Hi everybody!!
(Hi Dr. Nick!!)
So it's been a while, which is becoming the usual, unfortunately. I don't know why I've been in such a limbo. I'm here, but not totally aware. I feel like a shell of my former self. I don't feel depressed, exactly. I don't know what it is, but I haven't been as into my usual hobbies.
I'm trying to shake
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Decline all word temptation
Define all worldly tension
Deride all prayerful intervention
Computer nukes come pray with me
Before the war, the war, after the war
Before the war the war after the war the war before the war
Disestablishes human character.
E.L. Doctorow
The scariest thing that happened to me, other than receiving my first student loan statement, happened over the summer.
Even though I live in a rather down trodden and thoroughly working class neighborhood I still like to walk everywhere I can. I am constantly warned about walking to and from the neighborhood during the day light hours and even more so at night. There are...
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It's been too long, my sweets. It really has. I've checked in on the site here and there but haven't had the wherewithal and moderate focus required to write the update that you all deserve. I don't like to half ass anything for the most part.
First off, since my last post I got a 'normal' job. I was apprehensive at first. The last few...
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Yesterday, I turned 33. The same age Jesus was when he died. Now I just need a cross, some nine inch nails, a reason to martyr myself and I'm good to go.
I can pin point the exact moment I became an adult. It wasn't yesterday but it was fairly recently. I was offered some free drugs and I turned them down. I said, "No...
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Lately, I haven't been feeling so hot. My mood has plummeted faster than the housing market in 2008 and I am finding it hard to get out of bed and go to work. (Side note: one of the wonderful things about being a stripper is that I make my own hours and if I don't show up for work I don't get fired. It's perfect
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My mom brought me a new foster puppy yesterday. I don't have a name for him yet. He came with the name Rebel, but with a name like that I might as well don him in a little doggie Confederate flag t shirt and find him a forever home in a trailer park.
I'm currently taking name suggestions...
And this is a perfect segue into
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In a continuing effort to stave off the rather persistent ennui I've been experiencing I've been trying to update here more. @rambo and the other delightful members of the staff have decided to start a suicidegirls playlist homework. The playlist prompt this week asks us what our favorite songs are. Seeing as how I'm a musician picking only five will be difficult. I mean, I...
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So, I see that the trend lately has been to take pole dancing classes so that you can 'look and act like a stripper.' Instead of paying money for any of this I circumvented the classes and became a stripper. Why pay money for 'acting like a ho' when you can make money?
Pole dancing is pole dancing. Paying money to take classes doesn't make...
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So I know I've been an utter slacker. A slacker of such caliber that any Gen-Xer circa 1994 would be proud. You see, I've been filled with this sort of ennui. Picture me laying about in my bed half clothed, my Venture Brothers sheets and super hero themed quilt covering at least a quarter of me, as I lament about how bored I am knowing...
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