Feb. 20th, 2003.
I was at T.G.I. Fridays with my GF at the time that night, and was making jokes about the show me and my buddies were supposed to go and see that night. See, me and my friends all worked for the same company. and they were working at the mall the week prior generating leads. They were approached by the members of...
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I was at T.G.I. Fridays with my GF at the time that night, and was making jokes about the show me and my buddies were supposed to go and see that night. See, me and my friends all worked for the same company. and they were working at the mall the week prior generating leads. They were approached by the members of...
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How the hell is everyone?
Its been awhile since my last post, and judging by the overwhelming number of comments and messages I havent recieved, I can tell I've been missed! So, heres whats new with me.
*My Companies "Do it three times to get it right" attitude is starting to drive me crazy. It sucks when you bust your ass on a particular project,...
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Its been awhile since my last post, and judging by the overwhelming number of comments and messages I havent recieved, I can tell I've been missed! So, heres whats new with me.
*My Companies "Do it three times to get it right" attitude is starting to drive me crazy. It sucks when you bust your ass on a particular project,...
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Who's Dane Cook?

Wow..tell us how u really feel...LMAO!

So apparantley in the upcoming issue of US and World Report, theres a story on how our fearless Pre-O-Dent Mr Bush really enjoys "fart" jokes and humor. He also is known for hazing new assistants by calling them into his ofice directly after he lays a heater.
Now, I hate Bush more than the next guy, but I do find this genuinely amusing. I mean,...
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Now, I hate Bush more than the next guy, but I do find this genuinely amusing. I mean,...
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who doesnt like a good blog post about Farts and Baseball?? Hey whats up?
All I'm thinking about is Robot Chicken - Tacos rule!

Yeah mang.
So, im pretty pissed at myself that I have done absolutely nothing cool this summer. No shows, Six Flags, Casino trips, or anything else that would constitute a "good time". Getting older really blows. Anyways, I am even MORE miserable because almost overnight the Red Sox went from a legitimate World Series contender to a pack of pussies who cant pitch or hit...
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So, im pretty pissed at myself that I have done absolutely nothing cool this summer. No shows, Six Flags, Casino trips, or anything else that would constitute a "good time". Getting older really blows. Anyways, I am even MORE miserable because almost overnight the Red Sox went from a legitimate World Series contender to a pack of pussies who cant pitch or hit...
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Hey! thanks for leaving me a second comment
much appreciated
and thanks for the shout out in your journal

Randomness. Here we go:
*I am so happy Flavor of Love is back in action. First, let me say I HATE reality tv. But this show is far and away the most entertaining show. Ever. And I love how this season, they went out and got genuine hood rats. Good times.
*Anyone ever watch that show "Rock Star"? Terrible. Especially the 5 minutes I watched...
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*I am so happy Flavor of Love is back in action. First, let me say I HATE reality tv. But this show is far and away the most entertaining show. Ever. And I love how this season, they went out and got genuine hood rats. Good times.
*Anyone ever watch that show "Rock Star"? Terrible. Especially the 5 minutes I watched...
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Haa Haa...I love Flavor of Love. I really liked last weeks episode when Somethin took a shit in Flav's house...WTF??? Haa...it's the best reality show ever. I'm glad I am not the only one who loves that show!

That's better!!
I'm glad you liked it

G's up Hoes down.
Whats goin on people, Couple of tidbits from me.
Tired of my current GF, but met this really cool chick this weekend. More news as this story breaks.
I saw commercials for the World Series of Darts on TV, and thought to my self, you gotta be fucking kidding me. I watched 10 minutes of it yesterday and I gotta tell...
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Whats goin on people, Couple of tidbits from me.
Tired of my current GF, but met this really cool chick this weekend. More news as this story breaks.
I saw commercials for the World Series of Darts on TV, and thought to my self, you gotta be fucking kidding me. I watched 10 minutes of it yesterday and I gotta tell...
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I hate playing poker with girls.
Its not that im sexist, since I know girls can do anything and be anything. But when im playing cards with them, I just cant wrap my head around the possibility that she could have a better hand than me. Im always underestimating. Much to my friend Jess' delight.
She even told me earlier in the night "I only...
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Its not that im sexist, since I know girls can do anything and be anything. But when im playing cards with them, I just cant wrap my head around the possibility that she could have a better hand than me. Im always underestimating. Much to my friend Jess' delight.
She even told me earlier in the night "I only...
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thank god!
you go, jess.
just a couple streets over....but we will have a yard and the entire upstairs of a house, and a quiet street.
you go, jess.

just a couple streets over....but we will have a yard and the entire upstairs of a house, and a quiet street.
Haha girls kick your ass!

it appears as if certain hollywood executives are fine with going to hell when they die.
I mean, its been 5 years I know. But in the same calendar year, do we need two movies about the WTC bombings? I mean, Documentaries are one thing, but they had that flight whatever-it-was movie, now there actually releasing a World Trade Center movie. I think its in...
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I mean, its been 5 years I know. But in the same calendar year, do we need two movies about the WTC bombings? I mean, Documentaries are one thing, but they had that flight whatever-it-was movie, now there actually releasing a World Trade Center movie. I think its in...
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Me and my Lymph-node are doing just fine. Thanks!
Thanks for your comment on my last set!

Its way to fucking hot today. Its about 90 outside, and since my work is a warehouse its about 110 in here right now.
Granted, my office has an AC. But when I have to run around the warehouse, its ridiculous. I cant see how some of the grunts at my work can unload trailers in this heat. I wouldnt even do it for what...
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Granted, my office has an AC. But when I have to run around the warehouse, its ridiculous. I cant see how some of the grunts at my work can unload trailers in this heat. I wouldnt even do it for what...
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So, its Monday and ive come out of my vicodin induced weekend coma. Its hot as hell today, and I wish I could just walk out of work and go swimming or something but im stuck here till 330.
I havent heard shit from Yankee fans all year long, now that were slipping and there gaining ground there coming out of the woodwork like nobodies...
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I havent heard shit from Yankee fans all year long, now that were slipping and there gaining ground there coming out of the woodwork like nobodies...
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so you're feeling better then? excellent! (i did'nt mean about the yankee fans
i know that isn't possible.)