How unfortunate. I was browsing the web in search of this new video that Lady GaGa made that was apparently "inappropriate". Now before you jump to conclusions, I was at least 50% interested in her musical talent, not 25%. But yeah, anything deemed inappropriate deserves attention, so I browsed. Not really the most entertaining song, but the video itself did not lack originality.

Some people,...
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Wow that is rediculous. It makes me cry that I just read that! People seriously need to get a life.
The year of 2009 has been a trip. Career has gone places I would've never imagined, and now it appears it may take me somewhere east. England is my first choice, but turkey, korea, and japan have popped up as well. All are post office jobs, and being in the military, hardly any of them require me to be in uniform. Fuck yeah!

Asside from...
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Congrats on the good conduct medal, and good luck in getting stationed somewhere a little more exciting!
Definitely. My alaska tour ends in September, I'm looking forward to something new and exciting, and still hoping I meet someone special along the way.
This is my new theme song. I don't know what it means and can hardly stand the lyrics, but it sounds dark and brutal. Perfect.

Don't like it? Too bad. I had someone suggest today to listen to "hardcore" or w/e, music that's more uplifting and positive. Blah.

Good song....I like TDWP....little more up lifting and August Burns Red! Happy early birthday
I can't listen to that kind of music too much but it's not terrible.
So much shit going on up here in alaska. Lot's of bullshit drama. Yet I remember the one thing in life that can always put a smile on my face. Just... wow.
Prolly the reason I joined in the first place. Awesome set! love biggrin
Shitty mood. Long story. Best to save only the minor details: Chasing after women is hard work, upkeep is hard work, and longing and dreaming after the fabeled gem called love is even more work. It doesn't help the effect of anti depressants when the work turns to turmoil. Fruitless, that's what it is. Anyways, yeah.I am just energized enough from the numerious mini naps...
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Thanks V. PS I saw your BF online in WoW. I didn't recognize his name haha. Yeah I think a good temporary cure is to visit the strip club in the city...... which ain't the best considering it's alaska lol But hey, it's lovely women who want to make you happy with no emotional strings attached. I can't possibbly say no. Ever. biggrin
hey. noticed your post in the depression group. just wanted to say: one thing i've found, for me, that helps me out immensely is to focus on doing something every day. it doesn't matter what, as long as it leaves you a little bit fulfilled or, failing that, at least like you accomplished something that you set out to do. for me, typically, that means working a little bit on a song every day - even if i just do it in my head and write it down to record later or something, i make a point to at least do something music related. every single day.

and it helps. honest to god. your mileage may vary, but it really does help me. i'm not saying go try writing a song or anything like that - it works for me because music has always been my home base, it's always been there for me when i needed something to do or something to take my mind off things. so music may not be your thing, but something out there revs your engine. i know there's something, everybody has something whether they realize it or not.

maybe it's not a creative thing for you, though from what i've seen mostly these things tend to be. and, i dunno, maybe you already have your thing and maybe doing it doesn't help you as much as it does me. i'm not sure.

just thought it was worth mentioning.
Yes people. I have a new blog for today. It's titled " Losing Faith in Humanity". Some people go above and beyond to stereotype the rest of our human race as indecent creatures.

What is this world COMMING TO???? How could I possibbly think about our economy, or the fact that I'm helping to fight for our freedoms, when people like this are...
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Hahah dude.. horse fucking that's sick!
This one is also funny, for pokemon fans!


Edit: The best youtube poop of them all. I hope you've seen Toy Story!
Thanks for the cute comment on my set sweetie kiss xXx
What's C D? I'm glad you liked my set. So, many others hated the photogrphy and some even said it looked like kiddie porn. At least they gave good tips along with their brutal honesty.
Just wow. You have to be a DBZ fan to understand this. You also should be a Youtube Poop fan. Ha poop.

CHOOOOCOOOOOLATTTEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! eeek love mad surreal biggrin
Hahahahaha That was hilarious. I love DBZ.
Wow. This seems legit, and could end this relentless "spare tire" I've been fighting to get rid of for months!

A menu based on lean protein and vegetables is always going to score well in our book. With more than half a dozen sandwiches under 300 calories, plus a slew of soups and healthy sides to boot, Subway can satisfy even the pickiest eater...
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Yeah, my boyfriend works at subway and I was eating there every time he worked and I gained weight. So I beleive it!
Subway has to tell us to avoid cookies so we don't gain weight.... hmmm

stupid napkins.

Thanks for the add, sorry I took a while to get back to you biggrin
Hmmm a few good movies commin out soon. Halloween2 by Rob Zombie comes out on my BIRTHDAY! I can't wait! wink