22 in technically 3 days. already a college graduate. and completely not prepared for life...
i feel like writing again. don't ask whyy. myspace won't let me in and facebook is boring. so i'll write and look at some hot chicks. how do i lose? exactly..

i think i have officially decided i am ready to get on with my life. i'm ready to get out of my house. start saving. get a real job. to be an adult. i...
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Don't be in a rush to join us. Being "grown up" ain't really all that wonderful sometimes.
there's never a dull moment at rosemont. so i blog while i'm waiting for information.

so what's new. i hate school. english is a fucking bitch. all i want is a D. it gets me the credit, and i'm not transferring anytime soon. hello, i'm GRADUATING. she makes us do stupid amounts of work that won't matter after december. other than that, school is the...
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It is always busy up there. That's what happens when you stick a whole bunch of chicks together. Crazy shit. And lesbian activity.
it's been a long ass fucking time. well here i am.

procrastinating school work. ahh my final semester. what am i going to procrastinate when i don't have class?

so life. is life. i'm picking up more hours at ikea. which is more money. which is nice. but more stress. kory finally went back to work, although he's feeling it. yesterday was his first day...
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You procrastinate on life after school is over.
Kory is well Kory..
Kids grow up fast.

Updates are good.
You can. Which explains me a little more I think...
i should blog. i'm waiting for kory to come back from therapy. i need a bankcard aand i gotta get my new glaaaaaaases! yay! took them loong enough to come in.

so i've been working, and it's silly. ikea is dumb, as are 90% of the people who shop there. let's see. sandro is good, and chris is getting fat. he's got squishy cheeks! and...
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i lied. christopher does have a middle name, and it's peter. but he's here. and he's wee tiny and wee cute like itty bittys should be.

and seriously. i need a new life.

ikea + babies + boy = same routine. and i love the boy and i love the babies, but i need some new faces.
i'm so going somewhere friday.

haha i love...
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Give a call we'll do something.
Thanks. Um well I got hair on my face now. Also I'm free this weekend. In fact I'll be done everything this weekend so it will be a good weekend.

I have an invitation for you and the boy for my party on June 24th and the 23rd is the Toga party.
short update.

my toe hurts since it's purple, cause i dropped a piece of desk on it.
i hate working, especially full time at IKEA.
i got a 3.57 GPA this semester, including a big fat motherfuckin' A in my senior capstone class. normally i wouldn'y brag, but i'm fuckin' proud o' me.
my sister is due next week, so this time next week, i'll...
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Congrats on the GPA. I am off for the next 12 days so we all gotta hang out.
That's an awesome GPA. Congrats. Oh I have an invitation for you and your lazy man for my graduation party.
by request of the13thsinner, i'm updating.

life is just life. school is school. home is home. ikea is ikea. but for small recaps.

i frighten myself. i've not studied for ANYTHING. i reviewed a review test for microeconomics and maybe 3 days of notes for contemporary philosophy (stuff like kafka, niche, etc.). I get an 105 on my micro test and a B+ on...
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Me, I'm Not is on NIN myspace.

In This Twilight:
Go here: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=KZYTWBAA
Type in the password it gives you and click download.

New site and info on it in the NIN group.
All reported by my-I have no life-self. I guess someone has to do it.
I try.
so let's give this a go. i thought long and hard about joining SG. but i did it, thanks to my sickness of not refusing sales. but i was looking through the site and i notice these people are, you could say different. cause everyone and their mom has a myspace. and yeah, they're ok, but this is something different. these people want this connection,...
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Very sex.
You should update already.