Been awhile since I have posted anything here but see that Neyrissa is no longer active, they all leave sooner or later. Finally some cool weather has arrived, I love the fall; gives me something to look forword to or is that forward to
... like warmer weather in the spring. 
At my work place someone has made a decision for me; that I should be working at night. Have 3 days to get used to being up at night and sleeping during the day. To the one that has taken away my ability to choose what is best for me, I hope to find out who your are cause I got a surprise for you.
I think I should recite the serenity prayer when thinking on this matter.
Will be 53 in a few weeks , life sure has a way of humbling one. Am so glad to have 3 children. Not a day goes by that they are not in my thoughts. We do not live under the same roof no longer; I am missing them tonight 

At my work place someone has made a decision for me; that I should be working at night. Have 3 days to get used to being up at night and sleeping during the day. To the one that has taken away my ability to choose what is best for me, I hope to find out who your are cause I got a surprise for you.

I guess people see other things about me that they like. It's god to know that people feel I have a lot to offer.