my god. everquestII has a free trialversion.
how thefuckam i supposed to get any work done?
going to maternity rotation tomorrow....babies being born and all that...
well, the shit is about to hit the fan, school wise.
i have always had a MASSIVE block on doing homework, and still do.
i hate that i still have this ridiculous drama for every assignment even after so many fucking years. Even when school is something I want, and am intersted in, my previous school baggage makes sitting down and doing the assignments as... Read More
when I was in college I had a system for homework...
I would do about half an hour of work, then go play video games or watch a movie or whatever for awhile, then come back and do another half hour...and so on. It worked. Its best to take breaks, and if I cant do the things I enjoy I get pissy and that system could be worth a try.
today a resident (nursing home patient where i work) had a picture given to her by family of her wedding day....weirdly, exactly 40 years before my birthday. beautiful picture, 1936.....
strange coincidences in life......
you're getting sleeeeeeepyyyyyyy
veeeeeryyy sssssleeeeeepyyyyyy
feeeeel your eyelids getting heeeeaaaavvvyyyy
you are under my power
when I snap my fingers, you will feel refreshed, like you had just woken from a deep, restful sleep.
You will not remember any of this.
on the count of three:
1, 2, 3! *snap*
i just cleaned like a fucking maniac all afternoon/evening...till about now.
i have this week off fro school, but this was my last full day off... i have work tomorrow. blech
it was awesome to see everybody @ elmcitydrunk's house
I should get out more....
this semester is going to involve more studying than previous semesters. however it's material i'm more into and more apt... Read More
hello strangers
end of semester 3/5, start semester 4/5. This semester will be cooler cause it's staring to be stuff I'm more interested in, and cause we're going to clinical at a more interesting place (I'm in nursing school for whoever doesn't know)
I also currently have food poisoning and a sinus infection. yuck.
saw the narnia movie. THe book is better.
been reading a... Read More
I have clone armor! (not in reallife--I wish--on galaxies)
I have one more day left of this semester (2nd out of five) then I have a few days off, then the 3rd semester starts the 12th.
[1 exam down, one to go]
I've been reading a book called trail guide to the body-- a massage therapist's guide to palpating various anatomical structures. IT rocks.