today is the anniversary of 13 years clean and sober
i'm gonna go celebrate with coffee and cupcakes
(which, although not so great for me, are still better than heroin, cocaine and alcohol)
13 years is about how long i was "out there"
now i get to practice the 13th step (this is an "in" joke)
maybe i'll tell you my drinking story later this...
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there are only three films which i wont see for that very reason believe it or not...
but a lot of the damage has already been done by what ive already seen or read
then again, i refuse to watch the news everyday because sometimes i need a break from hearing
how horrible the human race can be.
on these certain days i try to watch a comedy
hopefully one day we can hang out again!
I'm sure there are more out there that im too nervous about viewing, but those were the first three i thought of.
My stomach isnt as strong as it used to be