For what it matters, Mark Messier was a class act - keeping on top of your game for 25 years is impressive - not even mentioning the obstacles presented him.
Essay On The Personal
Stephen Dunn

Because finally the personal
is all that matters,
we spend years describing stones,
chairs, abandoned farmhouses
until we're ready. Always
it's a matter of precision,
what it feels like
to kiss someone or to walk
out the door. How good it was
to practice on stones
which were things we could love
without weeping over. How good
someone else...
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Why havent we declared war on the environment?

It looks like Katrina will escape Tora Bora without being challenged

I fear she will aide the insurgents in Iraq.
Hmmm does your comment mean that you were married 11 years ago... and are getting a divorce too - or am I just reading more into this than needed.

PS I looked back over you journal entries and the quote about "no man is a penisula- he's an island" is from a Jefferson Airplane song.
That quote is actually the other way round....it's from the album "After Bathing At Baxter's".
The idea of a competency-based government seems like a good idea right about now.
Football Season Is Over.

No More Games. No More Bombs. No More Walking. No More Fun. No More Swimming. 67. That is 17 years past 50. 17 more than I needed or wanted. Boring. I am always bitchy. No Fun -- for anybody. 67. You are getting Greedy. Act your old age. Relax -- This won't hurt."

......it sounds selfish to me. Everyone's God given...
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I don't think there will be any real consequences other than to the displaced people. The powers that be will walk away shrugging and smiling, the way they have for 5 years.
Today I am pondering the Travers.

I went back East to Saratoga last week for the Alabama, without much financial success. Perhaps I will consult the I Ching on the Travers.
they somehow got my PIN number...i dont really know, thats the shitty thing. just dont ever give out your PIN, your social security number, or that three digit security thing on the back of your credit card without making sure youre giving them to site on a secure server (one that starts with https://), and you should be fine. and, most people know about it, but no company will ever ask for these things in an email since its not secure.

ugh, ive been super-paranoid about this shit happening, so im really careful, and STILL...

people are fuckeddddd. good luck, man. smile
Ive been away for awhile - adrift on the seas, avoiding cosmic debris, and taking refuge in far away and less than exotic port.

It feels good to be back.
There is an old Chinese lady who, every morning at exactly 09:03, walks, rolling a suitcase, through the parking lot upon which my office window overlooks and she stops and empties a big bag of bread crumbs for the sea gulls to eat. I hate sea gulls, but I love the ritual.
We share some same favorite SG pics, and some that are almost the same........................interesting.

Yoga dominatrix? how does that work, flexibly mean?
I hate my new boxer shorts. They are silk and ride up, so my dick and testicles hang out the bottom. I either need to: 1) buy new undies, 2) get a "tuck", or 3) go back to not wearing any.
A very long time ago, I used to hang out in a biker bar and the graffiti on the wall said No man is an islandhe is a peninsula. I never got it and I still dont.