I use this exercise with clients....but training clients and hypnotherapy....

Take a deep breath and close your eyes.

Imagine that standing right in front of you is you, the perfect you, the one with the body you want, the friends you want, the relationship you want....the life you want. This is you at the top of your game. This is the authentic you.

Take a...
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Hiya guys!

Bleugh...been ill for the last few weeks! Proper in bed, room spinning, don't know what day of the week it is ill.

Anyway, feeling excellent now smile I hope you've all been good while I was away!

I've got this week off and start my new job next monday...mmmmm, I don't even know how I'm gonna spend this week...made plans to catch up with...
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blush Thanks hun...I'll keep updates on my sis as I know morewink

Kisses kiss kiss
hey, it was good to finally hear something from you, i was getting worried. I am glad you are feeling better.

Thanks for all the compliments blush

For you, i will save some brownies, keep them hidden so she can't find them wink

I actually have written several short stories, i am sure they are bad, and i have no idea what i am going to do them, but it makes me feel better to write.

Hiya guys! smile

You're all looking lovely today!!!!!

Phew, what a week....it's flown past!

So the detox trip I'm on is going really well...had a bit of an indulgant time of it last week....got a price list from that place in the gym that waxed me last week so I thought I'd try a few other things out hahahaha.....aromatherapy massage on monday...and then a facial on...
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No, not the same guy. I'm telling you, we have some real jerks around here. This is exactly why I don't date anymore. If I dated one, I'd hurt one, really bad. I do think it's possible that Earl would hurt him. I'm not sure but it's possible. He has been "rough" on Kim before. I can tell you that if something like that ever happens, I cannot be held responsible for any actions I may take. You know ... I am sassy.

And I gave Maddy your love. She's more excited than ever to have you for dinner. Seems she's in love with you. skull biggrin
how have you been? i've been missin you. smile
Okay...embarrassing story of the day....

So a couple of months ago I was training one of my fitness clients, whilst showing her how to perform a lunge there was an almighty rip coming from the general direction of my arse....I'd split my training bottoms wide open. Hahaha, pretty funny at the time really, red cheeks (harhar) but I get on really well with rosie so...
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I'm home now - happy, darling? wink kiss
I'm doing good thank you hun, little tired but I have been lazy lately.
You should deffinately play arcanum.. I think it's the best RPG game I've come across to be honest, have to get into it but once you get past the first little bit it gets more and more in depth.
Not got overly much planned for the birthday so far other than drinks with friends at the local pub then going home and getting intoxicated with various things.. main celebration will be in September, lack of funds at the mo.
There isn't anything like the feel of bare flesh in the rain really..
Dads can suck..
How are you anyways? x
God damn! They made me miss my wine tasting class!

So, went to fresh & wild and bought meself a nice bottle of red...figured I'd have a wine tasting here...anyone wanna pop round? Bring kettle chips...hmmmm...and pie.


Hiya sweetheart,

Maddy was in my bed snuggled under the sheet. She isn't happy with your false allegation. Plus she doesn't have to take over the world. She already rules! tongue I don't think you fully grasp the trouble you have created for yourself with her. She mentioned therapy ... She said click this, then click the play button.

Dream *was* weird. It wasn't even x-ray. I was viewing exposed bone after pulling back the skin. There was no blood, muscle or tendon. (yum, now think about that a while) You must develop a stronger stomach if you ever want a career in the medical field. Of course, I'd hope you wouldn't see there, what I dreamed. Maybe I read too many medical books and have seen too many movies. Well, at least there wasn't a chainsaw. biggrin

Hope you had a good Saturday. kiss Sweet dreams Clarice. wink
Oh ... curse you .. curse you. 18th century masked ball ... the dark stranger eeek Call me right now. *Now.*

No. Don't call. It would be bad therapy.

So ... like um, are you wearing a cape at the .... No no no ... *don't* tell me. I don't wanna know. surreal

biggrin tongue
Hiya guys! smile

Phew....the weathers been *gorgeous* here in london the last few days! Not mad hot....just right.

Thanks for all your messages smile

So, I went to see my mum and sister down in portsmouth on sunday...was a great day...excellent to see them again. Everyone was on top form...although a bit of a shock finding out that my sis was married! She's 24, on her second...
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Look. Hide and Seek. I really want to see it but I get so scared. Like, I stayed up all night after Haute Tension. I love being scared like that but .. well, I think I should refrain from this one. surreal Plus, Hide & Seek - imaginary friend. I believe no good can come from it. biggrin
Um, I'm not worrying or anything, but, um ... ok I'm a tiny bit worried. Send out a bat signal or sumpin'. surreal
Hi!!!! smile

Had an excellent few days! Thanks for all the nice messages, very encouraging! biggrin

So...I went to my first 8thday event on thursday night....bloody brilliant. It was a ferris bueller theme party in a nice bar in fulham. Met some really, really lovely people...just every day guys and girls who wanna make loads of friends and have a good time.

