(Thursdaysmile slightly drunk after two cans of 1664, pulling sensually at the hairs beneath my navel, listening to 'Kim Chords', the last track on the latest Sonic Youth LP, still slightly inebriated, anyway, from four hours of La Belle Noiseuse in the apres-midi, and just revelling, basking, in my twelve-thirteen year relationship with the greatest avant-rock group on the planet, this is happiness, this...
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Hey, I was buisy! Sorry! tongue

I hate when you see someone and you desperately want to say something but the words just wont form. That's the stuff that haunts you.

I think Maurice Dantec could very well be spot on.
Three questions, donc:
1. I'm sorry, but, isn't Dean Koontz something of a hack?
Wash your mouth out, I can't believe you kiss your mother with that mouth, I love his work trashy as it may be.

2. Maybe I ought to know this, but what does Nuckinya mean?
it is an Aboriginal word from a tribe in northern NSW meaning hello, seeya later and how are you doing all at once, it is pronounced phoneticly.

3. Who is Liz?
Liz is a young lady I met a year ago at a friends birthday party and I have been wanting to ask out for a while and I did so last week. (she said yes)
You know the joke about the religios zealot (I don't know if he's supposed to be a Jehovah's witness or what) who gets caught in a flood and, as the waters are rising and he takes refuge with his family on the roof, his neighbours come past in a row boat and say, 'Jump in, we'll take you to dry land!', and the zealot says,...
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you know this will sound trite, but i hope you'll give it a go anyway:
sometimes you get the bear, sometimes the bear gets you...

now, since you seem a little tense i have a mission for you. Go to a park, sit on a bench. make time to do this for at least an hour. stare at every person that attracts your attention for the first half, and i mean study them (bring a notepad if ya like), how they move, how the speak, hand movements, what they eat, how they breathe, etc. then just relax and smile at every pretty boy or girl you can, and remember you most likely will never see any of them again, so there can be no consequences for good or ill.

or drink yourself silly in a darkened corner of some little shithole smelly place, and stumble blind and vomiting back to your bed. either way you'll probably feel a little different about yourself tomorrow
Oh, sweetest cutriver. You simply reboot. Start the next day at zero. And again. And again. Clean slate it, Baby. If you keep doing the dance like Lot's wife, you'll turn to salt. I can't have that. smile

You know...why don't you write to his PR people? And if that doesn't work, write to his management....and if that doesn't work, write to his studio...and if that doesn't work... (so on, so forth). Then, it would even be a PLANNED meeting. And you'd have more time. Paris is so close to you. You could jump over there, just any old time, Sweet One.



[Edited on Aug 23, 2004 12:14AM]
Here in France, a guy has just been arrested and charged with racially-aggravated assault on an African man in Paris and desecration of a Jewish cemetery in Lyon (he drew backwards swastikas on the gravestones, the idiot). The psychological profile of this young man has now been made public, in an effort to explain his motivations, and we learn that, if you can believe it,...
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parsimonious mouth

I like that.

Boys that don't smile draw me in towards them. I have to find out what is inside. I, on the other hand, smile too much, and my face is an open book.
Funny. Over here in North America, I see capitalism as the only form of social interaction we seem to find acceptable or can count on. I see people treating the process of purchasing as an opportunity to pretend they are part of some sort of community: the inane pleasantries etc. It saddens me.

My sister worked a part time job at a grocery store while she was at university. She told me about this one old lady who was all spiffily dressed up who asked my sister to carry her groceries home for her. When she showed my sister to her pantry, it was filled to the top with the exact cans of stuff she'd bought that day. It appeared to be her only social outing.

T. Coraghessan Boyle. I forgot about him. I remember reading a completely funny story of his about Fugu in Harpers. And a book about an illfated grow op. wow. long time ago.

I'm with Swoo: fuck guns and celebs. Gimmee sex. Thank you. robot kiss
[Being in Paris and relying on internet cafs is making these entries increasingly few and far between. Hence this one is particularly long and full of ungrateful whining. Bear with me, kids, I do cheer up towards the end!]

'Que cette ville est exquise dans son glissement.'

- Pierre Klossowski, Les Lois de l'hospitalit

The honeymoon period, I suppose, is over. I am beginning to...
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On the metro home, two consecutive failures to pick up men who were almost certainly straight and hence didn't even notice I was trying to pick them up.

