That is a heavy question to just drop out on peeps sometimes. There may be times when the flow of things is overwhelming and you just flow with the tides and sometimes you make a stand and you never know when those moments happen. Just hope you have the strength to survive the tide.
I love when time meets your needs and warps into a dreamy blissful non existence. The conference was ok, well the course was awesome and seeing some people I never imagined to run into made things that way. There were other things not so great but I refuse to dwell on them or allow them to influence my current mood so nuff said. The palmist...
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Hey bud! Just got back online having disappeared off to Afghan for a while. Thought I'd drop by and say hello...
Have a great vacation.
The gauntlet has been thrown and we shall see how many members come out to the BBQ I am hosting on the 23rd. Walk the walk if you talk the talk as they say, I am hopeful that we can revive the local membership into a community once more.
Things are grand otherwise, work is fabu! Well mostly anyways we lost a really good manager...
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Things are grand otherwise, work is fabu! Well mostly anyways we lost a really good manager...
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Have a good time! 

Thank you for the birthday wishes! I won't get back over to Canada soon enough - i still miss it!
Once more unto the breach dear friends, once more.
I'm working on Wednesday unfortunately. As I do most week nights.

Probably done around 9:30. I did, however, just see the Body Worlds thing you posted and I will do my best to get out to that because holy shit is it awesome.

Ah the first serious snow of the year, I love these kinds of days especially when they are free of work. Baking bread, making tea and reading all snuggled up with kittens make them days worth having. Now if I could somehow get paid for days like this the world would be awesome!
spanks and snuggles

spanks and snuggles
snowing already? it just cooled a teensy bit here & i'm excited about it. enjoy your day!
I like snow. It was great to walk to the train station this morning in fresh snow.
Have a good day!

I like snow. It was great to walk to the train station this morning in fresh snow.

Have a good day!

thanks a ton! ^_^*
I shall be over at the end of March I'll keep you posted on anay plans! 

something short;
The show went ok, I torqued my left hip in a mad attempt to get my partner and I some footing. We had intended on a waltz with some aerial stuff, but it turned into all aerial with some waltz attempted in parts. The riggers didn't really know how to work us as they are used to circus stuff and we were more...
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The show went ok, I torqued my left hip in a mad attempt to get my partner and I some footing. We had intended on a waltz with some aerial stuff, but it turned into all aerial with some waltz attempted in parts. The riggers didn't really know how to work us as they are used to circus stuff and we were more...
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So this has been an interesting week already filled with grand things, a nice date for drinks with Awen and Zenfish, I quit my job on monday and now have only one shift left; and my loans came through yesterday which means I don't have to withdraw from my classes. They aren't big and I'll have to work later on but for right now...
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Well, the Dawson gunmen haven't shot me yet, so I guess today's going all right...

So things in my world are pretty fucking fantastic right now, the little goddess and I are staying away from putting a lable on our tumultuous and torrid affair of the heart. Lotus tells me we're like the phoenix, we must fall in flames every few weeks to be reborn to our passion for each other. I think this might be true but this time...
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and now i am not free... see page for reason.
are you free at all this sunday?
are you free at all this sunday?
ah... I'll probably just miss you... I have to leave before 11... so a hello online is all for now..
Have fun

Well the little goddess and I are in montreal staying for a few days with the fabulous ValCapone. Tomorrow we get on a bus for the eclipse festival, which should be 3 days of fun and frivolity, then back here to spend some time being touristy.
More later or not at all depends on how much we trty to cram in. Wonderful days to...
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It must be vacation season! Have a blast!

You got school mail. I'm not sure if I should open it.
You got school mail. I'm not sure if I should open it.