It had been fifteen years. As my first pedal strokes started turning over, the familiarity of the trail started flowing back, like that old friend who is always there in the background. The only sounds I heard were the birds singing there midsummer songs, the wind blowing through the trees, and my tires rolling along the trais. It was a warm day, at first a...
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I love the sound of thunder as it rolls in on this late spring evening. I am waiting on the rain to hopefully me to sleep. Turn all of the lights off, open a few windows so you can smell the rain coming. I know that the rain tonight may bring some fairly formidable humidity tomorrow but it's a tradeoff I'll take. I can hear...
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I order to have a conscience, you have to have a soul. I have neither.
Well, this seems to have become a dying place to me. There just seems to be no returned correspondence anymore. Is everyone leaving? Are you all just coming here to check things out then move on? I miss the whole sense of community I used to have when coming here. It all seemed to end with the big change over. Is that what made people...
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Yup, that's me.
I know most conservatives are religious and that is what they base their politics on, but if you look at most of the stuff they say their righteousness and religion does for them is just common sense. I don't need commandments to tell me not to lie, cheat, steal, kill, etc. It's called being a good person.
I base being a conservative...
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Last night while watching Cosmos, I realized that my life is quite possibly half over. The grandeur of time itself, the way it untiringly marches on left me feeling quite melancholy, perhaps even fearful that things planned long ago are still undone. Travels are still waiting, the road calling my name. I realized that I've been stuck in a routine for over half my life...
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So, I can't decide, Daniel Defense MK12 or Yankee Hill Machine Co. Model 57?
I miss this place. I haven't been around much since the big changeover. It just changed too much too fast. I'm trying to get used to it, but it's not that simple when things are still so hard to navigate through. I remember the set of the day having a title. My biggest gripe is still the term "follow". This isn't twitter, I'm not here...
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Now that I see it on my tablet, it makes a little more sense. The site is totally leaning to a more portable device, but why not make a separate mobile version and keep the desktop version as it were with possibly a few tweeks? I find navigation throughout the site to be confusing and sometimes maddening, and now I need to rejoin every group...
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It's been a busy and eventful six months, a roller coaster ride of emotions, making new friends, having three girlfriends at the same time (wasn't my idea, it just fell into place like that), drugs, love found and lost, illness, beautiful girls, crappy vacations, getting back in touch with an...
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The Wii stirs great annoyance in me! It never picks up movements correctly, and I'm really grumpy when that happens! Oops! I've just about got a handle on the Xbox controller (baring in mind I used a Sega Mega Drive controller previously, it was a bit overwhelming! So, many, buttons.)
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My heart goes out to you!