I took a shower and put on clean underwear about five hours ago. Just realized they're on inside out. Do I keep wearing them this way for the rest of the day OR do I flip them right side out? Like, is it too late now?!
making an effort to comment on SG blogs a bit more as long as they don't involve "like my new set" or "join my onlyfans"! to encourage others to.... you know... write!
What's going on in your world? I'm about to get on a plane in a couple of days and visit my family for a few days in DC, then drive up to CT...
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Isn't the whole point of the "blog homework" so I don't have to read about your onlyfans site being 40% off?
I miss the girls who used to actually write blogs that actually meant something, like @chrysis.
Yes, I'm guilty of not writing an actual blog myself but it's hard to squeeze one in between school, three part time jobs, and freelancing.
In 2022, I'll...
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Hmmm can I do #photodump posts on SG? Yesterday I worked the She&Him Christmas party at my venue and wore lots of green eye shadow. Hope your holiday season is going swimmingly
I’m trying to avoid writing a paper right now because that’s what responsible adults do, right? Going back to school has been weird. Not necessarily HARD because I’m probably one of the most strict, disciplined Virgos you’ll ever meet, when it comes to work. I wish I could explain how many jobs I have right now but it works some how.
I was chatting with...
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How do you handle the post-vacation blues? I just got back from Florida and I have the sads.
Have you been here long enough to remember when SG members got to have their Favorite SGs on their profile? When the site changed in 2013 that was one of the things to go. I'm trying to remember who I had on my Favorites but I know for sure I had:
and always both @quinne and @chloe
Who would you post
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There are a few things I like about living in Texas (not that much nowadays but a teeny tiny little bit) but one thing I'm sorely missing is
Like, you know the kind... with bright colored leaves and pumpkins and chilly mornings and evenings. The feeling of jumping out of a shower and getting hit with just a little bit of coolness.
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This came up in my Facebook memories that this was from 8 years ago in Vegas… Name these SGs!