy.

If you didn't quite catch the brilliance of that sentence structure, go back and read it again. I am fairly...
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You're right, a boy can't do anything.
It's so odd...most of have found ways over our lives to make the holidays less awful, grouping with other like-minded individuals. But I still feel like nothing but birthdays and Halloween are really comfortable for me.
OK...so apparently it is "Nice Asses in Skin Tight Pants" day in the East Bay. I mean come on people, I am trying to focus here. The whole reason I left my house was so I would get some work done and be away from distractions. I suppose, tactically speaking, setting up my mobile office in a coffee shop with huge glass windows which is...
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I always thought of a harem in more of an ownership arrangement (or at least a much more personal connotation) than a business transaction. Freelance harems? Now there's an idea.
And how you let Grey's Anatomy take priority over Heroes I'll never know.
Sitting in my ridiculously pointless legal methods class flying high on my results from my Con Law paper (29/30) and dry erase markers, and being generally thankful that I finally have managed to get a wifi connection in this room. 13 weeks into this class, and it finally connects. There is a ton going on in my life right now, with about 95% of it...
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> Negotiating & Drafting Contracts in the Entertainment Industry

I say take it so people like me could consult you, darling... gotta know your enemy, right? Plus you will get to meet some interesting characters.
negotiating and drafting contracts sounds more interesting to me. but they both sound good.

"Almighty God created the races white, black, yellow, malay and red, and he placed
them on separate continents. And but for the interference with his arrangement
there would be no cause for such marriages. The fact that he separated the races
shows that he did not intend for the races to mix."

puke puke puke puke

Don't worry, that case was overturned, and the couple in question didn't go...
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hunh? What case was that?
Funny how the forces of darkness are still using the same "God intended it this way" argument, just on different targets. Well, not really funny so much as incredibly loathsome.
...and when he was overborne by such dark moods as these, he had no option but to take leave of the tumultuous world, so that the demons reveling within his breast might court the wicked beasts which prowled through his mind.
Dude, when did you get so emo?
yeah it was a mugging. like a stick up. like a get-down-on-the-ground kinda stick up. it was sketchy, but a learning expierience.
Wow, I don't log in for a couple of days and apparently all hell breaks loose. Can't say that I am sorry I missed any of it.

Back to work for me.
Yeah, I mostly missed it, too, then I read Posh's journal and said, "WTF?" I too, am glad I missed it.