From once


Hello babe :) Thanks for your comment on my set 💕🌹Love and Kiss from France  

From mclovinn


D'aww thank you lovely lady, for the super sweet comment on In Full Bloom <3 I hope you're well, can't wait for your new sets! :D

It's a great set! From your killer hair, to the seductress come hither looks you nailed! 

I should be flogged for not fully honoring my vow of following... but then again I'm sure my ribs will be painful enough in the morning from giggling in stitches, and bellowing "Holy Crap!" over your posts I've missed. Signed: your more inspired fan 😎

I'll bellow "Holy Crap" over the awesome-ness you left on my blogs and photos haha. Thanks!

Hey babe !! I hopefuls suicide !!! I'm looking for hearts hehe :) you give me one? kisses for you muack


Forgive me never read profile but omg.. yes. . Not a perve just enjoy and appreciate genuine women. Ty for following 


På tanken om Sverige, har du sett tv programmet WELCOME TO SWEDEN? En svensk/amerikansk komedi där en amerikansk kille flyttar till Sverige med sin svensk flickvän. Den är bra. Sasong 2 startar denna vecka. Om du missat förste season så kan du säkert hitta på nätet!! Kolla, det är rolig, och du förstår svenska dessutom. Tror den sändes på cbs...😃

Hopefully it has subtitles! I'm far from being fluent. But it does sound like something that would make me laugh and I'll have to check it out! :) 
If it is on american tv, you can bet that it is sub-titled.  My sister in law, swedish living in denver, said that its coming in about a months time.  Check out 1st season, probably on youtube. 😀 

Thank you for liking my drawing! :)

Your choice. Whatever you want to draw. I'm absolutely thrilled you even considered it :D 
Thank you, you are very kind! I have a few drawings to do first, but then I will do one for you. I'll let you know when I post it! Thank you for your enthusiasm!  Hopefully you will like what I come up with! - David

Wow, u R all over the place with your interested! Very diversified! Black keys and super swede avicii, that is a spread!! I love the black keys, been following them since day 2. I also love your movie selection!! Big spread there too! Not to many car movies though...😳. I R a very Interesting person! 😉   By tve way, you do know what volvo means, right!?

 I roll
Dang girl, u know your stuff!!! 😀 Guess what i saw in our work hall today.??!!  A bright red 780 with super cool red uppolstry (i cant spell worth shit, i have lived here to long ) it was super nice. Thought about snappande a pic 4ya but didnt have time.  It was a show car at the museum.  Gonna post Another pic 4ya though....

Thanks for the love! Loving your sets, to bad your not in Edmonton.

Thank you. Yeah, I'm just over here in the Pacific northwest ;) 

From timjimmy


How is that DeLorean doing?

Ha! A little more progress since last time but no, not much I'll admit ;p
That's true.  I think you were actually rebuilding a wiring harness (which I was very impressed by).  I was interested in doing a wire tuck on my car, but I have neither the patience nor the soldering skill to handle something like that. You're pretty much a pro!