Catching Up A Bit


Frolicon was a lot of fun. Debra and Brenda were both mostly fantastic. The convention end of things were pretty weak but the partying and socializing weaved into the convention was quite satisfying. We did get to go to some awesome classes taught by Lolita Wolf, though. We also got some new toys in the dealers room.

While I wasn't...
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it is good to see Onie out and about. i have no doubts that y'all had a great time. cannot wait to see the rest of the pictures.
your growing hair again!!
Phobia (4/7)

Brenda, Mark, and I went to Phobia last night. Debra stayed home with the kids so she could have alone time with Shane. It was kind of odd since it was the first time that Brenda has ever driven us to the Spring4th Center for an event. Normally Debra drives, whether because shes going as well or because shes dropping us off with...
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man.. one of these times im gonna have to actually come to one of these... it was nice seeing you at the Crown Plaza.. good times were had.. please email me the pix.. i think im actually gonna use on of those for a new profile pix.. what-da-ya-think... ?!!

much love.. as always..

Glad Frolicon was somewhat fun. Ben was telling me all about it...

I'm scheduled to attend Anime Weekend Atlanta... not sure about anything else coming up though.

Lets go get those beers sometime soon, School's out in may.
Saturday: Brian, Elmyr, and Hexxt

Saturday morningwell, more like Saturday afternoonI woke up and Brian was here. Wed been expecting him but I was half expecting him to bail at the last minute like last time. So even though I knew he was coming I was surprised to see him. Its been a while since weve had any visitors from Asheville.

Brian and I went...
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Nervous About The Future

Life has been exceptionally good of late, aside from being even more chaotic than usual. Thats why Im really nervous about the changes that will be taking place over the next couple of weeks. This will be Wyspurrs last week working at Einstein Bros. as she returns to school. This may be my last week working at Papa Johns unless...
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My Spoiler-Free Big Love Review

I had my doubts when I heard that HBO was doing a series about a polygamous family. My apprehensions doubled with the mentions of an element of Sopranos in the form of the Juniper Creek compound, which reeks of everything bad people think of when they think of religious communes, and its prophet Roman who may as well have walked...
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That's an interesting discussion, and I'm glad to know what they've done with the relationship dynamic. I have this awful curious streak, but I haven't brought myself to download any episodes.
Agreed! I'd like to see a bit more with the family all together, too. Seems like they're a bit too separate when Bill Paxton's character is around. I think it's great that they get their own days with him, but it doesn't seem that he spends much time with them in a group setting. Though I suppose that's part of the idea... he's so busy he can't give that time.

I actually managed to get quite a bit done with my Saturday. I called my mother so Destiny could thank her for the birthday party. I went to Wal-Mart with B-Side and Brendastarr85 to pick up the prints I ordered and when they didnt have them I said fuck it and bought a cheap printer and printed them my own self. I have a...
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Too Much Of A Good Thing

Life has been moving along at a rather brisk pace. Its been a little overwhelming to have so much stuff going on and so little time to really process it all. Its not that things havent been good. To the contrary, life has been fantastic. I just need a breather. Im thinking of shutting myself in this weekend. Theres...
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Time Keeps On Ticking

Where does the time go? Life has been great, but the pace has been frantic. I dont sleep, I take naps, and theres always so much to do that I have a hard time sorting it all out. Ive not really been able to keep up with all the mail piling up in my many message boxes and the journals of...
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There Will Be Hell To Pay

I am so pissed off right now it's not even funny. I ordered a collar and matching cuffs for Brenda, something that was very special to her and she'd been looking forward to immensely. I came home from work to find an email notifying me the package had been delivered 40 minutes before I'd come home. There was no...
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yeah I hate deleviery people. A friend back home sent me a King Cake for Mardi Gras, and the damn delivery guy had it leaned against the door like a book.... the damn package says THIS SIDE UP! but luckly the cake is sort of hard so no harm was done, but still, WTF people!
Return of Saturn

I have a savings account now. Ive had checking accounts before (though I havent had one in about 6 years), but Ive never had a savings account. Now Im kicking myself for not having one until now. I learned with my piggy bank that I can save money if I have a special place to put it aside that I can psyche...
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Di Version 2/17

wyspurr, brendastarr85, [BigBlack81], and I went to Di Version at Spring4th last night. After stopping for alcohol and Taco Bell, we made it there around 11ish. There werent a whole lot of people, unfortunately. I still had a really good time mingling with the people I already knew there but it wasnt a very good night for meeting new people....
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Ya the girl you can never remember is me....Jaime