I"m up, having breakfast at the .. well, not even at the crack of dawn. This time of day is still considered the night before for me. hhaha...Georgia here I come! I'll be landing there around 4pm, and I'm willing to bet the Atlanta traffic from Hartsfield back to Marietta is gonna suck.. so I'll be home home around midnight. hahah Happy Thanksgiving!
It was a pleasure meeting you! I'm surprised that I didn't fall while attempting to skate at the skating rink. I'm glad that you enjoyed your time in GA, and hope you have a safe, uneventful trip back to CA. See you when you move back!
Wellll I finally got moviated to go snap some shots off with a new friend. It's the first time in a long time that I've actully had a chance to get photos taken that weren't derby related, or that I took of myself. It was really nice since as you all know I haven't been feeling very good this last week, so it was nice... Read More
Thank god it's Friday.
I know... it's not the world's most original statement, but it's a popular phrase for a reason. The weather here has taken an early turn towards winter, and suddenly the entire little beach town is encased in a thick fog that is rivaling the layers that usually settle around london. It's been cold and dreary (once upon a midnight weary haha)... Read More
Man.. whew. Redefining time management skills is a bitch. I've been struggling to keep everything flowing smoothly between work, home and derby, and thankfully I think it's all starting to come together. I know those three things don't sound like alot to juggle but it's the little stuff in between that's a bitch to figure out as well. Especially since right when you think you've... Read More
The report I heard made it seem likely that Clooney was the prissy, ego-inflated one in this bizarre confrontation and Fabio was more of a regular guy. It kinda reminds me of that episode of the Beverly Hillbillies where the Clampetts were unable to comprehend that the "bad" female professional wrestler was actually a nice person and the supposedly good girl was rotten to the core.
Morning! Thanks to everyone who shared in my Monday misery with me yesterday. It's one thing to sit around by yourself and curse Mondays, it's another to be able to sit around with a bunch of rad people and curse Mondays. More fun that way right? So todya, I've got start off with a headline that I stumbled across on my Yahoo homepage, something about... Read More
I hate that "the customer is always right" bullshit and personally believe whoever thought that up, should be flogged. I don't know about you, but mostly... my clients are wing nuts and deserve to be poked with a stick and told to never breed. For the love of god already. When will the blue collar workers find justice? You just can't win it seems like....... Read More
Thanks for adding me! I hate that customer rule, too. There are people who just like to exploit that, I think. Take out their aggression on you and you're not allowed to react appropriately. Maybe you should just prop that stick up next to you at work. Might quiet them down a bit!
We boarded the bus at 4:30am on Sat. The bus is the a-typical public transit on the outside.... the kind the you can find when your hitching a ride on teh Geary bus in San Francisco. Tow buses combined by an accordian looking middle. It boasted a NY tag on the outside and an Alabama plate, but I think before it found it's final home... Read More
I'm so glad that you have found something to be passionate about!! There are many people who never find that one thing that consumes them. I'm glad that you guys had such an amazing time playing againist the other teams!!
I love the pictures!!!
Note : People who attend the county fairs are way to serious about what is happening there. I would not been able to resit cracking jokes!!
So tired.
Got back from Ventura last night. There's so much to tell you that I don't even know where to begin. the Orange County Rollergirls are AMAZING. IF you live in that area, and you haven't already- go check out your girls. That team is just pure grace to watch. These girls played hard, skated strong and were pulling out moves that most haven't... Read More