The contrast is massive to...
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whats 8th day
Aye it is just part time but thats suits me fine at the moment, more spare time to fit other jobs and training in smile
Hows your day been?
Been feeling a bit down this last few days.

Had an excellent day on sunday...met up with my ex, jenny...we split up a couple of years ago. She's from the US and the long distance relationship just wasn't working. I ended it...one of the hardest things I've done.

She moved to London just before christmas and although we're still close friends...she doesn't wanna get back...
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Oh about what it could mean, about the MN dream that is. The only MN correlation I've found is that the most recent US quarter minted was that of MN. I've seen them recently and often. I think that's why it keeps popping up in dreams.

About the guy I was dating and his son ... nope. I have no idea.
MN, mid-state, is about 15 hours away so it'd be no day trip. But even if it were closer, I'm too analytical mad to stick a pin in a map. I wish I could but my brain won't stand for it.

And no that's not Maddy, her eyes glow purple in pictures. eeek That's Czar my monster cat. That is his reaction to me dancing around the room to loud music. It's also his reaction to me grabbing his baby face and giving him a big kiss on the forehead. One of these days, I believe he's going to rip off my face and call me Clarice or something. wink
I slept til 3. I've been shuffling around the flat aimlessly for hours. I hate hangovers. I dont know *what* was in the wine last night but I was on another planet.

The loudest bird in the world has been singing right outside my window...I say singing, of course I mean shrieking. Next doors cat has parked its arse in the middle of my garden...
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hello, i am great, that was a very much needed vacation smile
Well, my brother asked again about my decision to scale back. This time he said he understood. He doesn't really "get it" but he understood why I wanted to alleviate stress. I'm not sure why he caused to much friction the first few times we talked.

Brothers are troublemakers. So quit it. It gives us sisters stress. wink
Phew.....what a day!

Thanks for your support guys...it was really nice to come home to those messages. smile

Have just a few minutes ago accounted for all of my friends so things are good.

People here have been excellent...everybodys looked after everybody else...colour, race, religion, sexuality, country of origin, job, income level...none of it matters. Makes me proud.

As for so called terrorist attacks...they need to...
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Queens alright man!

Anyhow. The whole career thing. I am just torn. I can not figure out how much of it is me and how much of it is what I am doing. I aint gunna reach my potential in my current situation.
I know you are asleep now but I was looking over some emails and comments before going to bed. You crack me up.biggrin But no more bike riding while drunk. I hope you aren't still bleeding. I mean, not on the sheets. Please wash the sheets. I'm not gonna. Just sleep on the floor next time. wink

Seriously, I hope you didn't get hurt too badly. I'm sure you didn't feel the full effect of it before you went to bed, in your state. tongue (sorry, i just had to add that last line, oops.)
Firstly, I wanna thank all you guys for my birthday wishes smile

It was really nice and put a big smile on my face. blush biggrin

Phew....what an intense few days! Hahahahaha. I had monday and tuesday off work....and as fate would have it...erm, had to pull a sicky at work today too....I just couldn't handle it.

My birthday was excellent...had a very fun long weekend drinking, hanging...
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frown are you ok?

[Edited on Jul 07, 2005 8:31AM]
Hope you are alright buddy.

Talk to you about the other stuff when the noise fades.
Mmmmm food! Never underestimate the importance of good nutrition!

Went to the McDonalds drive-thru last night puke bleugh....I bloody hate McDonalds...the food there truly is toxic waste...I got the munchies after being on the beers at 3 this morning though, and it seemed like a good idea. The burger and fries feel like they've formed one big bowling ball that I've been carrying around in my...
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kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss
Well yes, you should have guessed, doc. He is my ocd, although it existed before him. He's the object of my delusional disorder. wink And tearing up is a sign of being the perfect man. My dad is perfect. And of course ... click the spoiler

About Grant's mom, I thought about befriending her. Then I worry about increasing my chances for getting caught alone with the dad again. That doesn't bother me as much as his reaction to her if she did build self-esteem. I have no idea of his temper. But can't you see me walking in .. "Let me show you how to handle your husband ... Married? Uh, no, I'm not married." biggrin There's that and the fact I'm not trained. Like I'd need training to deal with the likes of him. heh. don't analyze that. it's not a control issue, he's just mean. tongue