I had a laser boob lift a few weeks ago. I'm 35 and nursed a baby and lost a significant amount of weight at one point so my poor boobs have been paying the price for it. I am pretty impressed with the results.
What do you think? I haven't posted a new set in 5 years, so even comparing to my sets isn't really... Read More
I decided to switch my fish tank over to a full live plant set up. I've been a big fish nerd my whole life and I'm enjoying getting back into the hobby with a bit more conviction that I have had the last few years.
I bought a really high powered LED light from the hydroponics store and a co2 system and some plant substrate.... Read More
Fish tanks are great. My mom has had them and kept them fabulously clean for as long as I can remember.
Way too much work I must say.
Pretty neat stuff though. I really like the big fish tank tables and walls.
Anyhow, had to comment. Neat.
I think a sales girl at Helzberg diamonds offended me more than I have been offended by anyone in a LONG time. Last week I lost one of my beautiful little everyday earrings at the spa. I called and went back, but it was gone.
I went to the mall with my son and on the way out a piece of jewelry at Helzberg's caught... Read More
So I was reading this article and near the bottom found the following information:
Plastic breaks down into smaller pieces slowly over time but doesn't ever completely disappear. In the ocean, currents carry the small bits to areas where massive gyres of plastic garbage have formed.
Seabirds eat the plastic bits particularly ones that are a bright red or orange thinking they're squid, fish eggs... Read More
I was going over our 2011 benefits package from my husbands work and I was so happy to see they have added same sex domestic partner coverage!! It doesn't affect me personally but it makes me happy to see the progress towards respecting and recognizing the important relationships in people's lives. Yay!!
Now if the government and bigoted voters would just get over themselves or... Read More
We are making progress. Private religious morality cannot legitimately be forced on others as public policy. If we are not sovereign and equal in something as basic and personal as our sexuality (consent being a necessary given), we still have a long way to go to fulfill the ideals of the American Revolution.
My pussy looks like a zebra right now!! I've been getting laser hair removal on my body and it's at this funny phase where I only have some stripes of hair left. Groupon had a really good med-spa deal where I got the whole set of Brazilian treatments for $99. I also bought a laser boob lift which I am pretty happy with for $99.... Read More
I have finals this week for the semester. "Summer II" classes SUCK! It feels like winter and I'm still in my summer classes. I don't think I will do second summer session again.
I was supposed to start 3 late-start 8 week classes next week but I feel really burnt out on school right now. I keep taking classes and it just feels eternal. Graduation... Read More
I hope this is a good sign. The hail must have been the size of golf balls or tennis balls because that is how big the holes in the skylight are. And the evap cooler on the roof is pulverized but it was old and probably needed to go anyway.
Aside from the skylight, evap cooler and trees and hedges being quite a bit worse... Read More
We had the same thing happen here in Melbourne a few months back, my Subaru now has hail dents, though they're not too bad and fortunately no glass was broken.
I think I have been wrong all of these years. There must be a God. So anyone who reads my blog knows I have been trying to buy a house for the last 2 years. I have looked at hundreds of houses and unfortunately most of the houses for sale in this market are foreclosures or short sales and the people living there just don't... Read More
Looking at it from a different angle, you could consider yourself lucky that it rained hard on those first three houses *before* you bought them, thereby saving you from finding those expensive problems after you took ownership and moved in...
They just completed a new store in my neighborhood. I am not actually sure how local or not local this grocery chain is, but they have put their flagship store just up the street from my house. It is pretty remarkable as far as a grocery goes. There is a Whole Foods and a Trader Joe's on the same corner and not too far is... Read More