Been a while since I've written anything of consequence here, so here we go two or three months of my life in one post -

Yeah I got nothing.

Sure there are work worries, things with girls and movies I've hated. But I feel that's just a cut and paste of everything else I've ever written. So I'm just going to make some stuff up...
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And we're back; this post is bought to you by Guitar Hero: Metallica and the Terminator movies.

I love this game and the whole Guitar Hero franchise in general. They are just a very satisfying series of games, simple in design but at times a brutal challenge. The latest entry is no different, and has the added bonus of being able to pretend youre in...
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Right then... were to start... hmm...

Lets start with Facebook, or rather something I read on Facebook. In a moment of boredom I browsed the profile of a guy I know whos posts alternate between being unintentionally hilarious and infuriating. This falls into the infuriating category. On one of those quiz things that gets passed around he's been queried on his taste in music. And...
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Do I know this person?
Is it Marna?
Some thoughts on the current season of 24, if you haven't seen upto episode 22 don't click the spoiler link.

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

A condensed appreciation of season 7 would be simply this, Wow. After two seasons that tread water and the appaling sixth season I was tuning into this current run more out of habit than love. But like a girlfriend that finally...
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Its not been fun watching the Star Trek franchise slowly crawl to a halt. Like a computer that lacks any housekeeping its slowly been filled with junk to the point were it no longer works. The only option is to wipe it clean (not reboot it as soon many people love fucking saying) and start again. Thank the lord that J J Abbrams typed C://FORMAT...
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I enjoyed reading this smile
Want to go see -

Last Friday Battlestar Galatica aired its final episode. And frak me if it wasn't a crushing disappointment. I'd of been less upset if the producers had just come on screen and said the following:

"Hi folks, seems we've written ourselves into a corner. Unfortunately we don't have a satisfying conclusion, so here's some music instead. Thanks for watching, and don't forget spin off show Caprica...
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You're crazy.

I like you.

But you're crazy.
If you haven't seen Watchmen but want too stop reading now -

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

The movie adaptation of Watchmen is a bit like a Terminator. Its looks as it should and sounds as it should. But instead of being a ground breaking work of fiction its a killer robot that wants to end humanity. Sorry hang on a sec my own metaphor is...
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Spiderman can suck my balls.

I still have not seen Watchmen so I feel unable to respond yet.
I'm still nervous for it. frown