so I guess SG wants to pretend I have friends that'll pay for my account. Whatever. I get to check out babes. I'm a very different person from years ago. ooo aaa
haha they did the same to me! but im going to keep pretending someone actually liked me enough to send money my way to reactivate my account lol. although, obviously, thats probably not what happened, since ive been seeing other random people all getting their accounts reactivated around the same time..oh SGs, such sweethearts haha. anyways, also just wanted to say Howdy as I was aimlessly searching through people who live *somewhat* close to me.
i haven't written anything in forever. I'd apologize but I don't see the sense with only 14 friends - maybe 2 of which actually care about anything going on in my life. But for those two I owe them at least this:
My girlfriend got pregnant with my baby. then had an abortion. sad times.
I still love my girlfriend more than anything.
I have...
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haven't talked to you in awhile! good to hear things are truckin' along
i am really lazy. ooo aaa
my girlfriend is pregnant? ooo aaa
Whatttt?!?! Already?!
bored. more on this later. i have a digi cam and once I am comfortable with it, you will get to see too many pictures. I've been busy. ooo aaa
wow. I have basically ignored SG for a while, now. I'm starting to think I dont need it at all these days. but then again i like to check up on my "buddies" and such. I definately dont like how every time i log on, things are different. makes it very confusing for me. I'm a simple boy so the sporatic changes really kinda irritate...
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its really awesome that she trusts you enough to be close after that--i have friends that have been raped and sometimes they don't want to be touched at all, and they have a lot of relationship problems.

cute doves but weird representational elephant haha.
it isnt an elephant at all. its a hamsa. jewish symbol for peace. wards off the evil eye. i guess it does look like an elephant. haha. ooo aaa
+1 ooo aaa
longest time ever without posting. I've been busy with life. class. such nonsense. and frankly, I was so pleased with my last post I didnt want to replace it with some bland boring text without pictures to acompany it. Project jetta is back home so now I'm driving the golf again. I got a sweet new shift knob for project jetta in the mail though....
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i like how you post details of your sex life.
psssssht. id be "ugh"ing at menstration too dude.
yea, yea. Havent updated in a while. I've been busyliving my life. It's a good thing, you know? Not needing the computer for entertainment. I dont even hardly remember last week. Meri stayed over monday night. I dont really remember much of it. I stayed at her place Wednesday night. We're making a routine of it. Thursday night I went out on a cruise with...
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I have no idea why I even do these things anymore. Nobody comments. Not that theres ever anything terribly exciting to comment about. Oh well. Saturday already. Nothing exciting durring the week so much. Just went through the motions. I saw 2 extra credit movies. "Super Volcano" for geology, and "Three Sovereigns for Sarah" for my witchcraft class. Finally got a legit date from my...
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sounds like an awesome date! I have never hit it off with anyone so quickly!
i swear it was not my intention! I get propositioned with marriage at least once a month.. so i dunno...
Well nothing at all happened on Friday. Didnt see any girl. havent heard anything from her. and frankly, I do not care. Friday afternoon I went on a "critical mass" venture at my school - you know, where the bikers try to take over the streets. Only there are about 30 people who have got to be the most pretencious idealists ever. I just came...
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