I have been known to be that dense... I think, 'Boy, that cad's really got his banter down.' Two minutes later I realize & blush. blush

You certainly get credit in my book for approaching people! I'm solumnly content to fall in love every 50 ft. Today after lunch, I peeked around bookstalls try figure out to whom a fetching-figure was making eyes at. The object of attention was my girlfriend. whatever biggrin

Interview in Australia sounds like an entry I look forward to, my friend!

you're right, that is a long journal..lol.. anyways, sounds like you're enjoying the travels and what not..

i've approved you to the SGAU group, come by and introduce yourself when you get the chance.. as far as members in adelaide go, there's tonia and thats about it.. there's been an influx of australian members to the site recently but they're usually quiet, and generally speaking, not interested in the community aspect of SG..

anyways, good luck with everything, and remember melbourne isnt that far from adelaide......
'Il faut excuser les solitaires; ce qu'ils crivent ressemble aux lettres d'amour qui se sont tromps d'adresse.'

- Jacques Rivette, 'Lettre sur Rossellini'

My international adventures in Paris continue. On Friday night I met up with the Polish-German couple out of North Carolina that I met at a recent conference and who are ending their Parisian sjour just as I am beginning mine. I went...
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No WAY you could be a piss artist... or crap for that nature, darling.

(Sigh) I missed your cutriverness. You are still my number one muthafucking crush. And I am waiting for your hands, Delicious.

Keep Having Fun.

s miao!!
Indeed, chick flicks are not my cup of tea. Period.

I am glad to hear you are having a lovely time in Paris, and no worries. I know when I head to Costa Rica, my conversations will probably almost come to a complete halt with random updates. I shudder to think how much of everyone I am going to miss out on.

So I'm settling into my apartment in Paris and relaxing into the rhythm of the city. 'Relaxing', I suppose, is not at all the appropriate word, since the rhythm of the city essentially consists of rushing around being very busy, spending an awful lot of money and a lot of time in the metro. Oh, and going to the cinema a lot...

So, apologies, but...
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Yes, travel and the lack thereof... My girlfriend, alienprincess, and I were supposed to shack up w/ her grandmother who was renting a cottage in Ireland for a month. This one-time opportunity turned out to be a likely three or four-time opportunity. So, we'll most likely be joining them in Italy next year. This works well for my better half for it lands on her grand list of places to travel with which she's near mastered the language. Iceland and Tibet beat Ireland on the list. whatever

Your thoughts on I, Robot remind me of the series of animated films the Wachowski Brothers produced & co-wrote based on The Matrix. Similar philisophical themes and amazing visuals from anyone even marginally interested in Manga films.

I live less than a half kilometer from an free internet cafe. Being someone who you'd to run coffeehouses for a living, I was terribly jealous of those able to capitalize on free broadband connections as well as hand-delivered pots of ginger tea & biscuits. love Who am I kidding, I'm still jealous. wink
I wrote about my feelings on skateboarding here. The June 10th one. I quit caring about the endless chase after the next trick and have tried to go back to the smile I had just rolling over blacktop and not busting my ass. Although I would have to say I would be damned impressed to see someone skate a dish then kickflip through a barrel. I would be stunned as well biggrin

I love London, I tried to move there about five years ago but it did not pan out. Whenever I have money I try to go there for a week or two.

I have more but it's 6 am and I feel brain dead. biggrin
'Oh buccaneer
Can you help me put my truck in gear?'

(Blondie, 'Island of Lost Souls')

When I stepped off the plane in Paris, the heat practically knocked me over. Fucking finally...

My friend K took me out to an enjoyably over-friendly African restaurant, then we went on to a largely empty bar on rue Montmartre presided over by a supermodel where we sipped...
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Coming from you, someone who has some taste and knows what he is talking about, the compliments mean alot. My thanks. I hae heard the name, and think there were bits and pieces of a book or short written work I read once in a comp, but have never read an entire piece. I will fix this shortly, thanks for the heads up.

I went to France when I was 16 as part of the school French club summer trip. I would love to go back with a little world seasoning, clearer thoughts, and a keener eye for the artistic side of life and see just how great it would seem to me now. I was floored last time, it might make me perish now.

Color me extremely jealous.

