"To be nobody but yourself --in a world which is doing its best, day and night, to make you everybody else-- means to fight the hardest battle any human being can fight and never stop fighting."
- e.e. cummings
Last week was deceptively bad.
Oh, I forgot to mention that today in my senior seminar --let me repeat that for emphasis: today in...
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- e.e. cummings
Last week was deceptively bad.
Oh, I forgot to mention that today in my senior seminar --let me repeat that for emphasis: today in...
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I think my own personal Hell would consist of nothing but mayonnaise and group projects.
You think I want to go there?? Why do you think I'm not currently out setting people on fire when they stand in the middle of the grocery store aisle like they fucking own it?? Fear of Hell is a powerful de-motivator.
UPDATE: It is confirmed: I will be in Seattle November 11-14. I bought the tickets a minute ago. I'd love to stay longer, but classes won't allow for it. Also, my mother would bludgeon me with her cooking spoon if I wasn't home in CT for Thanksgiving.
I think my new exercise plan is going to kill me. POEE keeps arguing that hard lifting...
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I think my new exercise plan is going to kill me. POEE keeps arguing that hard lifting...
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My languidness is probably the only noticeable symptom of my inner peace, but it's a big one. I've rarely been this calm or at peace with the world.
Do you still need material for Mercurial? I'm sorry I punked out earlier, but I was in a writing funk.
Do you still need material for Mercurial? I'm sorry I punked out earlier, but I was in a writing funk.
Oh, and I loved that issue of Superman/Batman you have showing in your profile picture.
I have exactly three things to say. First: I am posting this from a computer that is not my laptop, as it refuses to do its fucking job. I've lost hours of work as a result. I think it might be karmic justice for naming the machine "Skynet" and supergluing a Cyberdyne Systems patch over the factory logo.
Second: If I owe you something, it's...
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Second: If I owe you something, it's...
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Also seconding the well-saidness of said comment.
Three friends? You must have incredibly high standards! I fear not rejection. . .
Laptops are evil, MS Word is evil, and I am convinced that I have an entropic touch. In other words, I hate computers enough right now that I'm flying to Chicago to get away from mine.
I'll be back in town Sunday evening.
I'll be back in town Sunday evening.
Well, I'm guessing this is why I haven't heard from you?
*raises cup of homemade chai*
Right back at ya.
Right back at ya.
After hours of wading through the web of administrative red tape, I'm set to go on classes again. This time around I'm actually looking forward to some of my courses too.
My Special Topics course has ended-up being on Adobe After Effects 5.0 and Photoshop 7.0. I've been keen to learn more of both for some time now, so this should be a great oppotunity....
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My Special Topics course has ended-up being on Adobe After Effects 5.0 and Photoshop 7.0. I've been keen to learn more of both for some time now, so this should be a great oppotunity....
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Electronic copy will be fine. I'll get back to asap.
Zack is so fucking awesome. Your tattoo looks great. When I brought my picture in all of the other guys said, "Oh, I'm glad I'm not doing that one." Zack said he thought the challenge would make him a better artist, and that's why I'm going to keep giving that kid my money any time I need more ink.
Suspect Zero is quality. Go see it. Now.
Seeing as how I am obligated to help a friend move tomorrow, at the ripe hour of eight in the morning, I've posted the below in advance. (Just pretend the date says "Sep 1, 2004.") I've no idea where it came from. I wrote it on the spot. Whatever the case, it should be somewhat amusing. Or, at least I hope so.
Oh, and it's...
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Oh, and it's...
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helping people move is the worst. i had to do that just yesterday and now i'm sore all over. why do people have to have so much stuff!?!
You just might be right, if he is who I think you think he is.
Did you read my submission?
Did you read my submission?
Tomorrow is Deadline Day. Are you ready?
irish gaelic is wonderful, very pretty. not terribly useful though. i might suggest giving that spanish thing another go, you might actually have a chance to practice it.
i have the hardest time keeping up with my languages. i don't exactly have any friends who speak estonian that i can chat with.
i have the hardest time keeping up with my languages. i don't exactly have any friends who speak estonian that i can chat with.
For once I'm ahead of schedule! I'm so proud of myself, I think I'll go make something with pesto!
Tonight on Justice League Unlimited Wonder Woman insinuated how she wanted to do something "normal" with "someone special" - meaning Batman. He replied as follows:
"One: Dating in the league never ends well. Two: You're a princess from a society of immortal warriors; I'm a rich kid with issues. Lots of issues. Three: If I had "someone special" my enemies would never rest until they...
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"One: Dating in the league never ends well. Two: You're a princess from a society of immortal warriors; I'm a rich kid with issues. Lots of issues. Three: If I had "someone special" my enemies would never rest until they...
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1. Batman is the greatest superhero ever. No contest.
ArcherNU said:
I love pinball, but I'm far from a wizard. I'd often see people at the local arcade hip-checking the machine and generally telling the ball where to go by way of physical suggestion.
Pinball is all about the metaphysical, not the physical. You should definitely join the group. A few illuminating discussions will provide you with a transcendent game.
No worries. I don't know enough about the project to be antsy regarding it yet, so no hurry on my part. Tomorrow is the first day of Fall Semester at Wash.U. so you're about to see a lot less of me around here....
I'm trying to think of something to post here as I type this. Unfortunately, I'm too hungry to do much more than ramble about how hungry I am. It's 6:30pm and I haven't had anything touch my stomach lining since my morning coffee. I'd go out and eat now except I'm waiting for my roommate to finish something. Funny: even my Starwalker looks edible. So...
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Perhaps I shouldn't talk about food in my journal so much.
I'm not familiar with this Anthology Project.
As for fiction... hrm. Rarely. What did you have in mind?
As for fiction... hrm. Rarely. What did you have in mind?
Let me know if you need any assistance with the editing. As has already been established, I'm made of yummy editing juice.
I couldn't resist Front Mission 4. I'm a whore for tactical RPGs. Needless to say, Lord Game-O-Tron X and I are very happy. We'll see if the same is true when I'm running on no sleep tomorrow...
I need to get a PS2 one of these days...although KOTR for my Xbox is still keeping me in its thrall.
This is fuji23x, by the way, just to avoid confusion. My story is almost complete, as I just need to perform a couple more proof reads until I'm satisfied enough to mail it to you. How are the other authors coming along?
This is fuji23x, by the way, just to avoid confusion. My story is almost complete, as I just need to perform a couple more proof reads until I'm satisfied enough to mail it to you. How are the other authors coming along?