B]Coffee and Tea

I am thrilled b/c a coffee place that I frequented in Philadelphia mail orders their beans. I've had a lot of coffee from a lot of places, but La Colombe does it best. Their "Corsica" blend is caramel-ly, and rich without being astringent.

For tea, I would recommend anyone order from Upton Tea.
They have an admirable (and affordable) selection of...
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lol..what an amazing entry. There's this Tai place where I was living that had this amazing yellow tea..it was sooooo good

thanks for the mail about my art. I appriciate the comment. If you're ever interested in purchasing some of it let me knowsmile
now that i have my dslr i will, but i need to find time outside school to shoot first.

Random Food Thoughts:

I'm disappointed and mystified that the US imports of Vittel and Volvic waters have no mineral content, unlike their versions in France and the UK.

Two other brands of chocolate worth attention:

Zotter is an Austrian (I think) brand which is extremely gifted with mixing flavors in high-quality bars. Chocolate with Saffron, anyone? Take a look here for a gallery of their...
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I had some gross rose flavored grappa and some really, really good chocolate kind.
How have you been??
I think your observations on RealDoll users are pretty accurate. Thanks. It's helped clarify my guesses as to why they creep me out as much as they do. wink
New Year's Dinner:

1) Mozarella and string beans (ever since I saw Artie Bucco push this dish on Carmella on the Sopranos, I've been hooked. Crunchy, lightly blanched and crunchy green beans go wonderful with a fresh, soft ball of mozarella, helped out by drizzling some good olive oil on top - easy and great)

2) Salt Cod Branade: My first time making this. You...
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Are there any left overs?!!
isn't that another word for admirer? smile she actually refused when he told her about his darker desires but told him later, she'll think about it.. we'll see.
Having moved to New York, I am now living in an almost entirely Chinese neighborhood. This has meant great restaurants, bakeries, and markets (especially the produce stands). Lately, however, I've been skirting the margins of my usual taste and experimenting with a Chinese snack/candy store.

One of the pleasures I've encountered are Gummis. Without being shaped into funky shapes, these are similar to the usual...
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Since I've moved, I cannot find my notes on chocolate in Paris, but anyone who is looking for good stuff there only need turn a corner to find it! If memory serves, one place in particular I would recommend for hand-made chocolates, great pastry, and drinking chocolate (called "the absinthe of chocolate" by the NY Times) is down towards the East end of the Ile...
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It's truly bizarre how much you know about chocolate. I say this with all due admiration, and I'm sure I've said it before, but it needs to be pointed out again. wink

As for the death penalty, yes. It's brought me back to the not-new realization that people seem to have the strongest opinions on topics that don't really touch their lives. A lot of the absolutists on either end of the board discussions, I'd be willing to wager, have never dealt with anyone involved in a death penalty case before, just as many of the most adamant people in the abortion debate have never had to confront the prospect of getting one themselves.

Absolutism is easiest in ignorance, evidently.
An apple theme last night:

1) Apple and Fennel Salad with Honeyed Walnuts
(sliced apple, Fennel in matchsticks and just a little olive oil, lemon juice, and salt)

2) Steak au poivre, finished with a Calvados reduction

3) Sauteed Apples and Ice Cream

i forgot that you live in europe, i'm so ignorant sometimes.. don't they import coppeneur ganaches in london!? i'll send you my favorites.. biggrin
It was Voyager. I like Next Generation the most, but any of them will do, really! wink
Dinner last night:

1) Beet salad with snow pea shoots and warm goat cheese.
2) Poached quail eggs with deep-fried garlic (which is first poached in milk to make it sweet)
3) Poaches sausage with steamed new potatoes
4) Sauteed sea bass on a bed of mashed potatoes and celery root (for which I used the leftover milk from the garlic)

And for dessert there...
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all over, im going on a two week tour... it will probably be with a bunch of senior citizens puke
but at least i get to see more that way
I'm trying to stop writing about chocolate, but...

Places to Eat or Buy Chocolate
(A VERY incomplete list that I am hoping to make bigger)

One can find a lot of good chocolate bars, but here are some places I like (starting with the more conventional)

1) Harrod's has your usual eating chocolates plus a surprisingly good Chocolate Bar. I've had two kinds of...
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I thought I'd wrap up my ranting about chocolate with some basic comments on regular, or slightly better than regular eating chocolate.

First of all, my tastes are definitely snobby. I like really good dark chocolate and I feel like milk or white chocolate is an inferior breed. However, when ice cream or brownies is the matter, all bets are off.

1. Favorite chocolate bar...
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hej, i like the ganaches by coppeneur (their chocolate-creations - omg!), i love godiva and yes, i llike dolfin, too. further, there's also zotter. and even hachez and lindt make good chocolates.
concerning your other question, i'll write you an email biggrin
your shitty e-mail-adresses don't work. puke
Chocolate Truffles

I've tried a few recipes, but this is probably the easiest and best one I'ev founds to make creamy, purely chocolaty truffles. (Adapted from The Cafe Cook Book):

2/3 cup heavy cream
14 oz chocolate, the higher percentage of cocoa solids, the better (to a point). I like something in the 70s.
4 tablespoons butter, set out to soften
Unsweetened cocoa...
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thank you! biggrin
truffles??! mmmmmm
mad got that failure notice twice again. however, did it work?
Hot Chocolate, Part 2

When making a basic cup of hot chocolate, it's nice to have some coffee flavor. The two best ways one can do this are:
1) Just pour in some coffee!
2) But that thins out the creaminess of the cocoa, so if one is really a workaholic, one can first bring the milk to a boil, dump a handful of coffee...
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Dark chocolate, definitely. wink

Re: pancakes -- they are indeed lighter than normal pancakes, but definitely not more savory. The vanilla flavor is quite strong (nice with the subtle flavor and texture of the ricotta) and they're very sweet. You could actually serve them as a dessert arrangement with the right fruit.