I saw the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, The Cure, Throbbing Gristle and bands I don't remember, but it was a time to remember, that is, what I remember of it. Photographic evidence below...
Lots and lots and lots of people and parking is easy to find, but it's impossible to find your car after the show. I am learning... Read More
the effing Cure!! Lucky! And yeah..you can't really go home till you've been blown! Maybe that should be the Coachella motto! Hahah! Also that is one hella sick Burroughs tattoo your buddy has going on there!
you feel me don't you..
hey I found Bill Givens on Facebook... OMG after all these years. He was surprised that you were on my friends list, that I knew you all these years later.. funny.. I so would have shagged him.. oh well.. his loss...
I guest co-hosted this episode of LAGtv and it's brutally honest and should be rated Hard-R... you were warned. Wait, who gives a shit, it's you! Yeah, you can handle it, so... Gore on LAGtv
haha well of course it could be worse. I'm not losing sleep over it or anything. Just got a little confused and frazzled, because I wasn't sure what to do.
I ran across this YouTube video of a performance that is... oddly hypnotic. I can't say a dance recital would be something I would ever seek out, but this is so bizarre, romantic and affecting... I've watched this performance from the Elysium Dance Theatre probably more than 25 times. So, I'm sharing the object of my latest obsession with you...