I hope Paris recharges and re-energizes you for your summer and projects ahead... I feel guilty for not catching your last post. Things for me have been busy enough for me to cast a wistful eye at my computer as I run, full-steam and half-dressed, out the door.

This week marks the stretch of time that I would've found myself overseas. Granted, not in France but for someone who's never travelled out of the country, anywhere is better than nowhere. Many wishes for a wonderful time and a safe return. biggrin
Sorry for the long absence, but I've been staying with my parents, where the internet access is prohibitively slow, and they themselves are prohibitively stingey.
Currently sitting in a very friendly internet cafe in Scarborough with a lot of kids playing noisy shoot-'em-ups downstairs.

I have been working on my project on Clint Eastwood's adaptation of Mystic River and Jane Campion's adaptation of In the...
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The secret garden with the ocelot sanctuary is somewhere in Amsterdam. I have some advice about Paris, although it may apply more to someone who doesn't visit often: don't go to the movies too much. Anything you see there you can see or rent at home, but you can't visit the same places or live the same real-time experiences. I know the big screen is better, and loving film is GREAT. (I used to do screen work when I lived there - even stupid sitcoms and variety shows.) On the other hand, you can hobnob with the local film buffs and meet some really cool people.
I love the smell of grass... all kinda of them... smile kiss
Since last night was my final night out (for a while at least) in Newcastle (for that, fact fans, is where I 'am', or rather 'have been'), HD, Atsuko and I sank a cocktail and then went to an expensive restaurant for moules marinire and possibly the finest bottle of Chardonnay I have ever tasted. Then we met up with the only two students left...
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PLease excuse my spelling mistake. blush I meant aria.
Ahhhh Paris. I lived there for a stint and worked in a bar called Le Chabou in the Bastille area on Rue de la Roquette (my french is atrocious as well as my spelling...excuse). If you are there swing by and tell JB that Carla from the states says hi...or don't cause you don't know me from a hole in that bar.....Great movie houses....coffee...bridges (the bridge d'art)....rodin....eastern european music representation...African Ragga music representation....and on and on....fantastic fluff...enjoy your stay
'BACK! Caught you lookin' for the same thing, it's a new thing, check out this I bring...'

So, sorry to slow updating, but what a week it's been boys and girls...

On Tuesday night, following a short but brutal visit to the dentist, HD and I got a take-out curry and drove down to the river to eat it, morosely debating the property and the...
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oh, we were outta control. it was just wonderful.

any time you can laugh hard enough to give yourelf a headache perfectly sober, and have pics of the incident? that's a win-win situation.
Indeed, duct tape is for everything, including wounds. smile

'The rose is not afraid to blossom
Though it knows its petals must fall
And with its petals fall seeds into soil
Why toil to contain it all?
Why toil at all?'

- Laura Veirs, 'Lonely Angel Dust'

(I post these lines most especially for sugarmama, but hope that you may all benefit from their wisdom.)

Indeed. Though the weasel definitley gets higher marks in my book for being down right tough to deal with, and it eats other animals. smile

Keep them guessing I say!

Spent the weekend reading through the manuscript of my book on Jean-Luc Godard and making final corrections. I hate to sound immodest, my children, but fuck me, this is some good work I've done here. This is the best book I've ever read on Godard and I wrote it.

Sorry. blush biggrin

By a stroke of luck, on this New Wave weekend, my local cinema...
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First I would like to say thank you for looking that up. I might have to look into it a bit more. Not to toot my own horn, but much of that seems spot on. Perhaps the truth IS in the stars?

And I am a Browns fan. Heh, go figure. The team the Broncos kept out of the Superbowl two years in a row. Don't worry, I dont hate you, just your choice in teams. wink I can understand though, I have been to Mile High, and there is a mystique there that many just cant understand when they think of sports; a sense of pride, community, being a part of something bigger in a better way. Most people just see in men in tights hitting other men in tights. Their loss.

I'm not a huge 4th fan. Don't get me wrong, I love my country, but the day has lost it's meaning to most. Not that we kicked England's ass biggrin but of freedom and all that come's with it. Now it is just a alcohol and firework centered "holiday"

I dont hate you USA, I just how they are running you.
Watching it over and over again. I am a habitual creature actually regarding media. There are movies that I will travel with, and watch repeatedly with or without sound. Not that it is visual enough, but perhaps more like company. wink
